The Pulpit & Charlottesville

Why has the Church and the pulpit been so quiet and divided concerning the issues brought about by Charlottesville?

The faith community’s role in change

What does the faith community need to do in keeping change going forward?

9/1/17 – The Great Need for Churches to Evangelize

The Great Need for Churches to Evangelize. Topics discussed include: Gov. Abbott declares day of prayer in TX. Most churches in the U.S. not effectively evangelizing their communities. Reasons for the lack of evangelizing in our churches. Action steps that each of us can use to be more effective at evangelizing.

Advice for churches in ministering to different cultural groups

What are recommendations for a church or ministry that is seeking to minister to a different cultural group that can help them show God’s love and make all the people of that community feel welcome at their church?

8/18/17 – Equipping Christians to understand the need for Biblical stewardship

Equipping Christians to understand the need for Biblical stewardship. We are joined by Justin Murff (president of NexGenerosity, minister). Topics discussed include: Reaction to the current atmosphere in America. Update on what’s happening with “The American Pastors Network”. Has America’s abandoning to serve the Lord affected us economically? Hardships for Millennials because of debt. Tithing in the 21st Century Church. Direct steps for better stewardship.

8/11/17 – The Benefits to Society when our Government Endorses the Second Amendment

The Benefits to Society when our Government Endorses the Second Amendment. We are joined by Alex Sitman (Commercial Gun Builder). Topics discussed include: Why is the Second Amendment so controversial today? What is the “Civilian Marksmanship Program”? How can we protect our Second Amendment? The Persecution of Christians in North Korea. Pastors responsibility to preach about societal issues.

7/28/17 – The Biblical position of the Pastor in the Church according to God’s Word

The Biblical position of the Pastor in the Church according to God’s Word. Current Events: The failed repeal of Obamacare. Pressure on AG Sessions.

7/14/17 – The Role and Responsibility of Pastors in the Church, Culture (public square), and Government

The Role and Responsibility of Pastors in the Church, Culture (public square), and Government. Topics discussed include: Pastoral involvement in the historical founding of America. The Role and Responsibility of Pastors in the Church, Culture (Public Square), and Government.

What is missing in the American Church to deal with issues of cultural diversity?

In the book of Acts, we read about cultural diversity and how every nation is represented. How does this help deal with such issues in 2017? What is lacking or missing as the church in America to deal with these problems?

Poor discipleship = Lack of solid Biblical Worldview?

Is lack of a solid Biblical Worldview in Christianity due to the failure of proper discipleship?