What was the “March for Our Lives” about?
What was the “March for Our Lives” about?
What was the “March for Our Lives” about?
Stopping the Violence by Sidestepping the Real Issues–It Will Never Happen. We are joined by Dan Kistler (Teacher, Historian). Topics discussed include: Hypocrisy of the media. What was this “March For Our Lives” event really about? Was the “March For Our Lives” event truly grassroots? Advice for pastors concerning the Second Amendment.
What is the goal of the infiltration that has taken place within the U.S. Government?
It was clear that for a long time in our nation’s history, our Supreme Court Justices, our Presidents, our authorities on all levels understood the dangerous concepts of dictatorial rule, ruling by the sword and death as described by Montesquieu and so many others. Yet now we see apologists at the highest levels of government and throughout the media. What has changed?
Few people know that the U.S. was forced to engage Islam in a very significant way right at the outset of our nation when George Washington was President. What is a brief history of that engagement and how it happened?
What Every Christian Must Know about Islam – Part 4: Islam vs the US: From the 1700’s to 2018 – From our Navy to the Church. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Dr. Mark Christian (Former Muslim Imam, Exec. Director of “The Global Faith Institute”). Topics discussed include: Islam vs Pres George Washington: the 1700’s. Jefferson and the Koran. Islam vs the U.S. government – The 21st Century. Islam vs the U.S. Church – The 21st Century.
What is the real goal behind Islam’s efforts? What can be done to stop these efforts? Not just to America but into the church.
An appeal to pastors to address the issues of prophecy and Islam from their pulpits
What is the prophetical component Islam will play in the end times?
What is Islam’s view of Jesus Christ? If Islam denies God as Jehovah, and denies that Jesus is the Son of God then according to the Bible, how should Christians respond to the ideology of Islam?
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