The role of the Church in history concerning “The Second Amendment”
What was the Church’s role with the “The Second Amendment” in the founding of our country?
What was the Church’s role with the “The Second Amendment” in the founding of our country?
What do pastors need to know concerning “The Second Amendment”?
What is needed to keep the 2nd Amendment freedom alive in the U.S.?
A major idea being bounced around now (and even by the President) was to include a new qualification about buying guns based on mental health. Is this Constitutional?
One of the greatest problems of those in office is that they feel they must ‘do something’ which means pass another law to respond to an incident. In relation to school violence, “gun free zone” laws were put into place years ago. Have these laws worked?
What is a strategy for supporting and protecting the Second Amendment?
In what’s happening in DC when it comes to attacking the 2nd Amendment, it has come from Democrat, Republican (generally in name only) and other Establishment types. How are the enemies of the 2nd Amendment and freedom generally using the Appropriations process to inflict another ‘cut’ into the 2nd Amendment?
Who are the enemy or the enemies of the right to keep and bear arms? Is it Democrat? Republican? Progressive, or what? The first step in winning a war is to identify the enemy.
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