Praying in the Spirit
A comprehensive article on the biblical foundations and spiritual power of praying in tongues.
By Prayer Warriors International.
What does it mean to move in the Spirit.
It is allowing a constant, effective influence within our hearts, whereby we are directed and enabled to do more than we could ask or think. To walk in obedience to God’s word, freely and joyfully.
Praying in the Spirit is a weapon of precision, it will always hit the target. It is effective deep into the realm of darkness.
Tongues. It touches the highest heaven.
We are of the Spirit of God, so all that we do should be done in and through the work of the Holy Spirit; conscious of Him, not led by various impulses from the soul of ideas that flood into the mind. The blind have to be led, not carried. So start to pray and He will lead.
Phil 2:13, “…for God is at work in us for His good pleasure. By His Spirit. For His purposes.”
Peace is a result of this relationship. Trust – Faith.
Galatians 5:22, “Fruit of the Spirit. Love -Joy -Peace. to God. Patience – Kindness – Goodness – Gentleness. to others. Self Control.”
If we live by the Spirit, we also walk by the spirit. Pray in the character of God’s Spirit. Faith in Jesus produces love. Love for Jesus produces faith and draws us together by His Spirit. .
1 Pet 4:11, “Whoever speaks, let him speak the utterances of God, by the strength given. Not struggling or striving.”
1 Cor 2:11-12, “Spiritual thoughts with spiritual deeds.”
Eph 4:23, “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”
1 Cor 14:15, “Mind and spirit. A right time to pray in tongues. Pray in natural language.”
Eph 6:18, “Pray in the Spirit, understanding, Wisdom, council, strength, fear of the Lord, Righteousness, faithfulness, His character.”
2 Cor 3:17, “There is liberty. No pressure or striving.”
Rom 12:2 + 11-12, “Mind and spirit devoted to prayer.”
1 Pet 4:7, “Be sober in spirit for the purpose of prayer, not unruly, wandering all over the place. Order on Order. Line on line. But, if the Holy Spirit says, do all that He asks.”
Col 4:2, “Keep alert, with an attitude of Thanksgiving.”
1 Thess 5:16-25, “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing Rejoice some more. Give thanks for this is Christ’s will for you.” Prayer has its wings clipped without thanks.
Acts 12:5-12, “Paul in prison. People praying at Mary’s house. He was led to the place the people were praying. They were in the spirit but did not know that God had set Paul free.”
James 4:5, “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us.”
So pray according to His word and His will; forgiveness of sin. Increase of knowledge, understanding in the realm of the spirit, Wisdom etc. Opportunities to witness. Courage – boldness – Strength to do His will. Give thanks. Pray for the fruit of the Spirit. Divine appointments. For Jerusalem. Go through the concordance. Look up pray. He will always answer positively.
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was for added power. He received more power from having the thorn than he would with it. Can we trust Him like that?
So why do we not let the Holy Spirit do all the praying for us?
1. We build relationship with God in prayer, He wants to relate to us.
2. The Holy Spirit only prays in the hearts of those who choose to pray. He searches the desires.
3. God has told us to pray.
4. The Holy Spirit is helping us in our praying. Our Helper.
John 16:13. To lead into all truth.
1 Chron 28:9. The Lord looks into the heart to see the motive. The Spirit wants us to have the right motive to receive the prayer request.
1 Sam 16:7. The Lord looks at the heart. For out of the heart comes forth the reality. Heart-Spirit-Life.