Is Iran in America and to our southern border?
Is Iran in America and to our southern border? If so, why and what’s their end goal?
Is Iran in America and to our southern border? If so, why and what’s their end goal?
Israel: Imminent Threats – Elusive Peace. We are joined by EJ Kimball (Director of Israel Victory Project – Middle East Forum). Topics discussed include: Trump Foreign Policy: Very Talleyrand. Israel: The Imminent Conflicts. Israel’s Enemy: In Syria – in Latin America. The Elusive Peace ‘Deal’.
Are the demonstrations in Iran signaling a weakening of the ruling clergy’s grip on the country? Might this suggest that Iran could fall and that might place them leaning toward the West just at the time that Turkey is leaning toward the East?
There are major changes occurring in Turkey and Turkey’s President Erdogan has made it clear by his actions and words that he wants to be the leader of the new Islamic state and to lead the new World-wide caliphate. Are we perhaps seeing the rise of Erdogan and Turkey as the new ISIS?
Trouble Now –More Trouble Ahead: The Future and Legacy of Islam. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (news editor World Net Daily). EJ Kimball (Director of Israel Victory Project). Topics discussed include: Muslims in America to Surpass Jews by 2040: More Trouble Ahead? Islam in America: Trouble Now – Examples. The Middle East Peace Talks: The Biggest Trouble. Turkey and Pres Erdogan: The Next Islamic Caliphate?
How the Jewish people are responding to Pres. Trump’s announcement of moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem?
How will the enemies of Israel deal with Jerusalem as Capitol?
Gary Dull asks EJ Kimball (Director of Israel Victory Project) to give his opinion concerning what will be the biggest positive impact to Israel having Jerusalem become the Capitol?
Recognizing Reality. We are joined by EJ Kimball (Director of Israel Victory Project). Topics discussed include: The “Highway to Hell”. Jerusalem as Capitol: What difference to Israel? What difference to Israel’s enemies? What the Bible says.
The Week in Review: From US Economic Impacts to Israel – the only Middle East Stability. We are joined by John DeSantis (Advisor at Grandview Asset Management, Attorney) and EJ Kimball (Director of Israel Victory Project). Topics discussed include: Pres. Trump’s tax cuts. The Israel Victory Project: Who, What, and Why? Are there examples from Israel that would assist America to better prepare for terrorist attacks? Did the Saudi’s just announce an imminent Middle East War?
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