Born Again Christian statistical disconnect

In a previous Barna survey it mentions that 76% of Born Again Christians believe the Bible is inerrant, while only 46% read the Bible every week. Why is there such a disconnect between the two statistics?


6/22/17 – Article V. Current cultural trends. Reviewing Trump’s presidency

Article V. Current cultural trends. Reviewing Trump’s presidency. We are joined by George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) and David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: What is article V of the Constitution? Is lack of a solid Biblical Worldview in Christianity due to the failure of proper discipleship? Why have we come to the point that what’s taking place in culture today is having a negative impact on the raising of children? Why does it appear that so many people have a hatred for President Trump?

The restoration of prayer and Bible reading in public schools Is there any research supporting this restoration?

Is there any research supporting the restoring of Bible reading and prayer in the public schools?

Has media become the primary teacher of morals?

Pew Research has reported that teens spend about eight hours a day with media. Has media become the primary teacher of morals?

6/8/17 ‘Born Again’ Christian Disconnect

A Serious Disconnect: 75% of All ‘Born Again’ Christians Think all people are ‘basically good’. The Latest Barna Research. We are joined by George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute). Topics discussed include: Former FBI Director Comey testifies. UK Elections. When ‘born again’ doesn’t mean ‘born again’. The impacts of ‘self-delusional’ Christianity. Solutions: Where do we go from here?

Solutions for ‘born again’ Christians

Sam Rohrer & George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) discuss solutions for ‘born again’ Christians to truly live out their faith in today’s culture.

Contentment in lives disconnected from basic Christian doctrines?

How can people live life’s so content to be disconnected from basic Christian doctrines?

Implications of Barna findings on the nation, family, and the Church

When these respondents who define themselves as being ‘born again’, who’ve confessed their sins and accepted Christ rather than trying to earn their way into heaven – when only 37% believe that it’s impossible to earn one’s way into heaven – meaning 63% believe you can earn your way to heaven, and 75 % believe that all people are basically good. What are some implications of these findings on our nation, our families and the Church?

When ‘born again’ doesn’t mean ‘born again’

George Barna (Executive Director of American Culture and Faith Institute) discusses some of the results from his study about ‘born again’ Christians


Solutions to heal America’s great divide

What solutions can heal this great divide that has surfaced in America?
How urgent must we be in acting this out?