What must the church/pastors do to protect/preserve our 2nd Amendment liberty?

What must the church/pastors do to not only protect/preserve our 2nd Amendment liberty, but also our 1st Amendment freedom?

Thoughts on the “March for Our Lives”

Many individuals with deep pockets and resources contributed to the “March for Our Lives” event. What does the cast of characters say about who was behind this event and its goals going forward?
Is there any possibility that this was an organic, grass roots, student-led event, as it was promoted and perceived?
What will be the long-term effect of this event–on Congress? On the country? On the church?

3/22/18 – What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 4: Islam vs the US: From the 1700’s to 2018 – From our Navy to the Church

What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 4: Islam vs the US: From the 1700’s to 2018 – From our Navy to the Church. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Dr. Mark Christian (Former Muslim Imam, Exec. Director of “The Global Faith Institute”). Topics discussed include: Islam vs Pres George Washington: the 1700’s. Jefferson and the Koran. Islam vs the U.S. government – The 21st Century. Islam vs the U.S. Church – The 21st Century.

The Real Goal Behind Islam’s efforts

What is the real goal behind Islam’s efforts? What can be done to stop these efforts? Not just to America but into the church.

Islamic infiltration of the American church

How deeply has Islam infiltrated the Church in America?

Pastor: Address prophecy and Islam from your pulpit

An appeal to pastors to address the issues of prophecy and Islam from their pulpits

3/20/18 – What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 2: Islam’s Deceptive Agenda for a Desperately Unaware Church

What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 2: Islam’s Deceptive Agenda for a Desperately Unaware Church. Topics discussed include: Is the evangelical church aware of the threat Islam poses to both our nation and church? Has the U.S. entered into a covenant of submission with Islam? The blindness among leaders concerning Islam. What do pastors need to do to correct this problem of not knowing the deceptive nature of Islam?

Has the U.S. entered into a covenant with Islam?

How have we gotten to the point where Islam is pervasive, Christianity is persecuted, and the silence of most pastors is deafening?
Is it possible that knowing the truth of Islam will lead Christians to their knees in repentance?

Advice for pastors concerning the deceptive nature of Islam

What do pastors need to do to in informing themselves about the deceptive nature of Islam? How can pastors issue a clarion warning to their congregants concerning Islam?

Could churches be converted to mosques in America?

In the United Kingdom, buildings that once housed Christian churches are now either vacant or have become Islamic mosques. Could that possibly occur in America?

London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques