16 years since 9/11/2001

Discussing a billboard put up along an NC Interstate by the NC Pastors Network in early May 2017. Gary Dull answers the following questions. Why is there such a visceral response now to this type of billboard? What has changed since the 16 years 9/11/2001 happen?


Protesting the Flag

The student government at the University of California at Davis voted last week to amend a bylaw requiring the American flag fly at all meetings. Sam Rohrer explains why people protest the flag.


Vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know

Is there one vital connection between Passover and Easter for Christians to know?

What scriptures should Christians consider when witnessing to Jewish people?

What scriptures should Christians consider when witnessing to Jewish people?

Are Gentiles less effective in witnessing to friends who are Jewish?

Are Gentiles less effective in witnessing to friends who are Jewish?

Why hasn’t the connection that Messiah has come been made among the Jewish people?

Why hasn’t the connection that Messiah has come been made among the Jewish people?

Solutions to heal America’s great divide

What solutions can heal this great divide that has surfaced in America?
How urgent must we be in acting this out?

The fundamental root cause of division and opposition in our culture

What is the fundamental root cause of the division and opposition in our culture?

The morals and values that divide America

What are the specific morals and values that divide America?

Barna Defines Conservative and Liberal

George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) is asked to define distinctives between how he categorizes the great divide in his surveys with the words ‘Conservative and Liberal’.