Vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know
Is there one vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know?
Deuteronomy 4:33-40, “Has a people heard God’s voice speaking from the fire as you have, and lived? Or has a god attempted to go and take a nation as his own out of another nation, by trials, signs, wonders, and war, by a strong hand and an outstretched arm, by great terrors, as the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? You were shown these things so that you would know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides Him. He let you hear His voice from Heaven to instruct you. He showed you His great fire on earth and you heard His words from the fire. Because He loved your fathers, He chose their descendants after them and brought you out of Egypt by His presence and great power, to drive out before you nations greater and stronger than you and to bring you in and give you their land as an inheritance, as is now taking place. Today, recognize and keep in mind that the Lord is God in Heaven above and on earth below; there is no other. Keep His statutes and commands, which I am giving you today, so that you and your children after you may prosper and so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you for all time.”
Is there one vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know?
What scriptures should Christians consider when witnessing to Jewish people?
Are Gentiles less effective in witnessing to friends who are Jewish?
Why hasn’t the connection that Messiah has come been made among the Jewish people?
The Institute for Scripture Research (ISR) is an organization registered in South Africa for the purpose of spreading the truth of the Scriptures to the world through its various publications. Our vision is to faithfully proclaim YHWH and his word throughout the world by means of all our publications.
Our primary means though is through the translating, printing and publishing of a literal translation of “The Scriptures” that is as accurate as we can make it.
We have restored the name of the Father and his Messiah while also preserving the Hebraic mind-set of the original writers, to the best of our ability. In so doing we hope that it will shed further light on the understanding of the message of the Scriptures, thereby spiritually enriching the lives of its readers. Such a translation would be subject to on-going revision, as the ISR continues its quest to make it more and more accurate.
To further this end we also offer the public other publications that we believe may be excellent tools in the hands of those who seek for truth.
Faith for All of Life is the bi-monthly magazine of the Chalcedon Foundation committed to “Proclaiming the Authority of God’s Word Over Every Area of Life and Thought.”
Formerly titled the Chalcedon Report, this insightful magazine has consistently put forth the message of the Kingdom of God since 1965.
An online subscription to Faith for All of Life is free. Simply create an account and you can access both the latest issue as well as the archives.
If you’d like to receive a print subscription of Faith for All of Life delivered by mail, click here. It’s a great way to support Chalcedon!
Established in 1965, Chalcedon (kal-SEE-dun) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and Christian educational organization devoted to research, publishing, and promoting Christian reconstruction in all areas of life.
Chalcedon is geared to all who understand that Jesus Christ speaks to the mind as well as to the heart.
We believe that the whole Word of God must be applied to all of life. It is not only our duty as individuals, families and churches to be Christian, but it is also the duty of the state, the school, the arts and sciences, law, economics, and every other sphere to be under Christ the King. Nothing is exempt from His dominion. We must live by His Word, not our own.
Chalcedon is premised on the belief that ideas have consequences. It takes seriously the words of Professor F. A. Hayek:
“It may well be that scholars tend to overestimate the influence which we can exercise on contemporary affairs. But I doubt whether it is possible to overestimate the influence which ideas have in the long run.”
Chalcedon’s resources are being used to remind Christians of this basic truth: What men believe makes a difference.
“Therefore men should not believe lies, for it is the truth that sets them free” (John 8:32).
Chalcedon’s activities include foundational and leadership roles in Christian reconstruction. Our emphasis on the Cultural or Dominion Mandate (Genesis 1:28) and the necessity of a return to Biblical Law has been a crucial factor in the challenge to Humanism by Christians in this country and elsewhere. Chalcedon’s involvement in and commitment to Christian education began with its inception when founder Rousas John Rushdoony pinpointed the Christian and home schools as the most important institutions in reversing the influence of secular Humanism.
Our scholars speak regularly at conferences in America and overseas for various churches, schools, and private organizations. Chalcedon also hosts its own regional conferences across America.
In an era of uncertainty and fear of doom, Chalcedon presents a message of victory and envisions our age as a great opportunity for the consistent Biblical believer. A world that is increasingly pessimistic and disillusioned with the failure of secular Humanism is now feeling the impact of Christians who are exercising dominion and reclaiming lost spheres of authority for Christ the King.
Torah Class is an independent, non-denominational organization of gentile Christians and Messianic Jews who meet to learn Torah and Old Testament (Tanach) from a biblical and messianic perspective, and then apply our understanding to the works of the Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach in the New Testament and ultimately to our life and personal relationship with God.
Our 7-fold mission is to:
1) worship and study the whole Word of God in spirit and truth,
2) recover the foundational patterns and principles of the Bible as exhibited in the 1st generation church,
3) revitalize Torah principles in our lives and hearts in light of the advent of Yeshua,
4) bless (and be blessed by) Israel, the land and the people,
5) break down the walls of division between Jew and gentile,
6) restore the pure spirit and basic purpose of the earliest Messianic movement that began with Jews and expanded to include gentiles following the death and resurrection of our Savior Yeshua, and
7) to make available to others around the world, at no cost, the teachings and lessons of Torah Class and the works of outstanding Bible and Torah scholars, academics, Rabbis, Teachers, and writers.
Either we have many contradictions in God’s Word or a misunderstanding spanning generations back to Constantine and the supposed Holy Roman Empire.
Our purpose for this site is to bring simple articles and instruction teachings to those who are New 2 Torah. We search the internet trying to find Torah teachers who think like we do and love Yeshua our Messiah who was the perfect unblemished Lamb.
We find these teachers and share the teachings at this site in hopes of consolidating them for people interested in them. The result is a great site with all kinds of different links to teachings that people can use to study the Bible.
119 Ministries is a ministry dedicated to seeking, teaching and living out the truth of the Word. Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended.
We find that continuously examining the Scriptures (in the same Hebraic first century context and perspective in which they were written and understood) reveals to His people much more understanding, as opposed to the more common Greek mindset that is a couple thousand years removed.
We firmly believe in testing all doctrine to His Word and only holding on to what is good. Any belief that may fail such a test (regardless of that particular doctrine’s origin or even its popularity) is systematically rejected.
We seek to search the scriptures daily, in the same way Paul commended the Bereans in determining what was true. Through the leading and teaching of the Spirit we aim to bring 100% pure truth to all nations, teaching them to obey everything He commanded.
We recognize that this is not always easily done, and we welcome friendly and truth seeking engagement from fellow believers in His perfect Word , as we also believe iron sharpens iron.
We expect to challenge you, and also desire to be challenged, all under our unified desire to seek, understand, and apply His one and only Truth as revealed in His Word.
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© 2025 American Pastors Network.
The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation
(a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Community Foundation registered nationwide)