Pandemic Places Educational Responsibility on Parents, Allows Pastors to Offer Vital Support
As COVID-19 pushes curriculum content, social issues, and worldviews…

American Pastors Network President: SCOTUS Ruling Against Louisiana Abortion Limitation Flouts Sanctity of Life
A divided Supreme Court of the United States struck down a…

American Pastors Network President: Anarchy, Toppling of Monuments Supports Growing Fear of Next Civil War
With the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) occupation in Seattle…

APN President: Pennsylvania Impeachment Controversy a Civics Lesson in Separation of Powers
As states continue to roll back pandemic-induced restrictions, efforts…

Nationwide Unrest Over Tragedy in Minneapolis Reveals Deep Moral Chasm in America
With a police station burned in Minneapolis, calls for the National…

Making Sense? American Pastors Network Leaders Say Opposing COVID-19 Recommendations May Result in Same Dire Outcomes
World leaders came out with some dire predictions this week related…

Regathering the Church: Obedience—Not Civil Disobedience
The past few Sundays marked the first times many church congregations…

America—Christian in Name Only?
Is America really a Christian nation?
Sam Rohrer, president…

APN President Sam Rohrer: COVID-19 Is a Slow-Motion 9/11, A Wake-Up Alarm
For decades, America has been seen as a bulwark of security and…
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