Saturday Cinema is a non-profit, independent, educational movie theater in central Pennsylvania showing cutting-edge documentary films to the community for the purpose of promoting a “Biblical World View” and lauding our Judeo-Christian heritage and it’s legacy of freedom and capitalism.
Each week’s showing includes a double feature highlighting a particular theme.
Film categories include: Christ, The Bible, Apologetics, Doctrine, History&Culture, Liberty/Tyranny, The Culture War, Education, The Environment, Economics, Islam, and Creation/Evolution.
Reservations may be made for private showings and special events by church, tea party, or pro-life groups etc.
Films are selected which challenge the common presuppositions of the viewer while exposing the prevailing narratives of academia, the culture, and the media, thus earning the title “The Home of Politically Incorrect Pictures”.
We do not necessarily endorse every aspect of every film, but we believe every film contains important and relevant components to a biblical understanding of our fallen world.
Saturday Cinema provides an opportunity for the audience to understand and apply biblical principles to all areas of life, and a vision to reclaim our heritage, reform the culture, and restore the American republic.
A book and video lending library serves to reinforce themes and address questions raised within the various film presentations. Over 300 titles on DVD are available at no rental fee to members of the “Video Lending Library”.
Many of the DVD’s featured on the PPN website are included and are accessed by pastors, homeschoolers, as well as individuals.
A special thank you to our film producers and studios who have graciously granted permission for public performances so Saturday Cinema movie-goers may attend the theater for free. Saturday Cinema is maintained through the free-will donations of attendees as well as purchases of snacks and drinks from the refreshment counter.
Saturday Cinema offers continuous showings from 8:00 AM ’till 4:00 PM every Saturday. The mini-theater has an art decor flavor, seats 25 and is uniquely located inside the West Annex of Saturday’s Market near Middletown, Pa.
Open every Saturday, the year-round Flea/Farmers’ market is air-conditioned and offers over 300 vendor shopping experiences.
Directions from Harrisburg or Lancaster are easy – just take the Toll House Road exit off Rt 283 and follow the signs to Saturday’s Market. It is located on Rt 230 between Middletown and Elizabethtown at 3751 East Harrisburg Pike Middletown, Pa. 17057
For film schedules, showtimes, reviews and a complete list of titles available through the “Video Lending Library”, visit Saturday Cinema on Facebook or email
Lloyd Bedford – Proprietor