How can Americans protect and uphold the Constitution?

How can Americans protect and uphold the Constitution?

Is ignorance of the Constitution in America accidental or deliberate?

Is ignorance of the Constitution in America accidental or deliberate?

Is Christ found in the Constitution?

Is Christ actually found in the Constitution?
No doubt, many have heard the secularist argument, “the Constitution is a totally secular document.” When did this lie get started? How has it been so effectively perpetuated?
Were the founders using the frame of reference that “America is a Christian Nation” when writing the Constitution?

Is it incorrect to think that our government and its constitution is “godless?”

Why is it incorrect to think that our government and its constitution is “godless?”

2/8/18 – God in Government, Christ in Our Constitution

God in Government, Christ in Our Constitution. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: Christ in our Constitution. Is the Constitution a secular document? Is the ignorance of the Constitution in America accidental or deliberate? What can we do in America to protect and uphold the Constitution?

Is what’s happening in Ukraine possibly pertinent to Biblical prophecy?

Is what’s happening in Ukraine possibly pertinent to Biblical prophecy? What is some admonition to preachers to address these issues in their churches?

What about ‘the man’ Vladimir Putin?

What about ‘the man’ Vladimir Putin?

What might Russia want to achieve in nuclear weapon sales and proliferation?

The reason why Russia is wanting to expand its nuclear capability in the Middle East, offering nuclear weapons for sale to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan and others could be partially explained by the fact that they’re just wanting to increase their military sales for economic reasons. On the other hand, there could be other strategies involved. What might Russia want to achieve in these nuclear weapon sales and proliferation? Is there a deeper strategy? What might that be? Does Russia have the economy to become a Super Power again?

2/7/18 – The New Faces on an Old Russian Bear

The New Faces on an Old Russian Bear. We are joined by Jimmy DeYoung (Host of Prophecy Today). Topics discussed include: Russia’s Face: In Israel, Syria, Nuclear Threats, and Prophetical End Times.

2/6/18 – Balancing the Biblical Mandates of Evangelism and Nationalism

Balancing the Biblical Mandates of Evangelism and Nationalism. Topics discussed include: Christians & Sports. What is globalism? Why is globalism the enemy of God, His word, and truth?  How is a strong nationalist approach not in conflict with the mandate to evangelize?