When Man Rejects God


What happens when man rejects God’s ways and replaces them with his own? Today’s program will discuss “transpecie-ism”, after school “Satan-clubs” and the judgment of God.  Also, included in this program is a short discussion comparing the Democrat and Republican platforms.

What is the Biblical Role of Women in Positions of Leadership?

If elected, would Hillary Clinton really become the first woman President? What happens when men fail to lead?

What does the Bible say about women in government? How has Christianity taken the lead in elevating the status of women?

Sam Rohrer, Dave Kistler, and Gary Dull discuss this topic today.

Division: Good or Bad?

Division and anger are all around us, but why? Can division ever be a good thing? This Stand in the Gap Weekend program addresses the reality of sinful divisions versus the need for biblical divisions. Featuring segments taken from the Stand in the Gap Today programs with JR McGee and George Barna.

Lawlessness and Persecution

In Matthew chapter 12, Jesus talked to his followers about the signs of the times and predicted that “lawlessness will abound, and the love of many will grow cold…”  What did He mean by this and how can we apply it to what we see happening in our world today?

What Difference Does it Make?

In Benghazi, Americans lost their lives. Congress questioned Hillary Clinton. Remember her arrogant response? “What difference does it make?” This program will address this question and this dangerous attitude on behalf of not only our nation’s leaders, but also the person behind the pulpit and the person in the pew.

Islam, the American Family, and Brexit

Were you aware that the religion of Islam includes an “agenda” for America?  Is there a difference between a “Moderate” and a “Radical Muslim”?  Also, the latest statistics on the American family from George Barna and an overview of Brexit.

Are you wondering how to make sense out of the nonsense happening in our world today? Many Americans are frustrated and angry as the country we all love and in many cases fought for, is being destroyed primarily from within. On this program, we’ll discuss the latest Obama directive on Transgender bathrooms, the three greatest problems, ideological threats, and the solutions to bring our nation back to a place of blessing.


Nations: What God Has Ordained with Pastor Jamie Mitchell

Pastor Jamie Mitchell is the Senior Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Lancaster, PA.

A Prayer for America with Pastor Paul Caughill

Pastor Paul Caughill is the senior Pastor of the High Point Baptist Chapel in Geigertown, PA.

Part 2: To Love God is to Resist Evil: A Serious Call for Humble Courage with Pastor Michael Anthony

Pastor Michael Anthony is the Senior Pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in York, PA. He is also Founder and President of the popular blog Godfactor.com.

Listen to this entire sermon.

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