Understanding the nature of man
Why is it important that next to understanding the Nature of God that we understand the nature of man if we expect to build a life of integrity as an individual, a family or a nation?
Why is it important that next to understanding the Nature of God that we understand the nature of man if we expect to build a life of integrity as an individual, a family or a nation?
The worldview of North Korea’s leadership and their resultant actions, describe their worldview, why they do what they do and how a biblical worldview would change what they do?
If we were to throw into this consideration the Islamic worldview, and their resultant actions, describe their worldview, why they do what they do, and how a biblical worldview would change what they do?
If you look at the Press, their worldview and their resultant actions, describe their worldview, why they do what they do, and how a biblical worldview would change what they do?
When the Press becomes an Enemy ….. and more. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed: Are journalists “The Enemy of the State”? Should the Press or Pres Trump change? The United States and Korea: Why The difference between the US and South Korea and the US and North Korea? Why which worldview makes all the difference!
Is lack of a solid Biblical Worldview in Christianity due to the failure of proper discipleship?
In a previous Barna survey it mentions that 76% of Born Again Christians believe the Bible is inerrant, while only 46% read the Bible every week. Why is there such a disconnect between the two statistics?
Article V. Current cultural trends. Reviewing Trump’s presidency. We are joined by George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) and David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: What is article V of the Constitution? Is lack of a solid Biblical Worldview in Christianity due to the failure of proper discipleship? Why have we come to the point that what’s taking place in culture today is having a negative impact on the raising of children? Why does it appear that so many people have a hatred for President Trump?
Is there any research supporting the restoring of Bible reading and prayer in the public schools?
Pew Research has reported that teens spend about eight hours a day with media. Has media become the primary teacher of morals?
The ‘Axis of Terror’: The apparent and the not so apparent. We are joined by John Guandolo (Understanding the Threat). Topics discussed include: Yesterday’s terrorist attack in London. Is there any defined connection between Islamic Jihadists and the left leaning political establishment? Do we need to change the Bible to make it more ‘relevant’?
What should Christians and parents be noticing and what should Christian leaders in the pulpits and elsewhere be doing recognizing the reality that young people are walking away from the Bible? What should be the response to this?
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