When ‘born again’ doesn’t mean ‘born again’

George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) discusses some of the results from his study about ‘born again’ Christians


Practical ways to share our faith with those of different cultures

Practical ways to share our faith with those of different cultures

What happens when a Muslim accepts Christ?

What happens when a Muslim accepts Christ as Savior?

Resources and tools to help create relationships with Muslims

What resources and tools exist that would help create relationships with Muslim neighbors, friends, and family members?

How a Christian has a conversation with a Muslim

If a listener has a Muslim neighbor, how does a Christian direct a conversation towards Jesus?

Are Muslims and Christians “People of the Book”?

Are Muslims and Christians “People of the Book”?

Wise Biblical counsel for speech – in case someone’s listening

Some Biblical principles to help us all guide our speech and activity on the internet, etc.

Can Christians love without speaking the truth?

Can Christians love without speaking the truth?

How to push back against political correctness

How do we push back against political correctness?

Is the Church geared towards the feminine, rather than the masculine?

Is Church now geared more toward the feelings of the feminine, rather than the strengths of the masculine?