Vote Next Week on Congressional Bill Banning Abortions at 20 Weeks

Members of a U.S. House committee will cast a vote on a congressional bill that would ban abortions nationwide at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, chaired by bill author Rep. Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican, will hold a markup on H.R. 1797 on Tuesday. After lawmakers debate the bill, a vote is expected.

Franks has announced he will amend his bill, the “D.C. Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (H.R. 1797) to apply nationwide. With this change, the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” will be a national prohibition on abortions of unborn children who can feel pain during the abortion process.

Congressman Franks believes the national abortion ban is timely in light of the conviction of abortionist Kermit Gosnell and news reports of potentially similar gruesome late abortion practitioners around the country.

“I know when the subject is related in any way to abortion, the doors of reason and human compassion in our minds and hearts often close, and the humanity of the unborn can no longer be seen. But I pray we can at least come together to agree that we can and should draw the line at the point that these innocent babies can feel the excruciating pain of these brutal procedures,” he said.

Franks added: “The case of Kermit Gosnell shocked the sensibilities of millions of Americans. However, the crushing fact is that abortions on babies just like the ones killed by Kermit Gosnell have been happening hundreds of times per day, every single day, for the past 40 years. Indeed, let us not forget that, had Kermit Gosnell dismembered these babies before they had traveled down the birth canal only moments earlier, he would have, in many places nationwide, been performing an entirely legal procedure. If America truly understands that horrifying reality, hearts and laws will change.”

“To this end, I have re-introduced the D.C. Pain Capable Unborn Protection Act, which will now be amended to broaden its coverage so that its provisions will apply nationwide,” he said. “Knowingly subjecting our innocent unborn children to dismemberment in the womb, particularly when they have developed to the point that they can feel excruciating pain every terrible moment leading up to their undeserved deaths, belies everything America was called to be. This is not who we are.”

During a hearing last week, former abortion practitioner Dr. Anthony Levatino made national news for his testimony about his abortion practice and his call for the abortion ban to be enacted.

The move to expand the bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks nationwide has the strong support of the National Right to Life Committee.

“National Right to Life strongly concurs in Congressman Franks’ decision that the time is ripe to seek protection for pain-capable unborn children nationwide,” said NRLC Legislative Director Douglas Johnson. “Because of publicity surrounding the trial of Kermit Gosnell and subsequent revelations about other abortionists, many Americans are becoming aware for the first time that abortions are frequently performed late in pregnancy on babies who are capable of being born alive, and on babies who will experience great pain while being killed.”

Johnson says that in a nationwide poll of 1,003 registered voters in March, The Polling Company found that 64% would support a law such as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks — when an unborn baby

Johnson added that the federal bill contains legislative findings and operative language very similar to bills already enacted in nine states, beginning in 2010, based on model legislation prepared by NRLC. Like those state laws, Mr. Franks’ legislation contains findings of fact regarding the medical evidence that unborn children experience pain at least by 20 weeks after fertilization (which is 22 weeks in the “LMP” system, or about the start of the sixth month), and prohibits abortion after that point, except when an acute physical condition endangers the life of the mother.

During the 2011-12 Congress, Mr. Franks’ bill garnered 222 co-sponsors in the 435-member House, and received the support of a majority of House members on July 31, 2012 (roll call no. 539).

The science behind the concept of fetal pain is fully established and Dr. Steven Zielinski, an internal medicine physician from Oregon, is one of the leading researchers into it. He first published reports in the 1980s to validate research showing evidence for it.

He has testified before Congress that an unborn child could feel pain at “eight-and-a-half weeks and possibly earlier” and that a baby before birth “under the right circumstances, is capable of crying.”

He and his colleagues Dr. Vincent J. Collins and Thomas J. Marzen were the top researchers to point to fetal pain decades ago. Collins, before his death, was Professor of Anesthesiology at Northwestern University and the University of Illinois and author of Principles of Anesthesiology, one of the leading medical texts on the control of pain.

“The functioning neurological structures necessary to suffer pain are developed early in a child’s development in the womb,” they wrote.

“Functioning neurological structures necessary for pain sensation are in place as early as 8 weeks, but certainly by 13 1/2 weeks of gestation. Sensory nerves, including nociceptors, reach the skin of the fetus before the 9th week of gestation. The first detectable brain activity occurs in the thalamus between the 8th and 10th weeks. The movement of electrical impulses through the neural fibers and spinal column takes place between 8 and 9 weeks gestation. By 13 1/2 weeks, the entire sensory nervous system functions as a whole in all parts of the body,” they continued.

With Zielinski and his colleagues the first to provide the scientific basis for the concept of fetal pain, Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand of the University of Arkansas Medical Center has provided further research to substantiate their work.

“The neural pathways are present for pain to be experienced quite early by unborn babies,” explains Steven Calvin, M.D., perinatologist, chair of the Program in Human Rights Medicine, University of Minnesota, where he teaches obstetrics.

Further documentation and links to the scientific studies can be found at:

Autopsy Confirms 33-Week Abortion Led to Young Woman’s Death

The Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has released the autopsy report on the death of Jennifer Morbelli, which again confirms the young woman died on February 7, 2013, from complications to a 33-week abortion done by late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart.

Jennifer McKenna Morbelli, a 29-year-old woman from New Rochelle, New York died from a botched 33-week abortion. The medical examiner’s office confirmed a botched 33-week abortion killed the young woman.

The official death certificate also confirmed Morbelli died at 12:25 p.m. on February 7 at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. Section 23a indicated that the cause of death was Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation “due to or as a consequence of Amniotic Fluid Embolism following Medical Termination of Pregnancy,” making it clear that the abortion was the event that led to her death.

Now that the autopsy report has been released, the Medical Examiner’s findings are in keeping with the cause of death released earlier and recorded on her death certificate. The report emphasized that the complication occurred after the dangerous late-late term abortion was completed, and reiterated that the manner of death was “natural” even though she would not have died had she not receive the abortion.

Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, which brought Morbelli’s death to light, said some are already using the autopsy to make false claims that the abortion was not responsible for Morbelli’s death.

“Some have seized on the word ‘natural’ as the manner of death, but that only means that it wasn’t a homicide or suicide. It certainly does not rule out physician incompetence and negligence,” he said.

Newman says Operation Rescue staff currently have an open complaint against Carhart with the Maryland Board of Physicians. The MDBP confirmed earlier this week that Carhart is still under investigation in the Morbelli death, which means he could still face discipline up to and including license revocation.

“When abortionists fail to provide continuity of care, women die,” said Newman. “There is no doubt that Carhart abandoned his patient after the abortion, and that is a serious issue of negligence that must be addressed before yet another woman dies at his hands.”

Newman said witnesses at the Germantown abortion clinic where Carhart conducted the late-term abortion on Morbelli said that she appeared “weak and pale” as the multi-day procedure progressed. They also report that she spent more time in the clinic than patients usually do, and noted that they saw Carhart leaving the clinic with his suitcases just minutes after Morbelli left on the final day of the abortion.

Another witness at the hospital told Operation Rescue that as Morbelli’s condition deteriorated in the hours after the abortion, efforts by the family to reach Carhart for emergency instructions were futile. Out of desperation, the family finally took Morbelli to Shady Grove Adventist Hospital where emergency room staff also attempted to reach Carhart and the clinic staff, again to no avail. That left the hospital physicians in the dark about her condition and prior medical treatment, causing a delay in providing the care she needed. As a result, Morbelli died.

I’ve learned that I had narcolepsy when I was 23. Once, I just fell asleep in the middle of the talk with my mom. This happened several times, and a visit to the doctor explained the reason for such severe daytime sleepiness. I started taking Adderall once daily in the morning. I started with 30 mg but had to increase it to 60 mg. Now, I’m much better.

“The national media seems to be in a rush to clear Carhart, but if his responsibility for neglecting Morbelli is swept under the rug, it is only going to place the lives of women in continued danger from fly-by-night abortionists who drop into town, do their dirty work, then fly out, leaving others to clean up their messes,” said Newman.

Newman said news reports have repeatedly attempted to whitewash Carhart’s involvement in Morbelli’s death, especially after a criminal investigation was closed last week and the Health Department declared that it found “no deficiencies” at the Germantown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic related to Morbelli’s death, even though serious deficiencies were in fact documented, including a lack of emergency plan.

“It’s important to note that Carhart has not been cleared of culpability in Morbelli’s death,” Newman continued. “Carhart was involved in a second third-trimester abortion death in Kansas, for which he escaped responsibility, which makes the Morbelli death even more tragic, and the need to bring him to justice more urgent.”

5 Big Businesses Where Faith Plays a Major Role

Results of a recent study indicate that American entrepreneurs pray and meditate more frequently than non-entrepreneurs. This new research could perhaps explain the interesting number of God-fearing men and women who have founded and built wildly successful companies in America and even with the changing social tides and increasing wealth, continue to cling to their faith. The Christian Post highlights five big companies below where faith in God plays a major role in the lives of the people who lead them.

Hobby Lobby
hobby lobby
(Photo: Hobby Lobby)
A Hobby Lobby store in Orem, Utah, is seen here.

Hobby Lobby Stores Inc., headquartered in Oklahoma City, Okla., is not just one of America’s largest privately owned businesses. Last fall, the arts and crafts giant’s founder and CEO, David Green, was billed the “largest evangelical benefactor in the world” by Forbes and he told the publication that everything in his $3 billion empire belongs to God. “If you have anything or if I have anything, it’s because it’s been given to us by our Creator,” Green told Forbes. “So I have learned to say, ‘Look, this is yours, God. It’s all yours. I’m going to give it to you.'” According to Forbes, Hobby Lobby is 100 percent family-owned and on their list of America’s 400 richest people, Green sits at No. 79 with an estimated net worth of $4.5 billion. The company also employs 22,000 workers in 525 stores nationwide.
Forever 21
forever 21
(Photo: Reuters/Lily Bowers)
Vehicles pass the Forever 21 flagship store in New York’s Times Square during its grand opening June 25, 2010. The 91,257 square feet megastore makes Forever 21’s Times Square location the largest single brand apparel store in Manhattan.

With recorded revenues of $3.4 billion as of November 2012, Forever 21 is ranked #121 on Forbes’ list of America’s largest private companies. The company’s owners, Korean immigrants Do Won and Jin Sook Chang, are born-again Christians who credit their success to direction from God. In a Business Week Magazine report, Mrs. Chang explains that when they were starting out, she went to the top of a mountain in Los Angeles to pray. She said God told her she should open a store and that she would be successful. The couple hope to devote themselves to missionary work when they retire. If the business venture hadn’t worked out, explained Mr. Chang, he would have become a missionary.
Tyson Foods
Tyson Foods
(Photo: facebook/ Tyson Foods)
Tyson Foods logo.

Tyson Foods, Inc., headquartered in Springdale, Ark., is one of the largest meat protein and food production companies in the world with $33.35 billion in sales. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Donnie Smith is not just the company CEO but also a Sunday School teacher. The Bible, he explains in the report, is his “favorite book.” “My faith influences how I think, what I do, what I say. There are a lot of great biblical principles that are fundamental to operating a good business. Being fair and telling the truth are biblical principles,” he says.
chick-fil-a(Photo: The Christian Post)A Chick-fil-A restaurant is seen here in Southern California, Aug. 1, 2012.

Chick-fil-A is America’s second largest fried chicken chain and no stranger to Christians across the country. The company’s founder and CEO, S. Truett Cathy, is a devout Baptist who has been very vocal in his opposition to same-sex marriage. He has a net worth of $4.2 billion, according to Forbes. The company has more than 1,600 stores in 40 states. All Chick-fil-A stores are closed on Sundays so employees can attend church.
Marriott International, Inc
Marriott Hotel Manila(Photo: facebook/Marriott Hotels & Resorts)Marriott Hotel Manila.

With more than 127,000 employees and $11.81 billion in sales, according to Forbes, Marriott International, Inc. is a force to be reckoned with in the hospitality industry. The company’s founder, John Willard Marriott, was a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when he was building the business. Even though Willard has passed away, his values live on in the company, which recently stopped offering pay-per-view pornography in the hotel rooms of its various properties.

Time Running Out for Congress to Stop the HHS Abortion Mandate, Help Needed

Time is running out to protect the freedom of conscience guaranteed by the First Amendment. But, by acting now to urge Congress to pass the conscience protections in H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act—those rights can be protected.

Sadly, the very coercive HHS mandate under the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare) takes full effect as of August 1st. Currently for-profit businesses, despite the religious beliefs of their owners, must provide coverage of sterilizations and life-ending drugs and devices including the abortion-inducing drug ella—even if doing so violates their most cherished religious convictions. Some religious non-profit organizations are shielded from that, but as of August 1, even those conscience protections will expire.

While issues surrounding this mandate are being litigated, that provides no consolation—there will be no definitive decision by the Supreme Court before August 1. Thus, conscientious business owners will certainly find themselves between the proverbial rock and a hard place—having to choose between fines so great they force a shutdown (at $100 per employee per day) or violation of their Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of conscience.

Congress must act to correct this abuse. The time is now to pass H.R. 940, the Health Care Rights of Conscience Act.

First, H.R. 940 protects people affected by the coercive HHS Mandate. And it goes further: by protecting people subject to other kinds of abortion-related discrimination and violations of conscience rights. It even adds a private right of action (a right to sue in court) for people who are denied their conscience rights, such as Cathy Decarlo—the nurse from New York who was forced to participate in a late-term abortion.

There are three ways that you can encourage Congress to pass H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act:

1.) You can visit your Representatives in their district offices. This week, May 28-June 1, is their constituent-work week. This is the week that Congressmen are in their districts and available to meet with constituents there. Call the district office of your Representative to set up a meeting. Then meet with your Representative and explain how important it is to you and your community that Congress restores legal protections for freedom of conscience that have been attacked by the HHS Mandate. Tell your Representative that you support H.R. 940.

2.) You can email your Congressman and tell him or her to protect freedom of conscience by including H.R. 940 in “must pass” legislation.

3.) You can write a letter to the editor for your local newspaper urging your Congressman to ensure that any “must pass” legislation include the protections for freedom of conscience in H.R. 940. Letters to the editor are a great way to send a loud and clear message to your Representatives asking them to take action to protect freedom of conscience.

Your Congressmen need your encouragement to act on this important issue. Time is running out before the coercive HHS Mandate takes full effect, and ordinary Americans have to decide if they are going to close their doors or violate their consciences rights. Contact your Representative today!

Abandoned Baby Rescued From Sewage Pipe Doing Better, Mother Found

The abandoned baby who was rescued this past weekend from a sewage pipe in China is being nursed back to health in a local hospital. Meanwhile, the baby’s mother has been found and has reportedly been reunited with the infant.

Firefighters in an eastern Chinese province rescued a an apparently-abandoned newborn infant from a sewage pipe after neighbors reported hearing crying. Officials in China’s Zhejiang Province rescued the infant on Saturday afternoon.

Reports from Chinese media indicated the baby was found in the toilet sewage pipe in a residential building in the city of Jinhua after residents on the fourth floor called the fire department with reports of a baby crying.

Now, the London Daily Mail has new pictures of the baby and additional information:

The baby boy’s mother – believed to be a 22-year-old single woman – has been found and is said to be with her baby in hospital.

The infant- named Baby No. 59 from the number of his hospital incubator – was in a critical condition when he arrived at the hospital with an apparent fracture to his skull.

But the baby boy has been pictured being nursed back to health in hospital as staff reveal his condition is now stable.

Nurse Zhang Songhe of the pediatric department of the Pujiang County People’s Hospital in the city of Jinhua, Zhejiang province, East China, told the Daily Mail: ‘When the baby arrived here, he was in critical condition.

‘We suspect he has a fracture in the top right section of his skull. But now everything has been stabilized.’

Staff at the Pujiang County People’s Hospital in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, said well-wishers have visited the hospital with diapers, baby clothes and powered milk for the child

The nurse added that the mother of the baby has been found and is currently with her child in hospital.

They said: ‘The mother has been found. She is right now in the hospital. I heard she is a 22 year-old single woman. I don’t know the reason she abandoned the baby.

Nurse Zhang Songhe added that news of the rescue prompted an outpouring from strangers who came to the hospital with diapers, baby clothes, powdered milk and offers to adopt the child.

The nurse continued: ‘There have been three or four groups of visitors delivering baby formula some of whom have expressed willingness to adopt.

Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network Urges Pastors to Connect Biblical Principles to Moral and Cultural Issues

PHILADELPHIA – In a recent survey commissioned by the Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network (PPN,, only 78% of self-identified evangelical pastors agreed that the Bible is a reliable source of absolute truth. 21% of pastors admitted they either may not or definitely would not teach that life is a sacred gift from God.

Sam Rohrer, President of PPN, states, “As our nation turns our back on God and His Word we will not only lose our civil and religious freedoms but we will receive the judgment of God. The Lord warned His people clearly in Deuteronomy 8 that if we forget that our blessings come from Him and think that we got them by ourselves, we will end up losing all we have. The time for Christians to repent of self-dependency and return to the Lord in obedience is now. The time for pastors in the pulpit to lead the way by teaching and preaching biblical principles as the solution to our problems is now. The time to address the moral and cultural issues of our day with Truth and boldness is now.”

Rohrer’s view is not new; famed historian Alexis de Toqueville in the early 1800’s had issued a similar viewpoint when he stated “Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” George Washington, often referred to as the “Father of our Country,” has often been quoted as saying “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports…. And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.” History is replete with great thinkers, philosophers, and leaders who recognized that there is a natural law which governs the entire universe, including the affairs of men, and that when men/women decide to abandon the principles of that Natural Law, societal decay is inevitable.

The PA Pastors’ Network is urging churches around the state to commit to preaching on the first Sunday of every month on a topic of cultural or moral relevance, using the Bible as the foundation of all truth. The hope is that by providing Christians with increased teaching about what the Bible says about moral issues, Christians will live out their faith with greater diligence and consistency in all aspects of life.

As part of their commitment to support pastors in preaching boldly from a Biblical worldview, PPN offers sermon notes on a variety of cultural topics, like same-sex marriage, family, and abortion, among others. The PA Pastors’ Network also offers bulletin inserts. To request any of these resources in advance of the next Pulpit Sunday, pastors or lay people can contact the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network at Pastors who want to participate in the next Pulpit Sunday can get more details on the organization’s website at

The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a group of biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues; examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in our political process on a non-partisan basis.

The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network website continues to offer a wealth of resources to pastors to help them equip their congregations to live a Christian life, from sermon notes to corporate prayers for our nation, to resources for laypeople, covering everything from preparation to finances.

The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a part of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a 501c(4) non-profit organization. To contact them visit. or call 610-793-1800.


To schedule interviews with Sam Rohrer, President of the PA Pastors’ Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.

Boy Scouts Change Membership Guidelines to Allow Homosexuals

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) have reversed their longstanding membership guidelines to allow homosexuals to join the organization.

In an email to, the BSA public affairs office said the vote on the resolution to “remove the restriction denying membership to youth on the basis of sexual orientation alone” was passed with 61.44 percent in favor and 38.56 percent opposed.

“For 103 years, the Boy Scouts of America has been a part of the fabric of this nation, with a focus on working together to deliver the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training,” a statement released to the media says.

The statement includes a ban on all sex in scouting activities and says that the voting body did not consider whether to allow homosexuals in leadership positions in the organization.

“The resolution also reinforces that Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting,” the statement says. “A change to the current membership policy for adult leaders was not under consideration; thus, the policy for adults remains in place.”

Boy Scouts Change Membership Guidelines to Allow Homosexuals

(AP Photo)
Reaction to the vote-results announcement was immediate, including a statement from John Stemberg, founder of, a coalition of members of the BSA, including parents, Scoutmasters and Eagle Scouts.

“It is with great sadness and deep disappointment that we recognize on this day that the most influential youth program in America has turned a tragic corner,” Stemberg said. “The vote today to allow open and avowed homosexuality into Scouting will completely transform it into an unprincipled and risky proposition for parents.”

“It is truly a sad day for Scouting,” Stemberg said.

But gay rights activists praised the decision and are already pushing for a lift on the ban of openly gay adults in leadership positions.

“This vote marks a monumental step forward for the Boy Scouts of America,” Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, said in a statement. “We are thrilled for the gay youth who will no longer be turned away from scouting simply because of who they are.”

“This milestone has been years in the making, and we thank all those who have fought so hard to end this grave injustice against our young people,” Carey said.

“Boy Scouts’ leadership should stop clinging to a policy of exclusion and scrap the ban, once and for all. It’s long past time for a fully inclusive Boy Scouts of America,” Carey said.
“This policy change is effective Jan. 1, 2014, allowing the Boy Scouts of America the transition time needed to communicate and implement this policy to its approximately 116,000 Scouting units,” the BSA statement said.

Fox News Host Blasts Gosnell Attorney: “How Can You Defend Him?”

Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who is pregnant, took Kermit Gosnell’s defense attorney to task Wednesday afternoon in an interview, saying the way he acted in the court room and in interviews afterwards makes it appear he thinks Gosnell is “a swell man.”

“We don’t tar the attorney with the sins of the client,” Kelly told Gosnell attorney Jack McMahon, but she scolded him for defending Gosnell after the trial, saying “he wasn’t upset when he was aborting these babies and laughing how one child, one baby was big enough to walk him to the bus stop.”

McMahon claimed he had a human reaction to defending a client for so long but went on to call the abortion practitioner a “dream client” and “complete gentleman.” he went on to admit that things went “a bit awry” at Gosnell’s abortion facility.

“A bit awry?” Kelly shot back. “The testimony was the babies were born alive, were wriggling on the operating table, were crying. And he stuck scissors in the back of their neck.”

After a heated exchange which saw McMahon defend Gosnell further and claim the conditions at Gosnell’s abortion clinic were not that bad, Kelly responded, “All we need to know is [Gosnell] tried to abort them and failed and then he tried to kill them.”

“Jack, I started off by saying we don’t tar the lawyers with the sins of clients, and that’s true,” Kelly told him. “But listening to you, you sound like a guy who is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Because you seem to believe this is a swell man — notwithstanding the fact that he murdered little babies!”

“They were born alive, sir! They were born alive!” she added. “How do you come out and defend him now?”

'Obamacare' Costs Would Rise Even Higher With Labor Union 'Fix'

Labor union leaders are complaining they are getting shortchanged by the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare.” They are asking the White House to allow the health care exchange subsidies to be used for their worker’s health care plans, which could dramatically increase the cost of the ACA.

In an op-ed for The Hill, Joseph Hansen, president of United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, claims that, unlike what President Barack Obama promised labor leaders during his 2008 campaign, many workers now represented by a labor union will lose their current health insurance when the new law goes into effect.

The problem, Hansen says, is the ACA will pass higher costs, without additional cost-saving benefits, onto the non-profit health care plans that their members have negotiated with their employers, thus encouraging the employers to drop the health coverage altogether. Their workers would then get health insurance through the health care exchanges, or through Medicaid, if they are eligible.

For labor unions to be treated fairly, he argues, they should get the same subsidies as those who get their health care in the new law’s health care exchanges that will be set up in each state.

“The ACA offers a subsidy to lower-income individuals and families so they can afford to purchase this insurance. As many of our members fall into this category, we believe the subsidy can and should apply to nonprofit plans. All we want is equality – where our plans are treated the same as for-profit insurers,” he wrote.

Hansen goes on to argue that the change in the law he is requesting can, and should, be made through the executive branch, not Congress. Thus far, though, the White House has refused, “citing legal hurdles.”

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“We’d be open to a legislative fix, but ultimately this is the administration’s responsibility. They are leading the regulatory process. It’s their signature law,” he said.

Hansen is not the first labor leader to complain about the impact the ACA will have on their member’s health care plans.

The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers have both called for repeal or reform of the ACA, The Hill reported.

The subsidies to help low income workers to buy health insurance are paid for in the ACA through additional taxes on companies that provide health insurance, health care devices and prescription drugs.

Some economists are already estimating that the costs of the new law will be much higher than expected because more companies than expected will drop their health coverage altogether, thus putting more workers in the subsidized exchanges or government-run Medicaid. If labor’s employer-provided non-profit plans are also subsidized, the costs of the ACA will rise even higher.

Labor unions are among the Democratic Party’s most important supporters. In an interview with The Hill, though, Hansen warned that if the White House does not give labor unions what they want, they will withhold support in the 2014 election.

“What happens in 2014 could be at issue here. … There is going to be a lot of disenchantment with how did this happen and who was in power when it happened. No matter what I say, that’s going to be there,” he said. “They are upset already and it hasn’t even taken effect already.”

Oklahoma Tornado Rips City Leaving At Least 91 Dead; Christian Relief Groups Move In

As darkness fell on the tornado-ripped community of Moore, Okla., and the severely damaged areas surrounding Oklahoma City on Monday, at least 91 people, including children, were reported dead as the search for survivors continued. Many undamaged and secure structures, such as churches, served as emergency shelters for those whose homes were destroyed as the result of the 200 mph winds. Government-funded disaster relief teams were joined by faith-based organizations, some already mobilized from previous disaster efforts, for immediate action.

A frantic search for students, teachers and staff at the flattened Plaza Towers Elementary in Moore, which was in the storm’s direct path, continued into Tuesday morning. Reports indicate that 75 third-graders were believed to have been huddled when the tornado struck, with seven now confirmed dead, a number of students showing up alive at a nearby church, and many still missing.

Christian leaders and churches quickly moved into action post-storm by offering housing, comfort, and counseling. On Twitter, #PrayForOklahoma trended most of Monday and into Tuesday morning.

Oakcrest Church of Christ in Oklahoma City, which was still housing evacuees from a storm earlier this month, was open again as a shelter. A group of quilters who usually donate their work to homes for children brought their blankets to the church for displaced residents, said Christyann Anderson, the assistant to Pastor Ben Glover, as reported by Bloomberg News.

Life Bible Church in Norman was open for commuters who could not get home because of the threat of more severe weather or were displaced. Jayson John, a pastor at the church, tweeted late Monday: “We will be picking people up at the Chik-fil-a in Moore who need rides to shelter. Also counselors available at the church 4343 N Flood.”

St. Andrews Church in Oklahoma City also opened as an official shelter.

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Christian-based organization Samaritan’s Purse was one of several relief-experienced groups that responded to the series of vicious storms that pounded the Oklahoma City area Sunday and Monday. The ministry reported on Monday that its staff members were on their way to the affected area to determine how it can help the people impacted by the tornadoes. Two Disaster Relief Units were being deployed from its North Carolina headquarters.

Samaritan’s Purse gave this report: “A mile-wide twister pounded the Oklahoma City suburbs Monday, leveling homes, businesses and schools in Moore. The funnel cloud could be seen for miles, creating a debris field several miles wide. Weather officials estimated the strength of the tornado to be an EF-4 or EF-5, with radar estimates suggesting it had the potential to produce 200 mph winds.”

Samaritan’s Purse responded when Moore was hit hard by a tornado in 1999. That storm included the highest winds ever recorded near the earth’s surface, 302 mph, and killed 36 people. On Sunday, another large tornado hit Shawnee, a town southeast of Oklahoma City, leveling several mobile homes, overturning vehicles, and killing at least one person, according to news reports.

Meanwhile, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, which shares the same CEO, Franklin Graham, with Samaritan’s Purse, sent chaplains to Moore, Okla., in coordination with Samaritan’s Purse.

“Our hearts are breaking for all of those in the path of this horrific tornado. Words can’t do justice to the pain that is being experienced in and around Moore,” said Jack Munday, international director of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team. “Please pray continously for all of those who lost loved ones, and for those who may still be trapped amidst the rubble.”

The storms were part of a severe system that generated tornadoes in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Iowa. Dozen of counties in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Missouri were placed under tornado watches and warnings.

Samaritan’s Purse reports that it already responded to tornadoes that hit Hood County in Texas on Wednesday night. Volunteers began helping in Granbury on Monday, the first day the group of volunteers was allowed into the affected area.

The Salvation Army is also in the process of mobilizing disaster response units to serve hard-hit areas in Central Oklahoma, including Moore and South Oklahoma City.

On Monday, the faith-based organization went into Pottawatomie County where the McAlester and Shawnee disaster response teams served multiple locations in the Shawnee area, including devastated neighborhoods and rural areas throughout the night and day. Around 3:00 pm all units were pulled into safety as tremendous storms threatened the area. Response teams will be out once again upon an all-clear, say officials with Salvation Army.

In Lincoln County, the Enid canteen provided breakfast, lunch and dinner to the Carney area throughout the early morning hours and all day Monday. In Cleveland County, the Central Oklahoma Area Command Disaster Service Unit responded to the Little Axe area with meals on Monday. The Salvation Army was responding, even as one of our Salvation Army family member’s home was destroyed.

The organization said that monetary donations are the most critical need as supplies and personnel are mobilized. Donors are encouraged to give online at or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769).