What was the ‘wall’ Thomas Jefferson spoke about?
What was the ‘wall’ Thomas Jefferson spoke about?
What was the ‘wall’ Thomas Jefferson spoke about?
How has the state benefited from the church throughout history?
Why is it a mistake to think that only Jefferson believed in the separation of church and state?
Is the term “Separation of Church and State” in the Constitution? How have many been mistaken?
Separation of Church and State–From Misunderstanding to Understanding–Creating Clarity from Confusion! We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: What are the three huge mistakes that religious conservatives often make? How has the state benefited from the church throughout history? What was the intention of the “wall” that Jefferson mentioned?
– Sam Rohrer is asked, what are the non-negotiable areas (often called one’s core) that can/should never be compromised?
– If someone is pressured to concede in any way on moral or constitutional truth then they’ve done wrong?
– Gary Dull is asked, what advice have you given to political leaders who live constantly under the pressure to compromise where they should not do so?
– What would be an example of an appropriate political compromise?
Compromise–Is it a Good or Bad Thing? Does it Actually Matter? Topics discussed include: The three areas where compromise is often sought–political, relational, and doctrinal.
Immigration Revisited: What does the Bible say? Topics discussed include: America the Melting Pot. DACA and the response of church leaders. The increase of Christian refugees coming to America. Solution: Our opportunity to reach souls from all around the world in our own back yard.
Are most Millennials in the US oblivious to the potential for the government to turn the tools of biometrics and data bases against its citizens? Are young people around the world oblivious toward this potential? The statement often heard from millennials is, “So what! Everything is monitored anyway, so what makes the difference?”
Does the US government maintain massive data bases that house massive personally identifiable data on law abiding citizens? Do we know where they’re located? What departments manage them?
Is there any personal privacy for American citizens today? What concerns should Americans have about the collection of data?
Is there any evidence this collection of information is being used in an unconstitutional manner or could be misused in the future?
What are more examples of ways we’re being monitored in our homes?
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