God given roles of different authorities

It is important that we realize the different roles that God gives to our civil authorities (government), church authorities (pastors), as well as families and individual Christians. Sam Rohrer distinguishes the differences between these three roles.

Practical ways to share our faith with those of different cultures

Practical ways to share our faith with those of different cultures

What happens when a Muslim accepts Christ?

What happens when a Muslim accepts Christ as Savior?

How are Muslims Coming To Christ?

Are Muslims coming to Christ because of interaction with people or is Christ appearing to them?

Resources and tools to help create relationships with Muslims

What resources and tools exist that would help create relationships with Muslim neighbors, friends, and family members?

What is real ID?

What is real ID and how does that affect us today? Who is Mark Lerner?

Bio-metrics and Facial Recognition

What is bio-metrics and how specifically it relates to facial recognition?

Preserving your privacy when you visit the doctor

Twila Brase (Pres. and co-founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom) explains what an individual should do regarding their privacy when visiting the doctor. Should there be signing of any forms at the doctors? How does anybody know what must sign or should not sign? What should and should not be signed at the doctor’s office in relation to the release of your health data?

The Deception of HIPAA

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information. Twila Brase (Pres. and co-founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom) explains what the historic approach has been in this nation and in law regarding the privacy of patient health care information. Also, why has the protection and privacy of individual patient health care data been so protected by law and not allowed to be shared?

Division in Islamic Relations

Recently, Egypt and Saudi Arabia condemned Qatar for funding terrorism. Qatar responded by cutting airline traffic to Saudi Arabia. Yet, Qatar was part of the developing coalition between Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the US against Iran, Russia, Syria and Turkey. Iran is condemning Pres Trump as ‘pulling the strings’ in the Islamic nations to create division. What is happening in this early division. Is Iran right in saying that Pres Trump is dividing the Islamic world against itself OR perhaps assisting in the divide between Iran and Russia as Shiites and the Sunni world? Isn’t it hypocritical for the Saudi’s to denounce Qatar for funding terrorism when there is proof they sponsor terrorism?