4/6/18 – Return of the Dubai Ports Deal… This Time by Stealth!

Return of the Dubai Ports Deal… This Time by Stealth! We are joined by Dave Bailey (Author, Education Consultant). Topics discussed include: The Dubai Ports Deal of 2006. The Stealth Wilmington Ports Deal of 2018. The People and Concerns in the stealth –  Wilmington Ports Deal. What should be asked? What can be done?

4/5/18 – Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working?

Tough Talk and Tariffs: Are they working? We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: Trump Tough Talk and N. Korea. Trump Tariffs and China. Sweet Talk and the Promise of Secularism.

4/4/18 – Storming the Borders: From Mexico to Gaza

Storming the Borders: From Mexico to Gaza. We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Host of Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: The U.S. Military to the Mexican Border: What it means? The IDF to the Hamas Border: Where it’s headed? Turkey’s Erdogan to Syria: Inevitable U.S. Conflict? Special Days in Israel: Trump to Rebuild the Temple?

4/2/18 – Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’

Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’ We are joined by Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate, Alabama’s 2nd District). Topics discussed include: The fundamental problem of the swamp. The greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. Do “Mr. Smith’s” exist today? The importance of God fearing individuals running for public office.

A Four-Step Approach for Knowing Where to Stand on Cultural Issues

In today’s digital age, Christians must be much more aware of cultural and societal issues, and sometimes, find themselves engaged in debates concerning gun control, religious liberties, abortion, the economy, immigration and threats to America—even if they don’t want to be.

Now, the American Pastors Network (APN) and its radio ministry, “Stand in the Gap Today,” are offering a checklist of sorts so Christians can consider almost any of these issues by asking four questions.

“Nearly any issue of freedom can be considered from the basic principles upon which our representative republic sits,” said APN President and radio host Sam Rohrer. “If these considerations are not made, we will begin to lose our civil freedom, and it will not return. Decisions regarding freedom and liberty must be linked to eternal moral principles, linked to history and linked to reality.”

To help Christians consider these issues from the viewpoint of what the Bible says, what the Constitution permits, what freedom requires and what justice demands, APN has created an infographic titled “Knowing Where to Stand on Today’s Toughest Issues: A Dynamic 4-Step Approach to Evaluating Today’s Most Challenging Issues:”

  1. What does the Bible say? If God explicitly says it, we obey (Deuteronomy 30:15-19). If God is not explicit, we apply biblical principles.
  2. What does the Constitution permit? The Constitution complements the Bible, not vice versa. Established laws must conform to the Constitution that recognizes God created rights.
  3. What does freedom require? The end result of accepting biblical truth is freedom. Freedom is the result but also the goal.
  4. What does justice demand? The primary purpose of government is to enact justice—to punish the evil doer and reward those who do good. The administration of justice must conform to biblical principles and constitutional law.

“This framework and roadmap will permit any person, whether in office or a private citizen, to come to the right solution regarding a variety of challenging issues,” Rohrer added, “providing that they, in fact, want to come to a conclusion that protects our Constitution and our freedom—that is the hinge pin.”

3/28/18 – Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do?

Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do? We are joined by Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance). Topics discussed include: The Necessary Components of a Global Control System. The Reality of the Surveillance State. Why is there no concern? The Christian Response to Surveillance State.


3/27/18 – A Biblical Response to Sensationalism, Bias, and Hype in the Media

A Biblical Response to Sensationalism, Bias, and Hype in the Media. We are joined by Dr. Dan Olinger (Professor, Bible Chair at BJU). Topics discussed include: Recognizing sensationalism in media makes money but is NOT Biblical. Fake news is wrong about Americans being so “Angry.” The role Christians can bring in finding solutions to problems in our country. Solutions – Understanding the Sovereignty of God and how it controls our reactions to the media.

How can we identify news that’s sensational?

How can we tell when a news source is distorting facts to sensationalize the issues or even to try to influence our nation to change our culture and belief systems? Who can we turn to for factual information and truth?

Are Americans as angry as the media would lead us to believe?

Are Americans as angry and mad as the media would lead us to believe? Compared to other nationalities, is America more polarized as a whole?

Current generation seeing more hype and sensationalism than previous generations?

Is this current generation seeing more hype and sensationalism than previous generations?