3/28/18 – Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do?

Consequences of the Surveillance State: What Can We Do? We are joined by Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance). Topics discussed include: The Necessary Components of a Global Control System. The Reality of the Surveillance State. Why is there no concern? The Christian Response to Surveillance State.


1/15/18 – Surveillance & Biometrics: Greater Freedom or Slavery Just Ahead?

Surveillance & Biometrics: Greater Freedom or Slavery Just Ahead? We are joined by Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance). Topics discussed include: If Uncle M.L. Could Tweet. Government’s Appetite to Control: Controllable? The Latest Means of Surveillance: How close to home? Inevitable Control?

How close are we to an integrated worldwide system of control?

Ultimately, Christians know that Biblically, a global government will arise and from out of that global government the Anti-Christ will arise and with it the ability to control all economic purchases and life actions. Sounds a lot like the interlinked government and banking data bases we’ve been discussing. How close are we to an integrated worldwide system of control? How inevitable is this control? What should we do about it?

The Latest Means of Surveillance: How Close to Home?

Does the US government maintain massive data bases that house massive personally identifiable data on law abiding citizens? Do we know where they’re located? What departments manage them?
Is there any personal privacy for American citizens today? What concerns should Americans have about the collection of data?
Is there any evidence this collection of information is being used in an unconstitutional manner or could be misused in the future?
What are more examples of ways we’re being monitored in our homes?

Are there good benefits from collecting and storing massive amounts of personal information?

Gary Dull ask Mark Lerner (Co-Founder of the Stop Real ID Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance), can you objectively name just a few truly good benefits from collecting and storing such massive personal information if any? What are a few of the most obvious already known or likely potential dreadful impacts that would undermine freedom as we’ve known it?

Does facial recognition technology pose a great threat to freedom?

Does facial recognition technology combined with the usage of cameras, satellites, and data bases pose one of the or perhaps the greatest threat to human freedom the world has ever seen?

Bio-metrics and Facial Recognition

What is bio-metrics and how specifically it relates to facial recognition?