3/20/18 – What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 2: Islam’s Deceptive Agenda for a Desperately Unaware Church

What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 2: Islam’s Deceptive Agenda for a Desperately Unaware Church. Topics discussed include: Is the evangelical church aware of the threat Islam poses to both our nation and church? Has the U.S. entered into a covenant of submission with Islam? The blindness among leaders concerning Islam. What do pastors need to do to correct this problem of not knowing the deceptive nature of Islam?

Has the U.S. entered into a covenant with Islam?

How have we gotten to the point where Islam is pervasive, Christianity is persecuted, and the silence of most pastors is deafening?
Is it possible that knowing the truth of Islam will lead Christians to their knees in repentance?

Advice for pastors concerning the deceptive nature of Islam

What do pastors need to do to in informing themselves about the deceptive nature of Islam? How can pastors issue a clarion warning to their congregants concerning Islam?

Could churches be converted to mosques in America?

In the United Kingdom, buildings that once housed Christian churches are now either vacant or have become Islamic mosques. Could that possibly occur in America?

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques

American blindness among leaders towards the hypocrisy of Islam

What is causing the incredible blindness that keeps America national leaders and religious leaders (particularly our evangelical leaders) from seeing the hypocrisy by Islam (ex. Islam never allows Christianity into its doors, but wants to be accepted in ours) and more critically the danger?

Is the American church in deep trouble?

Dr. Ravi Zacharias discusses a conversation with a well known American preacher where the individual didn’t see much difference between Islam and Christianity. Is this warning that the American church is in deep trouble?

3/19/18 – What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 1: An Expose of Islamic Ideology and Its Grand Design for America

What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 1: An Expose of Islamic Ideology and Its Grand Design for America. We are joined by Tom Wallace (Fortress of Faith). Topics discussed include: What is the modus operandi (MO) of CAIR? Why are Islamic police officers unable to really swear allegiance to U.S. law and really protect U.S. citizens? What about those who say people are overacting, Islamophobic, crying wolf?  How do we answer those critics who refuse to see what is glaringly in front of us? What must take place inside the churches and behind the pulpits to fan the flame of a revival in America?

What must be done to confront the evil, anti-God, anti-American ideology called Islam?

America has to deal with this evil, anti-(True) God, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, ideology called Islam. What must be done to confront this vicious snake?