4/9/18 – Recognizing Revival from Revolution: The Crying Need for Discernment to Tell the Difference!

Recognizing Revival from Revolution: The Crying Need for Discernment to Tell the Difference! Topics discussed include: What is revival? The Red-Letter Revival. Update on Ahmed – A Christian facing death in Pakistan. What discernment looks like for Christians.

4/5/18 – Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working?

Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working? We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: Trump Tough Talk and N. Korea. Trump Tariffs and China. Sweet Talk and the Promise of Secularism.

4/4/18 – Storming the Borders: From Mexico to Gaza

Storming the Borders: From Mexico to Gaza. We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Host of Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: The U.S. Military to the Mexican Border: What it means? The IDF to the Hamas Border: Where it’s headed? Turkey’s Erdogan to Syria: Inevitable U.S. Conflict? Special Days in Israel: Trump to Rebuild the Temple?

4/3/18 – Already Gone, But Getting Them Back: Fighting for The Next Generation for Christ And Country!

Already Gone, But Getting Them Back: Fighting for The Next Generation for Christ And Country! We are joined by Nathan Kistler (Hope to The Hill). Topics discussed include: What are millennial’s seeking that they aren’t finding at church? What is the strong connection between proper teaching and where young adults end up in relation to Christianity? Where did the concept break down for the older generation to not teach the younger generation?

4/2/18 – Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’

Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’ We are joined by Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate, Alabama’s 2nd District). Topics discussed include: The fundamental problem of the swamp. The greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. Do “Mr. Smith’s” exist today? The importance of God fearing individuals running for public office.

3/29/18 – The Latest Research: Americans Favor Capitalism, but Tempted by Socialism…

The Latest Research: Americans Favor Capitalism, but Tempted by Socialism… We are joined by George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute). Topics discussed include: Americans only ‘favor’ Capitalism? What it means….. Is the American republic facing extinction? How did we get into this mess? Is there a way out?

3/28/18 – Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do?

Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do? We are joined by Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance). Topics discussed include: The Necessary Components of a Global Control System. The Reality of the Surveillance State. Why is there no concern? The Christian Response to Surveillance State.


What must the church/pastors do to protect/preserve our 2nd Amendment liberty?

What must the church/pastors do to not only protect/preserve our 2nd Amendment liberty, but also our 1st Amendment freedom?

Can the appearance of a gun lead to violence?

We know that guns don’t kill, people do, any more than cars cause accidents, drivers do.  Yet, the AR-15 is the scape goat.  Most assume that AR, in AR-15 means “Assault Rifle.”  It does NOT.  It stands for “Armalite Rifle”–so named for the company that developed the gun.  Dave Kistler (“Stand in the Gap Today” co-host) even heard from a friend, who has become a strident anti-gun advocate, say that the mere appearance of the AR-15 (it’s fearsome look) causes its owners to respond in a way that can lead to violence.  Is this type of thinking insanity?

Thoughts on the “March for Our Lives”

Many individuals with deep pockets and resources contributed to the “March for Our Lives” event. What does the cast of characters say about who was behind this event and its goals going forward?
Is there any possibility that this was an organic, grass roots, student-led event, as it was promoted and perceived?
What will be the long-term effect of this event–on Congress? On the country? On the church?