Is strength being exchanged for weakness?

Is our society so weak that we now at a place where strength is considered over the top? What role do pastors in the pulpit play in the process?

9/11 Hate Speech?

What causes those of us not directly involved or affected by 9/11/2001 to consider truthful statements of behavior related to the events of that day hate speech?

16 years since 9/11/2001

Discussing a billboard put up along an NC Interstate by the NC Pastors Network in early May 2017. Gary Dull answers the following questions. Why is there such a visceral response now to this type of billboard? What has changed since the 16 years 9/11/2001 happen?

The True State of the Economy and Atheism in the US. Stand in the Gap Weekend 5/28/17

Everyday we hear information about the state of the economy from the media-but is what we’re hearing true? Can the Trump administration bring a positive change to our financial problems? Dan Celia, host of Financial Issues, joins the program to give insight on these questions. Also, Stand in the Gap Today co-hosts discuss a recent survey indicating that atheism is on the rise. How should the church respond and what can Pastors do to make sure the church is fulfilling its role to disciple believers?

Vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know

Is there one vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know?

What scriptures should Christians consider when witnessing to Jewish people?

What scriptures should Christians consider when witnessing to Jewish people?

Are Gentiles less effective in witnessing to friends who are Jewish?

Are Gentiles less effective in witnessing to friends who are Jewish?

Why hasn’t the connection that Messiah has come been made among the Jewish people?

Why hasn’t the connection that Messiah has come been made among the Jewish people?

Solutions to heal America’s great divide

What solutions can heal this great divide that has surfaced in America?
How urgent must we be in acting this out?

The fundamental root cause of division and opposition in our culture

What is the fundamental root cause of the division and opposition in our culture?