Pledge of Allegiance = Idolatry?

Is reciting the pledge of allegiance idolatry? What are some Scriptures that explain why a nationalistic attitude towards country isn’t wrong or pledging allegiance to the flag isn’t idolatry?

Abortions may be down but…..If we think Millennials are more supportive of life: We tie our hopes to a myth!

– “During the past few months I have spoken at some pro-life events as well as several high-level gatherings of national conservative leaders. In each of those meetings I have heard people say that we are in a great era for the pro-life movement, especially because Millennials are highly supportive of life in the womb.

Sadly, it is not true. We are tying our hope to a myth.” George Barna

So, hoping for the next generation to embrace life and end abortion according to George Barna – based on the research – is a myth. How serious is this myth?
– While the actual number of abortions is down the actual killing of the young by the young may be on the increase due to other factors? What are those factors? What does that say for the future of the pro-life movement?
– Do millennials have a decreased value of life?

What do people of faith think about “the man” Pres. Donald Trump after the first year?

What do people of faith think about “the man” Pres. Donald Trump after the first year? Is there a divide between the media and the average American citizen regarding how they view Pres. Trump?

2/1/18 – When America’s Young Kill their Young

When America’s Young Kill their Young. We are joined by Peggy Nienaber (V.P. Operations, Faith & Action DC) and George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute). Topics discussed include: Update on the GOP Amtrak Train derailment. Rating the President: What people of faith think. Abortions may be down but……. if we think Millennials are more supportive of life: We tie our hopes to a myth! Tying our Hopes to the Truth.

1/31/18 – 2018 SOTU Address: What was said and what was communicated

2018 SOTU Address: What was said and what was communicated. Topics discussed include: 2018 SOTU address: Overall Review- Tone/Content/Vision/ Unifying. The Words. The Communication. The True State of America.

God’s evaluation of the “State of the Union” in America today

What is God’s evaluation of the “State of the Union” in America today?

Grading the attitudes of House members during the SOTU

Grading the attitudes of House members during the State of the Union address

Difficulties of urban ministry

– There are a large number of churches who have moved away from inner cities and those Christians living in the big cities often say that there are not enough churches in our cities. What are some of the reasons that might make it difficult or discouraging to minister or evangelize in the big cities?
– What is it about ministry to New Yorkers that ignites a passion in Matt Recker’s heart?
– How is a big city like Rome, in Paul’s day, or NYC in our day a vehicle for sharing the gospel around the world?
– What are some Bible passages or Biblical principles that can help people to minister to those who look different than us?

1/30/18 – Behold the City: Reaching the Inner Cities of America

Behold the City: Reaching the Inner Cities of America. We are joined by Matt Recker (Pastor, Author). Topics discussed include: State of the Union under President Trump. Abortion in NYC and other issues that need to be confronted. The difficulties of urban ministry. Our opportunity to reach souls from all around the world in our big cities.

What should be the message to those enslaved by any sinful lifestyle?

What should be the message to those enslaved by any sinful lifestyle?