Thanks for joining us for our new series aimed at helping pastors with current topics facing the church. Please take time to fill out the form at the bottom of the page and let us know what you think!
Pastor to Pastor Episode #22:
Philemon: A Letter for Relational Health in the Church
Episode Description:
Philemon is a small book in the New Testament, but it is packed with powerful and needed truth. Sam and Jamie discuss the why, how and what of Paul’s unusual letter to a friend and church leader to get things right and resolve a conflict. Pastors will be challenged to consider preaching through this book to their flocks.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #21:
Missing Men: Rejuvenating Men’s Ministry in our Local Churches
Episode Description:
Twenty years ago, Promise Keepers was a driving force to motivate men to come back to church and pursue growth and involvement. Today, men again are missing in the landscape of the church. There needs to be an all-out effort to encourage, equip and excite men to maturity and leadership.
-with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer
Pastor to Pastor Episode #20:
Renewing Our Commitment to Senior Saints
Episode Description:
For many years, churches have pushed aside our older members and attendees. We have changed our programs, minimized their involvement and focused mostly on the younger generation. These senior saints are faithful, valuable, and necessary for church life. How do we renew our ministry to them and for them?
-with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer
Pastor to Pastor Episode #19:
Seeds of Revival: What are the Seven Marks of a Genuine Awakening?
Episode Description:
1 Chronicles 7:14 is a well known passage that speaks to a national revival occurring. In that passage are seven marks that Pastors, churches, and believers globally need to fully embrace if a return to God and spiritual awakening both personally and corporately is to be experienced.
-with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer
Pastor to Pastor Episode #18:
Who Owns your Sermons? The Potential Legal and Relational Conflict Pastors Face
Episode Description:
It’s hard to believe we need to discuss this issue but it’s becoming more and more of an issue. Some churches believe they pay a pastor to produce a sermon and so the message is a “work product” and they own it. Some pastors produce books and radio programs from their sermons and make exorbitant amounts of money causing envy and friction in the flock. What can we do to avoid conflict and is there a fair and reasonable way to handle this issue? This program will be extremely helpful for church boards to listen to together and discuss the ramifications.
-with Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer
Pastor to Pastor Episode #17:
Shepherding Your Flock Through an Election Year
Episode Description:
2024 looks to be a contentious and divisive year of politics. Those polarizing elements are going to creep into congregations. Is there anything a pastor can do to prepare for the this coming election and how do you guide your people?
Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer discuss how Pastors can teach their congregation to evaluate candidates.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #16:
Putting Your House in Order – What Pastors Need to Know About Their Financial Future
Episode Description:
Statistics are shocking; most pastors have thought little about retirement, life insurance, preparing a will and considering what life will be like after ministry. It is a matter of stewardship and most pastors are not being faithful about their futures.
Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer discuss how Pastors can financially prepare for the future.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #15: Enfolding New Believers – Why Assimilation Matters.
Episode Description:
One of the most vital aspects of ministry in any church is developing a path for new people to find their way into the life and flow of a church. It does not just happen and every pastor must think through what their intentional plan of assimilation will be.
Dr. Jamie Mitchell and Hon. Sam Rohrer discuss how Pastors can be deliberate in the involvement of new believers.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #14: Disappointment, Depression, and Discouragement: What’s the Difference?
Episode Description:
All three of these struggles will plague a pastor or church leader during their ministry and probably more than we would like to admit. All three are very different and need a different response and perspective change to overcome and grow through.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #13: Why People Give
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Pastor to Pastor Episode #12: Christmas
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Pastor to Pastor Episode #1: How Has the Philosophy of the Church Failed During the Covid Crisis?
Episode Description:
“We were not exposed to COVID – COVID exposed us!” That is a profound and sad statement, but true! We have never seen this more than the failed response and inability to adequately minister to the flock by the church in the past two years. It is that many churches were paralyzed or was it baked into the formula by the way they had decided to do ministry? Today we examine some of the philosophy of ministries that churches have embraced and how it failed in the crisis.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #2: Why is teaching on God-ordained authority critical and how did we see it play out during Covid?
Episode Description:
The Bible makes it clear that God established certain human institutions or authorities to provide leadership over mankind for divine purposes. The key is that no one authority is to have superiority over all other authorities. This is being tested through COVID and most pastors and church members have no clue what is happening and they fear addressing it.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #3: The Great Clergy Exit: The Next Pandemic
Episode Description:
One study has predicted that some 3,000 clergy will walk away from the ministry in the next year or two from the aftermath of 2020. What is the root cause and is there anything we can do to help pastors navigate this difficult season? Sam and Jamie discuss these questions and more.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #4: The Reality of Grief in a Pastor’s Life and the Long Term Effects
Episode Description:
Grief is a complex subject, yet in essence it is the natural and necessary response that God has built in us to handle the losses in our lives. Loss is the disappearance of valued or significant people, possessions, positions and places. Ministry is filled with loss but most pastors aren’t allowed to grieve or they put self-imposed restrictions to allow it to happen. How is this affecting Pastors? Especially during holiday seasons?
Pastor to Pastor Episode #5: An Apologetic for Regathering the Church
Episode Description:
Following a difficult and divisive 2021, will we see churches return to pre-Covid attendance? Will people be driven to seek out Christian fellowship? Statistics say only 41% will do so. Then there is the whole issue of people now liking their online experience.
How did we get here and how do we unravel the mess that we may be responsible for? We need to develop a convincing argument why “not forsaking assembling” is important.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #6: The Absence of Prayer in the Church
Episode Description:
Some churches used to be known as “praying churches” but now you are hard pressed to encounter a Sunday morning where the church is led in some kind of prayer. Interestingly there is a philosophical reason why prayer has been de-emphasized in the church and now we are starting to see the long term effects on the spiritual health of congregations.
Pastor to Pastor Episode #7: The Difference Between Oneness and Unity
Episode Description:
You can force and fake unity in the church. However when pressure, problems, and disagreements arise it will be oneness that carries the day and moves the church forward. What is the difference and why is settling for unity a problem? Even more importantly, how can oneness be achieved in the Body of Christ?
Pastor to Pastor Episode #8: Leadership Primer: What Every Pastor Needs to Know to Become a Good Leader
Episode Description:
It’s been said that “leadership is influence”. Leaders are to impact the people whom they’re leading and point them in a direction that is beneficial for the followers and also for the corporate entity the leader is attempting to build. Pastors are viewed as leaders, yet not all are “gifted” in leadership as noted in Romans 12. Most have spent their training on learning how to communicate and develop messages but spend little to no time considering the issue of leadership.
If we would be honest, “preaching a 40 minute sermon” is not meeting the leadership demands in most churches and it may be the reason the church isn’t making an impact in the world. What are some basics concerning LEADERSHIP that every pastor, no matter the size or breadth of his ministry, needs to know in order to lead, and to lead well?
Pastor to Pastor Episode #9: Determining Your Church Culture
Episode Description:
Every church has a unique set of variables that, when blended together, creates a distinct culture. Not all churches and ministries are the same, and their culture controls and influences its ministry’s effectiveness more so than its statement of faith or pastoral presence. As a matter of fact, cultural distinctions outlast a pastor’s tenure every time. How do you discern your church’s culture and can it be changed?
Pastor to Pastor Episode #10: Engaging Your Community: The Power of Good Works
Episode Description:
The reason why the world does not care about what we know is that they do not believe we care about them. Here’s another way to think about it. If the church was raptured tomorrow, would the lost community around your church even feel your absence? Most churches fail to find ways to engage in the life of their community. Jeremiah’s word to those in exile were to “seek the welfare of the city”. What does that mean and how do we accomplish that?
Pastor to Pastor Episode #11: Why Liberty Sunday?
Episode Description:
On Sunday July 3rd, the American Pastors Network is asking pastors to unite together and celebrate Liberty Sunday with their congregations. Do we really understand liberty both nationally but most important spiritually? Sam and Jamie define and describe what the unique nature of liberty is in our lives and why it should be celebrated.