Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
/in Economics, Liberty/Tyranny Video Documentary /by APN NewsWatch entire documentary here.
With the US raising their debt ceiling, are we in a global bail-out bubble that will eventually burst? This doc offers a fresh insight into the greatest economic crisis of our age: the one still awaiting us.
The financial storm that has rocked the world began brewing in the US when congress pushed the idea of home ownership for all, propping up those who couldn’t make the down payments. When it all went wrong the government promised the biggest financial stimulus packages in history and gargantuan bailouts. But what crazed logic is that: propping up debt with more debt?
Journeyman Pictures
The Nicene Council
Running Time 47 Minutes
Christ Sanctified as Lord in Our Hearts
/in Christ, Sermons Video Lecture /by APN NewsWatch entire presentation here.
Have we really made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life?
“but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” (1 Peter 3:15)
By Dr. James White
Video by Ralph Provance at the 2011 Psalm 119 Conference hosted by Wretched Radio.
Running Time 39 Minutes
Leading as a Husband & Father
/in Marriage, Sermons, The Culture War Video Lecture /by APN NewsWatch entire sermon here.
The church is suffering from a lack of leadership. Not leadership as the world defines it—there are plenty of titles to go around. What the church is missing, what it most desperately needs, is genuine, biblical leadership.
The hot button questions among believers today center on biblical leadership. What does it look like? More importantly, how can we cultivate it in ourselves and then apply it to our churches, our jobs, and our families?
By Voddie Baucham
The Master’s College Truth & Life Conf. 2011
The Nicene Council
Running Time 55 Minutes
Heal Our Land Ministries
/in Economics, Liberty/Tyranny, The Culture War Links /by APN NewsAcceptance of State favors has had disastrous consequences on the churches in America. The church has been effectively silenced (or as Rev. D. James Kennedy put it, “gagged”). Now the disastrous consequences are being felt by the entire nation.
Is there a remedy? Yes! The church can be re-empowered and regain the former glory and influence she once held in America. But in order to do so the church must stop acting as an underling, as a subordinate, as a dependent, of the State. The church must cease asking for State favors.
Rather than being a “favor” or a “benefit”, what the church has done through State incorporation and seeking the IRS’ 501c3 status, is it traded its birthright for a mess of State-licensed pottage.
The church has taken the hushmoney. But there’s a way out. The church can give it back! The church can give back the government “benefits” that no church ever needed in the first place.
By spending a little time here, you’ll learn some important facts, problems, and myths about the corporate 501c3 status. You’ll discover what happens to churches and ministries when they ask for these State favors and operate as “nonprofit tax-exempt religious corporations.” You’re likely to learn some things that will shock and amaze you.
You’ll also learn why it’s completely unnecessary for a church to incorporate and become 501c3, and why most of what you’ve been told about the so-called “benefits” of incorporation and 501c3, as it applies to churches, is a pack of lies, and that these lies were fabricated by attorneys and accountants to create a multi-billion dollar “church compliance” industry.
Answers In Genesis
/in Abortion, Christ, Creation/Evolution, History, Liberty/Tyranny, The Bible, The Culture War Links /by APN NewsAnswers in Genesis is a catalyst to bring reformation by reclaiming the foundations of our faith which are found in the Bible, from the very first verse.
Answers in Genesis seeks to give glory and honor to God as Creator, and to affirm the truth of the biblical record of the real origin and history of the world and mankind.
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