After the conviction of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell on murder charges, Operation Rescue has been repeatedly asked if there is any evidence that similar practices exist at abortion clinics elsewhere in the nation. That documentation has now been released.
Operation Rescue arranged to have Life Dynamics, Inc. produce a video interview, released yesterday, with three informants who came to Operation Rescue as the result of our Abortion Whistleblowers Program, which offers a reward of $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law.
The three informants, Deborah Edge, Gigi Aguliar, and Krystal Rodriguez, have come forward to tell of their horrific experiences working for abortionist Douglas Karpen, at one of three of his Texas abortion clinics, the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston. A fourth informant has co-operated with Operation Rescue, filing an affidavit about her experiences, but remains at this time anonymous.
As shocking as their stories are, these women did more than just talk; they brought forward evidence of illegal late-term abortions in the form of photos taken on their cell phones at the Karpen’s clinic on Schumacher Lane in Houston.
The photos were scandalous. They depicted two babies aborted well beyond the legal limit of 24 weeks in Texas. Their necks had been cut.
Photos of Babies 1 & 2
“The photos show babies that are huge, with gashes in their necks, indicating that these babies were likely born alive, then killed, just as Kermit Gosnell did at his ‘House of Horrors’ clinic in Philadelphia,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “In fact, there are numerous similarities between Karpen and the Gosnell case, including the disregarding of complaints by the authorities that allowed both men to continue their illegal operations.”
Signs of life
In both cases, the babies’ skin is pink, noting a lack of masceration, an early form of decomposition that happens in babies that die in the womb. Massive bruising on the extremities of one of the babies indicates the baby’s heart was pulsing with life when the trauma was inflicted likely when grasping instruments latched on to bring the baby down into the birth canal. The eyes of the other child are open in a nightmarish expression of pain, revealing development greater than 26-28 weeks. Both sets of photos were taken sometime in 2011.
The video interview of the three informants verified the worst.
“When he did an abortion, especially an over 20 week abortion, most of the time the fetus would come completely out before he cut the spinal cord or he introduced one of the instruments into the soft spot of the fetus, in order to kill the fetus,” said Deborah Edge, who worked as a surgical assistant for Karpen for about 15 years until leaving in March, 2011.
“I thought, well, it’s an abortion you know, that’s what he does, but I wasn’t aware that it was illegal…Most of the time we would see him where the fetus would come completely out and of course, the fetus would still be alive,” Edge continued.
How often did this happen?
“I think every morning I saw several, on several occasions,” she said. “If we had 20-something patients, of course ten, or twelve, or fifteen patients would be large procedures, and out of those large procedures, I’m pretty sure that I was seeing at least three or four fetuses that were completely delivered in some way or another,” said Edge, acknowledging that these babies would be alive.
She described how some babies would emerge too soon and would be alive, moving, and breathing. She also told of how Karpen would sometimes deliver the babies feet first with the toes wiggling until he stabbed them with a surgical implement. At the moment the toes would suddenly splay out before going limp. Sometimes he would kill the babies by “twisting the head off the neck,” according to Edge.
Women would be given doses of Cytotec, a drug that causes strong and unpredictable uterine contractions, and would deliver while they were waiting in line to see Karpen, some in toilets, one in the hallway.
“He just picked it up with one of those [chux] pads and put it in the trash bag,” said Krystal Rodriguez of the baby born in the hallway.
“As long as the patient had the cash, he was going to do it past 25 weeks,” she said.
But not all the babies came out intact. When there was difficulty, Karpen would dismember them, a process that was, according to the surgical assistant Deborah Edge, a bloody mess.
“Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out” she explained. “He would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize. And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.”
Undercover investigation and a troubled past
It all began in early 2011, when Operation Rescue was conducting an undercover investigation of several Texas abortion clinics when it discovered that Karpen appeared to be violating the Texas informed consent law that required that abortionists give the state-mandated information personally on patient conference calls set up for that purpose. In addition to the improper use of a recording, he was not on the line to answer questions, as the law required. Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger filed a complaint with the Texas Medical Board concerning this violation.
Sullenger submitted a statement to the TMB noting Karpen’s documented history of problems, including series of botched abortions stretching back to 1988 when 15-year old Denise Montoya hemorrhaged and died after a 26-week abortion done by Karpen.
She told the TMB of a documented incident on February 6, 2005, when a sewer broke at Karpen’s Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center, located at 2421 N. Shepherd in Houston, causing sewage to spill into the parking lot of a neighboring car dealership. Maribeth Smith, an employee of the car dealership said she is convinced she saw human body parts mixed in with the sewage. She took photographs, believing the human tissue came from the clinic.
“Whether it’s legal or not, it’s not right,” Smith said. “This whole area is nothing but raw sewage and bloody pieces. There were little legs coming out from one side.”
A Health Department worker called 911 to report a second spill at the same abortion clinic. When asked who she was with she told the dispatcher, “Health Department…and we handle normal medical waste, but this is beyond us. He says he can see fetuses and fingers and everything.” (Emphasis in transcript.)
Sullenger hoped that the history of documented abuses would help convince the TMB to act swiftly to protect the public.
Whistleblower comes forward
The following month, Deborah Edge contacted Operation Rescue with her first-hand account Karpen’s practices after she had smuggled one of Operation Rescue’s Whistleblower flyers out of his clinic, knowing that she needed to call.
In addition to the accounts of the illegal late-term abortions, other abuses Edge witnessed included:
Falsification of ultrasounds to produce younger fetal ages of babies over the legal limit or older fetal ages to extract more money out of women.
Fraudulent billing practices.
Surgical equipment not properly sterilized.
Reuse of disposable instruments.
Unqualified workers drawing and administering drugs.
Late-term abortions done at 28 weeks and later. (Texas law permits only to 24 weeks.)
Lack of adequate nursing staff.
Concealing poorly kept logs from inspectors to prevent deficiency citations.
Hiring nurses through a temp agency to work only on days when inspections are scheduled.
Mistreating heavy women and inappropriately touching attractive women while under sedation.
Sexual harassment.
Edge explained that Karpen was able to evade detection by having his workers hide sanitation logs and other incriminating documentation from inspectors on the occasions they would come by the clinic.
“Karpen might have a little newer equipment and a little cleaner clinic, but his shoddy practices certainly mirror those of convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell. Certainly if anyone deserved Board discipline, it was this guy,” said Sullenger.
Excel Spreadsheets
Another piece of evidence was an Excel file that contained four months of abortion billing information for 2011. That file was given to Operation Rescue by an anonymous informant. The abortions listed all indicated that several abortion funds, including the National Abortion Federation Fund, the Hershey Fund, the Lilith Fund, and others had been billed for part of the abortion fee. The allegation made by the informant was that Karpen was bilking the funds out of money by over-billing them. While that allegation could not be substantiated by Operation Rescue, the list was revealing as to the price of the late-term abortions that the women all said were done beyond the legal limit and the amount of cash taken in to the clinic.
March, 2011, listed 33 abortions that were partially paid for with abortion funds or other sources. Over $38,000 in cash was paid by patients. The file showed 5 abortions that cost under $1,000, 7 abortions that were between $1,000-2,000, 12 abortions that cost between $2,000-$3,000, and 3 abortions that were over $3,000.
The greater the gestational age, the higher the abortion fee. How old were the two babies whose abortions cost $3,700? The file didn’t say, but the high figure seemed to confirm the allegations that abortions were being done very late — much later than 24 weeks.
Working together
Due to legal issues raised by the former clinic workers, Operation Rescue contacted attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, which handled many of the women’s legal concerns. Once the women quit their jobs, finances became an issue. Newman contacted Abby Johnson, whose new organization And Then There Were None, which offers support to former abortion clinic workers. She agreed to help the women with some financial assistance.
Amended complaint
The additional information gathered from Edge and the other women was quickly added to the original Texas Medical Board complaint filed earlier. Sullenger discussed the new information with TMB Inspector, Leslie Coe, who seemed to be conducting an investigation. As the other Karpen employees came forward with similar stories, their affidavits were submitted to Coe along with the video of violations taken inside the clinic and the photos of the huge babies Karpen had aborted.
Everything seemed to be progressing through the investigative process. The women were interviewed and Sullenger spoke on and off with Coe, who seemed cooperative and willing to take more information as it came in.
Settlement conference hearings were scheduled and hopes rose, but the hearings were repeatedly delayed and reset over the course of months until finally they were simply were not rescheduled.
“I thought that the additional information had sent the case back to the investigative phase and that the Board just needed more time to process everything. Medical Boards take a very long time to work through things. After being involved in numerous Board actions against abortionists, the delays seemed normal,” said Sullenger. “But apparently they weren’t.”
Mysterious dismissal
But then something changed.
“It was like someone turned the spigot off. Ms. Coe stopped returning my calls and did not acknowledge my e-mails. I could not account for the change in attitude,” said Sullenger. “Then I got the letter dismissing the case and was completely stunned by it.”
The letter, dated February 8, 2013, stated:
The investigation referenced above has been dismissed because the Board determined there was insufficient evidence to prove that a violation of the Medical Practices Act occurred. Specifically, this investigation determined that Dr. Karpen did not violate the laws connected with the practice of medicine and there is no evidence of inappropriate behavior, therefore no further action will be taken.
“I couldn’t believe what I was reading,” said Sullenger. “How could anyone look at those pictures of the two babies and still say ‘there is no evidence of inappropriate behavior’? No one even bothered to sign the letter.”
Going public
With the TMB out of the picture, Sullenger sought an opportunity to get the women’s stories recorded and evidence released to the public, an effort that required her to negotiate unexpected delays.
Then, while Sullenger was in Philadelphia reporting on the Kermit Gosnell murder trial, Mark Crutcher of the Texas-based Life Dynamics, Inc., a close associate of Operation Rescue’s, was able to make arrangements to get the interviews recorded.
The Gosnell trial and his convictions on 3 counts of first degree murder for severing the spinal cords of babies born alive during abortions at his filthy West Philadelphia abortion clinic has focused the national abortion debate onto the question of whether Gosnell’s behavior was an anomaly. Often in the courtroom conversation amongst reporters, many with very liberal world views, would shift to questions about whether others like Gosnell were out there breaking the law and subjecting women – and their viable babies that the law was supposed to protect – to unspeakable atrocities.
“Douglas Karpen is so like Kermit Gosnell that it is uncanny, from the illegal late-term abortions, to killing babies born alive, to even the sewers clogged with fetal remains,” said Sullenger. “But the most disturbing thing is that we know there are others out there who are maybe even worse than Gosnell and Karpen, who just have not been caught yet. How many? There’s just no way to tell, but that thought should give everyone pause to think. Can we really afford to allow abortion clinics to run amok without accountability? When we do, we get places like Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors” and Karpen’s apparently illicit operation. The ones that pay the price for the lack of enforcement and oversight are those who can’t defend themselves from exploitation by men like them.”
Enforcement elusive
While states continue to enact pro-life laws that are designed to provide greater oversight and accountability to an out-of-control abortion industry, the matter of enforcement still remains the biggest challenge to bringing abortionists like Gosnell and Karpen to justice.
For years, Gosnell evaded accountability, shielded by a political atmosphere that ignored complaints and refused to inspect clinics out of fear of limiting access to abortions. That political climate was one in which Gosnell thrived. Karpen appears to enjoy the benefits of a similar political climate in Texas, which has inexplicably chosen to ignore a total of four former employees and the images of the babies Karpen dispatched in a similar manner that earned Gosnell two life sentences in prison.
Operation Rescue has finally made public Karpen’s identity in order to attempt bypass the stonewalling of the TMB and bring him to justice.
“We are asking all those who were appalled by the details of Gosnell’s behavior that have come out throughout the trial to take action to bring Karpen to justice in a court of law,” said Newman. “We know that it is possible to prosecute him because of the outcome of the Gosnell trial. We just need prosecutors like those in Philadelphia who are willing and courageous enough to enforce the law.”
March for Orphans Brings Attention to Broken International Adoption System
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomWASHINGTON – About 500 people, representing 37 states, gathered Friday in Washington, D.C., for the “Step Forward for Orphans March.” The marchers had firsthand experience with the brokenness of the international adoption system. Some came with the children they struggled to adopt, others marched with photos of the children they have adopted, or want to adopt but are unable to due to political barriers put in the way.
“Today the process is so restrictive, and so bureaucratic and so broken, we are really actually prohibiting families and kids from coming together. It’s nuts,” Craig Juntunen, president and founder of Both Ends Burning, told The Christian Post as he was marching.
The march, he explained, is the beginning of the “unstuck social movement” which will “form the social and political will to get kids out of orphanages and into families.”
Both Ends Burning sponsored the march and other events this past week. The march marks the end of the “Stuck” bus tour. “Stuck” is a documentary that explains the brokenness of the international adoption system by following the struggles of three families that ran into difficulties when they tried to adopt. The film can be downloaded at
Juntunen told the marchers that Both Ends Burning plans to open an office in Washington, D.C., in the next year, and to build a 50 state organization to promote adoption as a solution for kids without a family.
“We’ve got to create a transformation of our societal priorities,” Juntunen explained. “We’ve got to make family a crux and a core value, and once family does become that and we recognize the significance of a family for every child, we can be motivated to get to work, to change policy, to change procedure, and ultimately find a more sensible, streamlined, and consolidated approach that is going to open a path for kids to get into families.”
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Albert and Robin Sarkees were marching for their son, Mika, who they have not been able to bring home from Guatemala after adoptions were closed in that country. Mika will be 6 years old next month. Mika is still in Guatemala, Robin Sarkees told The Christian Post, because of “illegal government acts to keep him from coming to the U.S.” They currently have appeals in Guatemala and are waiting on a court decision.
Becky Gerig, whose adoption story was profiled last year by The Christian Post, was also at the march. Gerig said she hopes that lawmakers will understand that the issue is “not about policy, it’s about humans.”
A bill will be introduced by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.), called “Children and Families First,” Gerig explained. She is hopeful that the bill, once passed, “will help things in the international adoption community, keep out corruption, and make the process less bureaucratic and more logical.”
Conservative author and radio talk show personality Laura Ingraham spoke at the end of the march. Ingraham is herself an adoptive parent, and knows firsthand about the difficulties in the international adoption system. She has a daughter from Guatemala and two sons from Russia.
Ingraham promised the marchers that fixing the international adoption system will be her highest priority and she will “try to be the best ambassador I can be.”
“I promise you this today … that I will do everything in my power … to break this logjam internationally and make it easier for people,” she said.
The system needs appropriate safeguards and background checks, she added, but it needs to be done in a way that will “make it easier for people to have the families they deserve, they want, and that will serve the children, serve them beautifully, compassionately, charitably and lovely.”
Last year, The Christian Post ran a series about the broken international adoption system that can be found here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Pro-Abortion Planned Parenthood’s New Ad Campaign: Your Baby Will Thank You
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomWashington, DC (LiveActionNews) — The other day, I was in the middle of doing research online when I stumbled across a Planned Parenthood ad.
Planned Parenthood, over the years, has run some pretty shocking ad campaigns. Without a doubt, this one is the worst I’ve ever seen:
This ad proves that insanity can indeed reach new heights.
Planned Parenthood recently coined its “Care. No matter what.” slogan, around the same time the abortion giant decided that claiming to be “pro-choice” wasn’t the best way to win people to their side. Now, it’s insane to claim to “care” when your work is actually killing. (Insanity is defined as “extreme irrationality.”) But to claim that the ones you kill will “thank you”? I honestly can’t imagine more insane or irrational logic.
It seems as though Planned Parenthood enjoys facing the truth and running in the complete opposite direction, spinning a calculated lie, and claiming all the while that the opposite of the truth is actually true – for the supposed benefit of women everywhere.
The thought process must go something like this:
Truth: Babies suffer during abortions./Babies are ripped apart during abortions./Babies are deprived of life during abortions.
Planned Parenthood: Babies enjoy suffering./Babies enjoy getting ripped apart./Babies enjoy being deprived of life. (Just like we all would, right?!)
Truth: Women want to think their babies are happy and not suffering.
Planned Parenthood: Even though we are in the business of ensuring that thousands of babies are never born, let’s run an ad showing a happy, healthy, smiling baby (something we don’t create, but who cares?!) being held by her mother. And let’s add in the slogan, “Your baby will thank you.” That way, women will think of a happy, smiling baby as they are lying on the table, going through an abortion (and their babies are being sucked apart or torn into pieces), and these women will think about how thankful their baby is.
Honestly, I don’t have a clue what could possibly have been running through the mind of whatever insane person created this ad. But maybe it was something like that.
There should seriously be a prize for anyone who can come up with any sort of legitimate benefit that Planned Parenthood gives babies. How does Planned Parenthood help babies thank their moms? For what?
Planned Parenthood is forever talking about how it provides birth control. Right. A baby who was never born because her mother was on birth control is definitely going to thank Mom for that.
In some insane jump of non-logic, Planned Parenthood is attempting to convince women that their babies will “thank them” for visiting their local clinic. This is no better than Nazis posting signs of happy Jews, thanking the SS officers for the death camps – and the gas chambers in particular.
Let’s hope that our society isn’t as insane as Planned Parenthood must think we are.
Another Gosnell: Report Shows Texas Abortion Doc Kills Babies Born Alive
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomAfter the conviction of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell on murder charges, Operation Rescue has been repeatedly asked if there is any evidence that similar practices exist at abortion clinics elsewhere in the nation. That documentation has now been released.
Operation Rescue arranged to have Life Dynamics, Inc. produce a video interview, released yesterday, with three informants who came to Operation Rescue as the result of our Abortion Whistleblowers Program, which offers a reward of $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of abortionists who are breaking the law.
The three informants, Deborah Edge, Gigi Aguliar, and Krystal Rodriguez, have come forward to tell of their horrific experiences working for abortionist Douglas Karpen, at one of three of his Texas abortion clinics, the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston. A fourth informant has co-operated with Operation Rescue, filing an affidavit about her experiences, but remains at this time anonymous.
As shocking as their stories are, these women did more than just talk; they brought forward evidence of illegal late-term abortions in the form of photos taken on their cell phones at the Karpen’s clinic on Schumacher Lane in Houston.
The photos were scandalous. They depicted two babies aborted well beyond the legal limit of 24 weeks in Texas. Their necks had been cut.
Photos of Babies 1 & 2
“The photos show babies that are huge, with gashes in their necks, indicating that these babies were likely born alive, then killed, just as Kermit Gosnell did at his ‘House of Horrors’ clinic in Philadelphia,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. “In fact, there are numerous similarities between Karpen and the Gosnell case, including the disregarding of complaints by the authorities that allowed both men to continue their illegal operations.”
Signs of life
In both cases, the babies’ skin is pink, noting a lack of masceration, an early form of decomposition that happens in babies that die in the womb. Massive bruising on the extremities of one of the babies indicates the baby’s heart was pulsing with life when the trauma was inflicted likely when grasping instruments latched on to bring the baby down into the birth canal. The eyes of the other child are open in a nightmarish expression of pain, revealing development greater than 26-28 weeks. Both sets of photos were taken sometime in 2011.
The video interview of the three informants verified the worst.
“When he did an abortion, especially an over 20 week abortion, most of the time the fetus would come completely out before he cut the spinal cord or he introduced one of the instruments into the soft spot of the fetus, in order to kill the fetus,” said Deborah Edge, who worked as a surgical assistant for Karpen for about 15 years until leaving in March, 2011.
“I thought, well, it’s an abortion you know, that’s what he does, but I wasn’t aware that it was illegal…Most of the time we would see him where the fetus would come completely out and of course, the fetus would still be alive,” Edge continued.
How often did this happen?
“I think every morning I saw several, on several occasions,” she said. “If we had 20-something patients, of course ten, or twelve, or fifteen patients would be large procedures, and out of those large procedures, I’m pretty sure that I was seeing at least three or four fetuses that were completely delivered in some way or another,” said Edge, acknowledging that these babies would be alive.
She described how some babies would emerge too soon and would be alive, moving, and breathing. She also told of how Karpen would sometimes deliver the babies feet first with the toes wiggling until he stabbed them with a surgical implement. At the moment the toes would suddenly splay out before going limp. Sometimes he would kill the babies by “twisting the head off the neck,” according to Edge.
Women would be given doses of Cytotec, a drug that causes strong and unpredictable uterine contractions, and would deliver while they were waiting in line to see Karpen, some in toilets, one in the hallway.
“He just picked it up with one of those [chux] pads and put it in the trash bag,” said Krystal Rodriguez of the baby born in the hallway.
“As long as the patient had the cash, he was going to do it past 25 weeks,” she said.
But not all the babies came out intact. When there was difficulty, Karpen would dismember them, a process that was, according to the surgical assistant Deborah Edge, a bloody mess.
“Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out” she explained. “He would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize. And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.”
Undercover investigation and a troubled past
It all began in early 2011, when Operation Rescue was conducting an undercover investigation of several Texas abortion clinics when it discovered that Karpen appeared to be violating the Texas informed consent law that required that abortionists give the state-mandated information personally on patient conference calls set up for that purpose. In addition to the improper use of a recording, he was not on the line to answer questions, as the law required. Operation Rescue’s Cheryl Sullenger filed a complaint with the Texas Medical Board concerning this violation.
Sullenger submitted a statement to the TMB noting Karpen’s documented history of problems, including series of botched abortions stretching back to 1988 when 15-year old Denise Montoya hemorrhaged and died after a 26-week abortion done by Karpen.
She told the TMB of a documented incident on February 6, 2005, when a sewer broke at Karpen’s Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center, located at 2421 N. Shepherd in Houston, causing sewage to spill into the parking lot of a neighboring car dealership. Maribeth Smith, an employee of the car dealership said she is convinced she saw human body parts mixed in with the sewage. She took photographs, believing the human tissue came from the clinic.
“Whether it’s legal or not, it’s not right,” Smith said. “This whole area is nothing but raw sewage and bloody pieces. There were little legs coming out from one side.”
A Health Department worker called 911 to report a second spill at the same abortion clinic. When asked who she was with she told the dispatcher, “Health Department…and we handle normal medical waste, but this is beyond us. He says he can see fetuses and fingers and everything.” (Emphasis in transcript.)
Sullenger hoped that the history of documented abuses would help convince the TMB to act swiftly to protect the public.
Whistleblower comes forward
The following month, Deborah Edge contacted Operation Rescue with her first-hand account Karpen’s practices after she had smuggled one of Operation Rescue’s Whistleblower flyers out of his clinic, knowing that she needed to call.
In addition to the accounts of the illegal late-term abortions, other abuses Edge witnessed included:
Falsification of ultrasounds to produce younger fetal ages of babies over the legal limit or older fetal ages to extract more money out of women.
Fraudulent billing practices.
Surgical equipment not properly sterilized.
Reuse of disposable instruments.
Unqualified workers drawing and administering drugs.
Late-term abortions done at 28 weeks and later. (Texas law permits only to 24 weeks.)
Lack of adequate nursing staff.
Concealing poorly kept logs from inspectors to prevent deficiency citations.
Hiring nurses through a temp agency to work only on days when inspections are scheduled.
Mistreating heavy women and inappropriately touching attractive women while under sedation.
Sexual harassment.
Edge explained that Karpen was able to evade detection by having his workers hide sanitation logs and other incriminating documentation from inspectors on the occasions they would come by the clinic.
“Karpen might have a little newer equipment and a little cleaner clinic, but his shoddy practices certainly mirror those of convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell. Certainly if anyone deserved Board discipline, it was this guy,” said Sullenger.
Excel Spreadsheets
Another piece of evidence was an Excel file that contained four months of abortion billing information for 2011. That file was given to Operation Rescue by an anonymous informant. The abortions listed all indicated that several abortion funds, including the National Abortion Federation Fund, the Hershey Fund, the Lilith Fund, and others had been billed for part of the abortion fee. The allegation made by the informant was that Karpen was bilking the funds out of money by over-billing them. While that allegation could not be substantiated by Operation Rescue, the list was revealing as to the price of the late-term abortions that the women all said were done beyond the legal limit and the amount of cash taken in to the clinic.
March, 2011, listed 33 abortions that were partially paid for with abortion funds or other sources. Over $38,000 in cash was paid by patients. The file showed 5 abortions that cost under $1,000, 7 abortions that were between $1,000-2,000, 12 abortions that cost between $2,000-$3,000, and 3 abortions that were over $3,000.
The greater the gestational age, the higher the abortion fee. How old were the two babies whose abortions cost $3,700? The file didn’t say, but the high figure seemed to confirm the allegations that abortions were being done very late — much later than 24 weeks.
Working together
Due to legal issues raised by the former clinic workers, Operation Rescue contacted attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom, which handled many of the women’s legal concerns. Once the women quit their jobs, finances became an issue. Newman contacted Abby Johnson, whose new organization And Then There Were None, which offers support to former abortion clinic workers. She agreed to help the women with some financial assistance.
Amended complaint
The additional information gathered from Edge and the other women was quickly added to the original Texas Medical Board complaint filed earlier. Sullenger discussed the new information with TMB Inspector, Leslie Coe, who seemed to be conducting an investigation. As the other Karpen employees came forward with similar stories, their affidavits were submitted to Coe along with the video of violations taken inside the clinic and the photos of the huge babies Karpen had aborted.
Everything seemed to be progressing through the investigative process. The women were interviewed and Sullenger spoke on and off with Coe, who seemed cooperative and willing to take more information as it came in.
Settlement conference hearings were scheduled and hopes rose, but the hearings were repeatedly delayed and reset over the course of months until finally they were simply were not rescheduled.
“I thought that the additional information had sent the case back to the investigative phase and that the Board just needed more time to process everything. Medical Boards take a very long time to work through things. After being involved in numerous Board actions against abortionists, the delays seemed normal,” said Sullenger. “But apparently they weren’t.”
Mysterious dismissal
But then something changed.
“It was like someone turned the spigot off. Ms. Coe stopped returning my calls and did not acknowledge my e-mails. I could not account for the change in attitude,” said Sullenger. “Then I got the letter dismissing the case and was completely stunned by it.”
The letter, dated February 8, 2013, stated:
The investigation referenced above has been dismissed because the Board determined there was insufficient evidence to prove that a violation of the Medical Practices Act occurred. Specifically, this investigation determined that Dr. Karpen did not violate the laws connected with the practice of medicine and there is no evidence of inappropriate behavior, therefore no further action will be taken.
“I couldn’t believe what I was reading,” said Sullenger. “How could anyone look at those pictures of the two babies and still say ‘there is no evidence of inappropriate behavior’? No one even bothered to sign the letter.”
Going public
With the TMB out of the picture, Sullenger sought an opportunity to get the women’s stories recorded and evidence released to the public, an effort that required her to negotiate unexpected delays.
Then, while Sullenger was in Philadelphia reporting on the Kermit Gosnell murder trial, Mark Crutcher of the Texas-based Life Dynamics, Inc., a close associate of Operation Rescue’s, was able to make arrangements to get the interviews recorded.
The Gosnell trial and his convictions on 3 counts of first degree murder for severing the spinal cords of babies born alive during abortions at his filthy West Philadelphia abortion clinic has focused the national abortion debate onto the question of whether Gosnell’s behavior was an anomaly. Often in the courtroom conversation amongst reporters, many with very liberal world views, would shift to questions about whether others like Gosnell were out there breaking the law and subjecting women – and their viable babies that the law was supposed to protect – to unspeakable atrocities.
“Douglas Karpen is so like Kermit Gosnell that it is uncanny, from the illegal late-term abortions, to killing babies born alive, to even the sewers clogged with fetal remains,” said Sullenger. “But the most disturbing thing is that we know there are others out there who are maybe even worse than Gosnell and Karpen, who just have not been caught yet. How many? There’s just no way to tell, but that thought should give everyone pause to think. Can we really afford to allow abortion clinics to run amok without accountability? When we do, we get places like Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors” and Karpen’s apparently illicit operation. The ones that pay the price for the lack of enforcement and oversight are those who can’t defend themselves from exploitation by men like them.”
Enforcement elusive
While states continue to enact pro-life laws that are designed to provide greater oversight and accountability to an out-of-control abortion industry, the matter of enforcement still remains the biggest challenge to bringing abortionists like Gosnell and Karpen to justice.
For years, Gosnell evaded accountability, shielded by a political atmosphere that ignored complaints and refused to inspect clinics out of fear of limiting access to abortions. That political climate was one in which Gosnell thrived. Karpen appears to enjoy the benefits of a similar political climate in Texas, which has inexplicably chosen to ignore a total of four former employees and the images of the babies Karpen dispatched in a similar manner that earned Gosnell two life sentences in prison.
Operation Rescue has finally made public Karpen’s identity in order to attempt bypass the stonewalling of the TMB and bring him to justice.
“We are asking all those who were appalled by the details of Gosnell’s behavior that have come out throughout the trial to take action to bring Karpen to justice in a court of law,” said Newman. “We know that it is possible to prosecute him because of the outcome of the Gosnell trial. We just need prosecutors like those in Philadelphia who are willing and courageous enough to enforce the law.”
Gosnell Gives Up Appeal, Prosecutors Agree to Life in Prison, No Death Penalty
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomAbortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell has given up his right to appeal the verdict that found him guilty on three of the four first-degree murder charges he faced.
As a result, prosecutors have agreed to life terms in prison for the former abortion facility owner and he will now not face the death penalty.
Prosecutors agreed to two life sentences without parole, and Gosnell will now face sentencing Wednesday as opposed to next week, where he could have been subjected to the death penalty by a second jury. The prosecutors originally sought the death penalty because Gosnell killed more than one person and because of the age of the newborn babies involved.
They also agreed to the life sentences in prison because Gosnell’s age made it unlikely he would be executed before his appeals ran out, as he would die naturally beforehand.
“Gosnell is to be sentenced Wednesday in the death of the third baby, an involuntary manslaughter conviction in the death of a patient and hundreds of lesser counts,” AP reported.
Gosnell defense attorney Jack McMahon talked with local media before the sentencing agreement and said he realized it would be an uphill battle to get a lower sentence.
“The media has been overwhelmingly against him,” McMahon said. “But I think the jury listened to the evidence … and they found what they found.”
Gosnell was found guilty of killing Baby A, Baby C and Baby D and found not guilty of killing Baby E. He was also convicted on hundreds of lesser charges ranging from infanticide to running a corrupt organization.
Gonell was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of patient Karnamaya Mongar, who died after a botched abortion. And he was found guilty on most of the more than 200 counts of violating Pennsylvania’s informed consent law.
In total, Gosnell was found guilty of 21 out of 24 felony counts of illegal abortions beyond the 24 week limit and found guilty on all but 16 of 227 misdemeanor counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law.
Under Pennsylvania law, all 12 of the jurors must reach a unanimous verdict on any of the murder counts Gosnell faces for him to be convicted on any of them. Each of the elements of a charged crime must be proven to each juror beyond reasonable doubt for that juror to vote to convict on that count and one reluctant juror could lead to a mistrial on any of the first-degree murder charges.
Below are the details related to the four babies Gosnell was charged with killing:
Baby Boy A was the biggest baby that Kareema Cross had ever seen delivered at Gosnell’s abortion “House of Horrors” clinic in the four years she worked there. He was delivered to 17-year old Shaquana Abrams at 29.4 weeks gestation, according to an ultrasound record. Baby Boy A was so large, he did not fit into the plastic shoe box that Gosnell tossed him in. Cross said she saw the baby pull in his arms and legs while Gosnell explained the movements as “reflexes” telling her the baby really didn’t move prior to cutting the baby’s neck. Baby Boy A was so large, Gosnell joked that “this baby is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop.” Cross and fellow employees Adrienne Moton and 15-year old Ashley Baldwin were all so “startled” by the size of the baby that they all took photos of the baby with their cell phones.
Baby C was an intact baby of over 25-weeks gestation. Kareema Cross testified that she saw Baby C breathing and described the up and down chest movements she observed for 20 minutes. She told the court she saw Lynda Williams lift the baby’s arm and watched as the newborn drew it back on its own power. Afterwards, Williams inserted surgical scissors into the baby’s neck and “snipped” the spinal cord. Gosnell was said to be in the room at the time. This baby’s murder charges were unintentionally dismissed in the place of Baby F, but were reinstated after Judge Minehart discovered his error.
Baby D was described by witnesses as 12-15 inches long with the head the size of a “big pancake” when he was delivered into a toilet. Kareema Cross testified that she saw the baby struggling, using swimming motions in an attempt to get out of the toilet bowl. Adrienne Moton pulled the baby out and “snipped” the neck, as Gosnell had taught her to do, while the mother watched. Gosnell has also been charged with Criminal Solicitation of Moton to commit murder of Baby D.
Baby E was estimated to be at least 23 weeks gestation and maybe more. After Baby E was delivered, teen Ashley Baldwin heard the baby cry and called Kareema Cross for help. Cross described the baby’s cry as a “whine.” Baldwin said that Gosnell when into the room then came out with the baby — which now had an incision in its neck — and tossed it into the waste bin.
Eight other defendants who are former staffers of Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic have pleaded guilty to a variety of charges and are awaiting sentencing.
Previously, the judge in the case reinstated one of the murder charges and dropped another. Gosnell’s defense attorney asked the judge to drop three of the charges for killing the babies and the judge agreed with the contention there was not enough evidence to convict Gosnell on those charges. Another charge of infanticide was also dropped.
One of the dropped charges involved a 28-week-old baby Gosnell killed and whose remains were kept in an abortion clinic freezer.
Common pleas court Judge Jeffrey Minehart also dropped five counts of corpse abuse at the request of his defense attorney and did not explain his ruling dropping any of the charges.
The defense had argued that there were no live births at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Center abortion clinic and contends the babies died during abortions and their necks were snipped afterwards. But former Gosnell staffers testified they saw signs of life even after the abortion had been completed — saying the babies “jumped” and “screamed” and tried to escape.
Gosnell, whose squalid “house of horrors” abortion clinic has surprised even investigative officials, has had almost flippant attitude toward his macabre abortion practices shocked the nation.
“The Gosnell case is a watershed moment for the issue of abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “The discovery of his horrific practices helped shed light on an abortion industry that has run amok without oversight or accountability for decades, and has prompted significant changes in abortion laws and attitudes toward enforcement in several states.”
Previously, Gosnell’s wife Pearl pleaded guilty to assisting her husband at his Philadelphia abortion center where he killed a woman in a botched abortion and has killed hundreds of babies in abortion-infanticides. Pearl Gosnell was considering a plea deal similar to the one several of Gosnell’s former abortion center employees have made where they have pleaded guilty to receive a lesser sentence in exchange for testifying against Gosnell.
Pearl also worked at the abortion center Gosnell ran that had him kill and injure women in failed abortions and kill perhaps hundreds of babies in grisly infanticides by birthing them and “snipping” their spinal cords. She worked at the Women’s Medical Society abortion business her husband ran as a full-time medical assistant from 1982 until she married Kermit Gosnell in 1990, when she switched to only working on Sundays.
At that time, the abortion business was officially closed but would do its latest-term abortions possible. The grand jury report indicates Pearl Gosnell testified that she alone helped Kermit do abortions on Sundays when she would “help do the instruments” in the operating room despite no medical training.
The murder charges also came in connection with the botched abortion death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar, who died at Gosnell’s abortion clinic after a failed abortion. Mongar died November 20, 2009, after overdosing on anesthetics prescribed by the doctor.
Mongar’s family filed a lawsuit against Gosnell’s abortion business seeking damages. Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides.
Meanwhile, women have spoken out about their treatment and one woman says she was drugged and tied up and forced to have an abortion. Authorities searching the facility found bags and bottles holding aborted babies scattered around the building, jars containing babies’ severed feet lining a shelf, as well as filthy, unsanitary furniture and equipment.
The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.
Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010. It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.
The abortion industry has been forced to suspend two abortion businesses that employed embattled abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who has been the subject of national controversy over his abortion business in Philadelphia.
Kermit Gosnell ‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Found Guilty on Three Counts of Murder
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomPHILADELPHIA – Sam Rohrer, President of the Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network comments about the guilty verdict of abortionist, Kermit Gosnell:
“Today’s guilty verdict of Kermit Gosnell is a milestone in the culture of death that America has cultivated since 1973 when Roe v. Wade made abortion legal on demand. As we move away from God’s Word, there is no compass to point the way toward right and wrong and as a result, people have gone astray and have been led astray by evil.
“In our day when death threatens the life of the unborn, and increasingly, unthinkably, even those babies who are born alive, there is no other good choice but to rely God’s Word as the only source for truth and confidence on the subject of the sanctity of all human life.
“When a nation and its people obey God’s commands they will have life, liberty, prosperity, and God’s blessing. But when the people don’t believe God’s Word is sufficient and replace God with themselves, or look to government to do what only God can do, a nation declines and freedom and life are lost.”
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a group of biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues; examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in our political process on a non-partisan basis.
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network website continues to offer a wealth of resources to pastors to help them equip their congregations to live a Christian life, from sermon notes to corporate prayers for our nation, to resources for laypeople, covering everything from preparation to finances.
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a part of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a 501c(4) non-profit organization. To contact them visit. or call 610-793-1800.
To schedule interviews with Sam Rohrer, President of the Pa. Pastors’ Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.
Guilty: Abortionist Gosnell Convicted of First-Degree Murder of 3 Babies
/0 Comments/in Release /by News RoomLate-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of first-degree murder for killing three babies born alive after abortions by severing their spinal cords with scissors, and he now faces the death penalty.
After 10 days of deliberation in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, a jury today found Gosnell guilty of three of the four murder charges for babies in the case, including “Baby C,” which was “moving and breathing for 20 minutes” before its neck was snipped, and “Baby D,” which was born alive in a toilet, “swimming,” trying to get out.
The jury, which according to local reports was made up of nine “pro-choice” individuals, did not convict Gosnell of third-degree murder for the overdose death of Karnamaya Mongar, who died at Gosnell’s clinic the Women’s Medical Society in West Philadelphia when seeking a late-term abortion. Gosnell instead was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in that instance.
For the 24 counts of performing abortions after 24 weeks, the jury found Gosnell guilty on 21. Gosnell was also convicted of numerous conspiracy charges and infanticide.
The guilty verdict on Monday ended the lengthy trial that began on March 18, which included five weeks of testimony from 54 witnesses. Gosnell did not take the stand during the trial, with defense lawyer Jack McMahon resting his case without calling any witnesses.
“Obviously the jury has spoken,” McMahon said outside the court following the verdict. “A jury has spoken and we respect that verdict.”
McMahon said Gosnell’s state of mind was “disappointed and he’s upset.”
“[Gosnell] showed me a little bit of something before the verdict even came in, he thanked me very much for my effort, which to me says a lot about it before any verdict occurs, and I respected that out of him,” McMahon said.
Grand Jury Report, Abortionist: ‘This Baby Is Big Enough to Walk Around With Me or Walk Me to the Bus Stop’
Baby girl aborted at office of Dr. Kermit Gosnell in West Philadelphia, Pa. (Photo: Grand Jury Report, First Judicial District of Pennsylvania.)
“His state of mind is—as any intelligent human being would be at this point in time—is he’s disappointed and he’s upset,” he said of Gosnell. “I mean, we aired out our position on this over a long trial, we had a fair trial, we got to put out our position, and the jury spoke, and to me, that’s what our system is all about.”
When asked if he regrets not calling Gosnell to testify, or any witnesses in defense, McMahon said, “No.”
“We started this case with eight murders, there were seven murders and Ms. Mongar was a not guilty of murder, and then there was four other not guilty of murders, but there was three that were, so we have to deal with that.”
Originally, Gosnell was charged with seven counts of first-degree murder of babies, but Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Jeffrey P. Minehart threw out three of the counts during judgment of acquittal, apparently concluding the prosecution failed to put forth enough evidence that the babies in those cases were born alive.
The jury will now move on to sentencing, and will have to be unanimous in order to sentence Gosnell to death. They will reconvene on May 21.
Fetal remains in a freezer in the Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic run by Dr. Kermit Gosnell. (Grand Jury Report.)
Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore was reportedly in tears when the verdict was read, ending a years’ long process since Gosnell’s clinic was raided in February 2010.
The jury did not find Gosnell guilty of murder in the case of “Baby E,” which witnesses testified they heard crying before Gosnell killed it with scissors, according to the grand jury report.
Lila Rose, president of the pro-life group Live Action, said “justice has been served.”
“Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s gruesome and inhuman crimes in Philadelphia cried out for justice, and now – for three of his four born and struggling victims, at least – justice has been served,” Rose said. “Even as we celebrate this verdict, we honor and mourn as well those innocents who did not receive ‘their day in court’ – and we must remember that Gosnell is not an outlier within the abortion industry.”
“We call upon Congress to investigate all those participating in or willing to participate in this kind of brutality toward vulnerable women and children, and end it,” she said.
Pope Francis Joins 40,000 Pro-Lifers at Italian March for Life
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomSome 40,000 pro-life marchers at the March for Life in Italy received a surprise when Pope Francis joined them — driving down the street in his popemobile where the Marcia per la Vita was taking place.
The Pope thanked the participants for their work and called on them to continue protecting the unborn.
“I invite you to keep the attention of everyone on the important issue of respect for human life from the moment of conception,” the pontiff told pro-lifers.
“It brings me great joy to see that so many Italian parishes are taking part in the pro-life signature campaign. This initiative titled ‘One of Us,’ guarantees the legal protection of the embryo, protecting human life from the very start,” he added.
Pro-life Catholics were overjoyed by the head of the Catholic Church joining them so actively in their opposition to abortion.
“Those of you who have been involved in the pro-life movement for many years can appreciate the joy and excitement that was felt when Pope Francis showed up at a pro-life march today,” said Frank Munda, who runs a pro-life blog called Pro-Life Corner. “Those of you who have labored to promote the culture of life by praying at your local abortion mill can appreciate this thought.”
“an you imagine praying at one of the many Planned Parenthood killing centers in America, looking over to your side and seeing your local Bishop or Cardinal praying beside you? Oh how that would lift your heart; your spirit would soar with the eagles,” he said. “I pray that all bishops and cardinals will follow the Holy Father’s good example and start, from this day forth, to show up at mills and at marches.”
“And like St. Francis of Assisi, they would not have to speak at all. I am convinced that if they would just show up the secular world will take note; this very act could be the beginning of the end of the slaughter of the pre-born baby in the womb. Maybe it’s time we make an effort to invite our bishops and Cardinals to come and pray with us at the Planned Parenthood killing fields. Let’s put our light on a lamp stand and show the world that all Christians who love Jesus Christ are pro-life,” Munda continued.
Pope Francis Joins 40,000 Pro-Lifers at Italian March for Life
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomSome 40,000 pro-life marchers at the March for Life in Italy received a surprise when Pope Francis joined them — driving down the street in his popemobile where the Marcia per la Vita was taking place.
The Pope thanked the participants for their work and called on them to continue protecting the unborn.
“I invite you to keep the attention of everyone on the important issue of respect for human life from the moment of conception,” the pontiff told pro-lifers.
“It brings me great joy to see that so many Italian parishes are taking part in the pro-life signature campaign. This initiative titled ‘One of Us,’ guarantees the legal protection of the embryo, protecting human life from the very start,” he added.
Pro-life Catholics were overjoyed by the head of the Catholic Church joining them so actively in their opposition to abortion.
“Those of you who have been involved in the pro-life movement for many years can appreciate the joy and excitement that was felt when Pope Francis showed up at a pro-life march today,” said Frank Munda, who runs a pro-life blog called Pro-Life Corner. “Those of you who have labored to promote the culture of life by praying at your local abortion mill can appreciate this thought.”
“an you imagine praying at one of the many Planned Parenthood killing centers in America, looking over to your side and seeing your local Bishop or Cardinal praying beside you? Oh how that would lift your heart; your spirit would soar with the eagles,” he said. “I pray that all bishops and cardinals will follow the Holy Father’s good example and start, from this day forth, to show up at mills and at marches.”
“And like St. Francis of Assisi, they would not have to speak at all. I am convinced that if they would just show up the secular world will take note; this very act could be the beginning of the end of the slaughter of the pre-born baby in the womb. Maybe it’s time we make an effort to invite our bishops and Cardinals to come and pray with us at the Planned Parenthood killing fields. Let’s put our light on a lamp stand and show the world that all Christians who love Jesus Christ are pro-life,” Munda continued.
Gosnell Jury Hears About Baby Surviving Abortion Struggling in Toilet
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomThe jury in the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell re-heared testimony today of a baby who was delivered alive after an abortion into a toilet and was seen struggling trying to live.
Gosnell is charged with four counts of first-degree murder for killing babies following delivery in an abortion process that involved “snipping” their necks and spinal cords. He also faces a third-degree murder charge related to the death of a woman, Karnamaya Mongar, 41, of Virginia, from a botched legal abortion. Gosnell, who has been in jail since his January 2011 arrest.
The abortionist faces 258 counts total and other charges against him include one count of infanticide and one of racketeering, 24 counts of performing third-trimester abortions and 227 counts of failing to follow the 24-hour waiting period law before an abortion so women can consider its risks and alternatives.
The jury wanted to re-hear testimony from Adrienne Moton, a medical assistant who told the court in March that she snipped the spines of at least 10 babies during unorthodox abortions. And she said Dr. Kermit Gosnell and another employee did the same sipping technique.
Moton, the first employee to testify, sobbed as she recalled taking a cellphone photograph of one baby left in her work area. She thought he could have survived, given his size and pinkish color. She had measured him at nearly 30 weeks.
“The aunt felt it was just best for her (the mother’s) future,” Moton testified.
Gosnell later joked that the baby was so big he could have walked to the bus stop, she said.
Jurors saw Moton’s photograph on a large screen in the courtroom, which took on a bizarre look Tuesday as she testified near a hospital bed with stirrups and other aging obstetric equipment. Denied the chance to bring jurors to the shuttered inner-city clinic, prosecutors are instead recreating a patient room in court.
Moton, 35, sobbed as she described her work at the clinic. Because of problems at home, she had moved in with Gosnell and his third wife during high school, and she went to work for him from 2005 to 2008. She earned about $10 an hour, off the books, to administer drugs, perform sonograms, help with abortions and dispose of fetal remains. Workers got $20 bonuses for second-term abortions on Saturdays, when a half-dozen were sometimes performed.
She once had to kill a baby delivered in a toilet, cutting its neck with scissors, she said. Asked if she knew that was wrong, she said, “At first I didn’t.”
If sentenced for the convictions, Gosnell could face the death penalty following the convictions by the jury in Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia.
Under Pennsylvania law, all 12 of the jurors must reach a unanimous verdict on any of the murder counts Gosnell faces for him to be convicted on any of them. Each of the elements of a charged crime must be proven to each juror beyond reasonable doubt for that juror to vote to convict on that count and one reluctant juror could lead to a mistrial on any of the first-degree murder charges.
Since prosecutors are pursuing the death penalty in the case, the jury will only be deciding whether Gosnell is guilty related to the charges. If convicted, a second jury will be impaneled to determine sentencing under the penalty phase of the trial. During this phase, the judge has already instructed jurors to only consider guilt or innocence.
Given the number of charges Gosnell faces, and the fact that Gosnell has a co-defendant the jury is considering for conviction as well, the jury make take a longer period of time to arrive at a verdict on each of the 250-plus charges.
Most of the focus in the murder trial of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell is on the murder charges he faces for killing babies in abortion-infanticides and for killing a woman in a botched abortion.
But Gosnell faces more than 200 charges related to violating Pennsylvania state law that requires him to provide women with informed consent 24 hours prior to the abortion. Gosnell is charged with breaking that law by not giving women information about abortion risks and alternatives 24 hours prior to the abortion.
Eight other defendants who are former staffers of Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion clinic have pleaded guilty to a variety of charges and are awaiting sentencing.
Previously, the judge in the case reinstated one of the murder charges and dropped another. Gosnell’s defense attorney asked the judge to drop three of the charges for killing the babies and the judge agreed with the contention there was not enough evidence to convict Gosnell on those charges. Another charge of infanticide was also dropped.
One of the dropped charges involved a 28-week-old baby Gosnell killed and whose remains were kept in an abortion clinic freezer.
Common pleas court Judge Jeffrey Minehart also dropped five counts of corpse abuse at the request of his defense attorney and did not explain his ruling dropping any of the charges.
The defense had argued that there were no live births at Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Center abortion clinic and contends the babies died during abortions and their necks were snipped afterwards. But former Gosnell staffers testified they saw signs of life even after the abortion had been completed — saying the babies “jumped” and “screamed” and tried to escape.
Gosnell, whose squalid “house of horrors” abortion clinic has surprised even investigative officials, has had almost flippant attitude toward his macabre abortion practices shocked the nation.
“The Gosnell case is a watershed moment for the issue of abortion,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. “The discovery of his horrific practices helped shed light on an abortion industry that has run amok without oversight or accountability for decades, and has prompted significant changes in abortion laws and attitudes toward enforcement in several states.”
Previously, Gosnell’s wife Pearl pleaded guilty to assisting her husband at his Philadelphia abortion center where he killed a woman in a botched abortion and has killed hundreds of babies in abortion-infanticides. Pearl Gosnell was considering a plea deal similar to the one several of Gosnell’s former abortion center employees have made where they have pleaded guilty to receive a lesser sentence in exchange for testifying against Gosnell.
Pearl also worked at the abortion center Gosnell ran that had him kill and injure women in failed abortions and kill perhaps hundreds of babies in grisly infanticides by birthing them and “snipping” their spinal cords. She worked at the Women’s Medical Society abortion business her husband ran as a full-time medical assistant from 1982 until she married Kermit Gosnell in 1990, when she switched to only working on Sundays.
At that time, the abortion business was officially closed but would do its latest-term abortions possible. The grand jury report indicates Pearl Gosnell testified that she alone helped Kermit do abortions on Sundays when she would “help do the instruments” in the operating room despite no medical training.
The murder charges also came in connection with the botched abortion death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar, who died at Gosnell’s abortion clinic after a failed abortion. Mongar died November 20, 2009, after overdosing on anesthetics prescribed by the doctor.
Mongar’s family filed a lawsuit against Gosnell’s abortion business seeking damages. Gosnell and several staffers at his abortion center, including Pearl, were arrested in January after a grand jury indicted them on multiple charges after officials raided his abortion business following a woman’s death and discovered a “shop of horrors” filled with bags of bodies and body parts of deceased unborn children and babies killed in infanticides.
Meanwhile, women have spoken out about their treatment and one woman says she was drugged and tied up and forced to have an abortion. Authorities searching the facility found bags and bottles holding aborted babies scattered around the building, jars containing babies’ severed feet lining a shelf, as well as filthy, unsanitary furniture and equipment.
The grand jury investigation also shows state officials did nothing when reports came in about problems at Gosnell’s abortion center, which has upset incoming pro-life Governor Tom Corbett.
Gosnell’s abortion center was inspected only after a federal drug raid in 2010. It was the first time the facility had been inspected in 17 years because state officials ignored complaints and failed to visit Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society for years.
The abortion industry has been forced to suspend two abortion businesses that employed embattled abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who has been the subject of national controversy over his abortion business in Philadelphia.
Saving Amanda Berry Was 'Christian, American' Thing to Do, Says Hero Charles Ramsey
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by News RoomCharles Ramsey, the Cleveland man whose courage led him to help save Amanda Berry and two other women from a man who had held them captive for almost 10 years, doesn’t think his actions were heroic. It was just the “Christian, American” thing to do, he says.
“No, no, no. Bro, I’m a Christian, an American, and just like you. We bleed same blood, put our pants on the same way. It’s just that you got to put that – being a coward, and I don’t want to get in nobody’s business. You got to put that away for a minute,” said Ramsey when asked if he saw himself as a hero in a seven and a half minute interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
“This man took love thy neighbor to heart and for that he has stolen mine! I adore him!” wrote Jenny Zale, a commenter on the video of the interview posted to YouTube on Tuesday.
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus Found After 10 Years: ‘This is a Blessing,’ Police Chief Says
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus
Three women who disappeared nearly 10 years ago have all been found alive in …
Charles Ramsey: Hero Who Helped Kidnapped Ohio Women Escape Details Rescue
Charles Ramsey speaking to reporters following the rescue of three kidnapped Ohio women on May 6, 2013.
Charles Ramsey, the neighbor who on Monday helped three kidnapped Ohio women …
Missing Ohio Woman’s Aunt Never Gave Up Hope, Prayed for Amanda Berry’s Safe Return
The city of Cleveland, Ohio, has been reveling in yesterday’s discovery of …
Thanks to his Christian American values, Berry, 27, and the two other women, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32, are now free.
Missing separately for nearly a decade when they were in their teens or early 20s, the three women were discovered by Ramsey and others, tied up and alive on Monday in a residential neighborhood south of downtown Cleveland, according to news reports.
In the follow-up interview with Cooper that was less animated than the initial news clips that turned him into an Internet sensation, Ramsey gave a poignant and at times haunting recollection of his daring rescue and insight into an uncommonly selfless nature.
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He described how he had just returned from purchasing a sandwich at a nearby McDonald’s restaurant and was enjoying it in his living room when he heard “this girl scream like a car had hit a kid.” The chilling sound made him stop eating and look outside. He and another neighbor from across the street ran to the house, which Ramsey thought was empty since he saw his neighbor, Ariel Castro, leave earlier that day.
It was there that they discovered Berry who pleaded with them for help. “‘I’m stuck in here, help get me out,'” he said the captive woman screamed.
After struggling to open the door, he kicked the door open enough so Berry could crawl out with her young daughter fathered by her captor. Even though he was still in shock himself, he helped her call 911 and waited with her until the police arrived.
Now, Ramsey can barely sleep; not because he is scared, but because he wasn’t able to save Berry and the other women sooner.
“See that’s why now I’m having trouble sleeping. Up until yesterday, the only thing that kept me from losing sleep was the lack of money … Now that that’s going on and I could have done this last year, not this hero stuff, just do the right thing,” said Ramsey, who was unaware of anyone other than Castro living at the house.
When asked if the FBI had contacted him about a reward, Ramsey’s response was like that of a samaritan.
“I tell you what you do, give [the reward] to them. Because if folks been following this case since last night, you been following me since last night, you know I got a job anyway. Just went picked it up, paycheck. What that address say? … 2203 Seymour. Where are them girls living? Right next door to this paycheck. So yes, take that reward and give it to – that little girl,” he told Cooper.
According to a USA Today report, Berry arrived home for the first time in 10 years on Monday in a convoy escorted by police with her 6-year-old daughter Jocelyn.
Law enforcement officials said the three brothers who are suspects in the case of the missing women are “talking” but haven’t revealed if they have confessed to alleged abduction and years of sexually abusing the three women.
Ariel Castro, 52, a former school bus driver and his two brothers, Pedro Castro, 52 and Onil Castro, 50, are being held on suspicion of rape and kidnapping.