American Family Association

AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country with over two million online supporters and approximately 180,000 paid subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry’s monthly magazine.

In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country. AFA uses all these means to communicate an outspoken, resolute, Christian voice throughout America.


Action of PA

Americans For Christian Traditions In Our Nation, is an organization that focuses on electing conservatives to office.

With four chapters in Lancaster, Chester, York and Adams counties, ACTION engages people to become more involved in politics at the local, state and federal levels, and encourages debate on issues affecting every Pennsylvanian and American.


Survival Blog

The purpose of this site is to inform and motivate readers to take steps that will help prepare themselves and their families. Survival is not just about guns, groceries and gadgets.

More importantly, it is about having friends that you can trust when times get hard; as in the following very real and possible crisis situations:

A Dollar Crisis/Monetary Collapse
Naturally occurring plague or pandemic
Nuclear Blackmail
Terrorist LNG fuel sector or power grid attack
Terrorist nuclear, biological, or chemical attack
Fuel and/or food shortage crisis
Major volcanic and/or earthquake events
Nation-state nuclear, biological, or chemical attack

Patriot Bible University

Patriot Bible University offers 30 courses of study which provide a well-rounded and balanced approach to help patriot/Christians get into the Bible for the development of successful Christian living in America.


Wanted: Preachers with Passion & Power

This powerful and riveting audio sermon encourages and exalts all preachers, leaders and shepherds of God’s Kingdom to follow the example of Jesus Christ, as well as other great men throughout history who were filled with the same Holly Spirit power and authority, to rise and stand and boldly speak out against the wiles of the enemy at work across our nation and around the world.

Fantastic sermon material that applies perfectly for such a time as this.

By Dr. Alan Cairns

Running Time 90 Minutes


The Believer's Authority

A powerful, life changing, 5-part series by Andrew Wommack that will transform the way believers relate to God and the world around them.

Discover the authority God gave to His people and how Jesus Christ administers His authority through us.

Andrew Wommack Ministries

Available Free Online


Should Christians Run For Office?

The 1777, the Georgia Constitution stated that ministers, or “clergymen”, should not be involved in politics.

When Rev. Witherspoon learned of this prohibition, he wrote the following rational response exposing the irrationality of that position.

This article is about Rev. Witherspoon’s letter on why ministers should be permitted to serve in State legislatures.


Ronald Reagan on Faith in Jesus Christ

Watch and be inspired by the words of former President Ronald Reagan. He personified what a great leader should be and how a great man of God must give direction and encouragement to those within his sphere of influence, whether it is from a podium or a pulpit.

The perpetual lie that there is a separation between church and state must be exposed and overcome. That single deception has done more to destroy our great nation that any foreign attack could ever accomplish.

While President, Ronald Reagan was never arrested for speaking these words. Neither has a preacher ever been arrested for speaking out about political and cultural issues.

America needs God’s preachers to stand and lead with the same fearless passion and conviction as demonstrated here by Ronald Reagan.

Running Time  5 Minutes

Election Sermons Throughout History

A huge archive of influential election day sermons. Study how preachers and elected officials re-enforced the importance of morality, integrity, character and biblical principles as high standards for all electoral candidates.


The Power of the Holy Spirit

An awesome 5-part series by Andrew Wommack about the too often ambiguous subject of the Holy Spirit.

Who He is, How He works through us, and the importance of praying in the Spirit.

Andrew Wommack Ministries

Watch Series Free Online