4/2/18 – Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’

Desperately Needed–More ‘Mr. Smiths’ And More Than ‘A Few Good Men!’ We are joined by Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate, Alabama’s 2nd District). Topics discussed include: The fundamental problem of the swamp. The greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic. Do “Mr. Smith’s” exist today? The importance of God fearing individuals running for public office.

1/8/18 – Cultural Engagement by Engaged Christians–Why It’s Right and Necessary!

Cultural Engagement by Engaged Christians–Why It’s Right and Necessary! Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate, Alabama’s 2nd District). Topics discussed include: What could happen in America if Christians would be obedient to a calling to run for office? What happens when Christians don’t fulfill their civic, and more importantly Biblical duty of being engaged in what we call the political process? What are the issues Rich Hobson would support if elected to Congress?

What happens when Christians don’t fulfill their civic and more importantly Biblical duty in the political process?

Rich Hobson (candidate for U.S. Senate – Alabama’s 2nd District) is asked, what happens when Christians don’t fulfill their civic and more importantly Biblical duty in the political process?

Christian obedience to the calling to run for office

What could happen in America if Christians would be obedient to the calling to run for office?

12/5/17 – Current Events: Jack Phillips Supreme Court Case. Pres. Trump endorses Roy Moore. The President’s Travel Ban

Current Events: Jack Phillips Supreme Court Case. Pres. Trump endorses Roy Moore. The Supreme Court upholds Pres. Trump’s Travel Ban. We are joined by Peggy Nienaber (V.P. Operations, Faith & Action DC) and Rich Hobson (Chief of Staff for Senate Candidate Judge Roy Moore).

What Issues are important to the people of AL?

What issues are most important to the people of AL that will vote for the next Senate candidate on Tuesday Dec. 12th?

If Judge Moore wins, how will that vindicate him?

If Judge Moore wins, how will that vindicate him? What will it do for future Christian conservative candidates that desire to run for office?

How important is the endorsement from Pres. Trump for Roy Moore?

How important is the endorsement from Pres. Trump for Roy Moore?

The accusations against Senate candidate Roy Moore

What is the vetting process for someone to run for public office? How could these accusations for Justice Moore not have come out prior to now? Have any of those accusing Judge Moore in Washington D.C. picked up the phone to speak with him personally? Will more of this type of behavior occur in the remainder of the time leading up to the election? How are those in AL responding to these accusations?

Potential damage to the justice system from false accusations

What is the potential damage to our justice system when these types of accusations are tried in the public square before there’s any kind of proof?