Forgiveness and a future regardless of abortion
Dave Kistler asks Kim Ketola (Host of Cradle My Heart Today, author), what did you feel the moment you realized that Christ forgives and that you had a future regardless of your abortion?
Dave Kistler asks Kim Ketola (Host of Cradle My Heart Today, author), what did you feel the moment you realized that Christ forgives and that you had a future regardless of your abortion?
What kinds of scars are those affected by abortion experiencing?
Kim Ketola has written a book on a very important topic that has helped so many women – mothers and fathers – as it relates to abortion. The book is entitled, “Cradle my Heart, finding God’s love after abortion’. Kim found herself pregnant and left to make a decision. Kim shares her story and discusses how long after the abortion she came to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Celebrate Life: God Does! We are joined by Kim Ketola (Host of Cradle My Heart Today, author). Topics discussed include: Why is life Sacred – from God’s perspective. The Ugly Impact of Abortion – on Women and families – A personal story. The Ugly Impact of Abortion – On our Culture and Economy. Restoring a Culture of Life – God’s Remedy.
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