The violent history of Islam
The violent history of Islam. How do those today ignore this history?
The violent history of Islam. How do those today ignore this history?
Dan Kistler (Gov’t, history and economics teacher, Islamic scholar) shares the history behind America’s first interaction with Islamic thought and ideology
What does the term “Islam” mean? What is the early history of Islamic thought?
Pres. Trump’s speech. Primer on the religion of Islam. The March Against Sharia. “The Perfect Man” Billboard. We are joined by Nathan Kistler (Hope To The Hill).
What happens when a Muslim accepts Christ as Savior?
Are Muslims coming to Christ because of interaction with people or is Christ appearing to them?
What resources and tools exist that would help create relationships with Muslim neighbors, friends, and family members?
If a listener has a Muslim neighbor, how does a Christian direct a conversation towards Jesus?
The Christian Response to Terror Attacks. We are joined by Phil Cohn (Christ for All Peoples). Topics discussed include: Rules of government in response to terrorist attacks and Muslims. Responding as individuals to Muslim refugees. Response of Muslims to the Gospel. Results of Muslims being reached for Christ.
Recently, Egypt and Saudi Arabia condemned Qatar for funding terrorism. Qatar responded by cutting airline traffic to Saudi Arabia. Yet, Qatar was part of the developing coalition between Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the US against Iran, Russia, Syria and Turkey. Iran is condemning Pres Trump as ‘pulling the strings’ in the Islamic nations to create division. What is happening in this early division. Is Iran right in saying that Pres Trump is dividing the Islamic world against itself OR perhaps assisting in the divide between Iran and Russia as Shiites and the Sunni world? Isn’t it hypocritical for the Saudi’s to denounce Qatar for funding terrorism when there is proof they sponsor terrorism?
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