4/9/18 – Recognizing Revival from Revolution: The Crying Need for Discernment to Tell the Difference!

Recognizing Revival from Revolution: The Crying Need for Discernment to Tell the Difference! Topics discussed include: What is revival? The Red-Letter Revival. Update on Ahmed – A Christian facing death in Pakistan. What discernment looks like for Christians.

4/5/18 – Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working?

Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working? We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: Trump Tough Talk and N. Korea. Trump Tariffs and China. Sweet Talk and the Promise of Secularism.

4/3/18 – Already Gone, But Getting Them Back: Fighting for The Next Generation for Christ And Country!

Already Gone, But Getting Them Back: Fighting for The Next Generation for Christ And Country! We are joined by Nathan Kistler (Hope to The Hill). Topics discussed include: What are millennial’s seeking that they aren’t finding at church? What is the strong connection between proper teaching and where young adults end up in relation to Christianity? Where did the concept break down for the older generation to not teach the younger generation?

4/2/18 – Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’

Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’ We are joined by Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate, Alabama’s 2nd District). Topics discussed include: The fundamental problem of the swamp. The greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. Do “Mr. Smith’s” exist today? The importance of God fearing individuals running for public office.

3/29/18 – The Latest Research: Americans Favor Capitalism, but Tempted by Socialism…

The Latest Research: Americans Favor Capitalism, but Tempted by Socialism… We are joined by George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute). Topics discussed include: Americans only ‘favor’ Capitalism? What it means….. Is the American republic facing extinction? How did we get into this mess? Is there a way out?

3/28/18 – Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do?

Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do? We are joined by Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance). Topics discussed include: The Necessary Components of a Global Control System. The Reality of the Surveillance State. Why is there no concern? The Christian Response to Surveillance State.


3/27/18 – A Biblical Response to Sensationalism, Bias, and Hype in the Media

A Biblical Response to Sensationalism, Bias, and Hype in the Media. We are joined by Dr. Dan Olinger (Professor, Bible Chair at BJU). Topics discussed include: Recognizing sensationalism in media makes money but is NOT Biblical. Fake news is wrong about Americans being so “Angry.” The role Christians can bring in finding solutions to problems in our country. Solutions – Understanding the Sovereignty of God and how it controls our reactions to the media.

How can we identify news that’s sensational?

How can we tell when a news source is distorting facts to sensationalize the issues or even to try to influence our nation to change our culture and belief systems? Who can we turn to for factual information and truth?

How do we put faith into action without crossing the line into fear or sensationalism?

It appears we face a lot of apathy among American Believers, and many Christians don’t seem to be upset about things that we should find upsetting. Romans 12:9 says to “abhor that which is evil” and Ephesians 5:10 says we are to “reprove” the works of darkness. How do we preach the message of putting our faith in action without crossing the line into scare tactics or sensationalism?

Are Americans as angry as the media would lead us to believe?

Are Americans as angry and mad as the media would lead us to believe? Compared to other nationalities, is America more polarized as a whole?