3/26/18 – Stopping the Violence by Sidestepping the Real Issues–It Will Never Happen

Stopping the Violence by Sidestepping the Real Issues–It Will Never Happen. We are joined by Dan Kistler (Teacher, Historian). Topics discussed include: Hypocrisy of the media. What was this “March For Our Lives” event really about? Was the “March For Our Lives” event truly grassroots? Advice for pastors concerning the Second Amendment.

2/6/18 – Balancing the Biblical Mandates of Evangelism and Nationalism

Balancing the Biblical Mandates of Evangelism and Nationalism. Topics discussed include: Christians & Sports. What is globalism? Why is globalism the enemy of God, His word, and truth?  How is a strong nationalist approach not in conflict with the mandate to evangelize?

10/12/17 – The President & Impeachment

The President & Impeachment. We are joined by Dan Kistler (Gov’t, history, and economics teacher; Islamic scholar). Topics discussed include: The Articles of Impeachment put forth by Rep. Green. The Constitutional requirement for someone to be impeached. American Presidents who have been or faced impeachment. The wisdom of the founders in crafting impeachment in the Constitution.

Reversing America’s Constitutional Crisis

How can America reverse its “Constitutional Crisis” and have the right view of the Constitution?

Leaders understanding man’s depravity and the Bible in impeaching a president

Would today’s leaders understanding the depravity of man and the Bible be useful in issues such as impeaching a president?

The Impeachment Process

Concerning the impeachment process of a president, is the process conviction first and then impeachment? Does the impeachment remove one from office?

8/15/17 – Charlottesville and Anarchy: Understanding the Bigger Picture

Charlottesville and Anarchy: Understanding the Bigger Picture. We are joined by Dan Kistler (Teacher, Historian), John Guandolo (Understanding the Threat), and Michael Gardner (Medi-Share). Topics discussed include: The demonization of Confederate heroes: In Defense of Gen. Robert E Lee. Alt-Right/alt-Left/anarchists: Where do Islamic terrorists fit in? Healthcare Update: What happens now that Obama Care continues? How did we get to this point? What is the choice?

Encouraged or discouraged by young people

Dan Kistler (Gov’t, history and economics teacher, Islamic scholar) and Peggy Nienaber (Faith & Action, DC) comment on whether they are encouraged or discouraged by what they see in the emerging generation of young people.

Cultivating Future Leaders

What is the most critical component in cultivating future leaders?

Defining Islamic terms

Dan Kistler (Gov’t, history and economics teacher, Islamic scholar) defines the following: What is an Imam? Who is the 12th Imam? Taqiyya? Dihmittude? What is meant by the Muslim Confession? What are the 5 pillars of Islam?