Accusers and Accusations: What Is at Risk in the Kavanaugh Hearings?
As the nation continues to be captivated by the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings and the accusations that have come forward, the American Pastors Network is looking at the biblical principles that should be guiding the entire process—especially considering the great impact on the future of the country.
APN president Sam Rohrer discussed the matter on yesterday’s “Stand in the Gap Today” program, the radio ministry of the American Pastors Network.
Rohrer said few are considering the biblical principles that are at the basis of both the legal and moral crux of a confirmation hearing such as this one.
“Contrary to what many may believe, there is a biblical principle that is, in fact, part of our law, and, frankly, this principle is at the core of what the American Pastors Network communicates and what the ‘Stand in the Gap’ programming aims to share. The very basis of our justice system—our law—comes right off the pages of Old Testament Scripture. The Book of Deuteronomy speaks exactly to what every legislator, every Congressman, every Senator and every lawyer should be thinking about right now—that every lawmaker who gives credence to unproven accusations are indicting themselves because they are participating in very bad justice and very bad law.”
Rohrer shared Deuteronomy 19:15-19 (ESV): “A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established. If a malicious witness arises to accuse a person of wrongdoing, then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the LORD, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days. The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.”
“False accusations, false witnesses and false testimony, God says, are evil, and unless purged, brought into the light and the false accuser identified and punished swiftly and appropriately, the entire justice system is brought down,” Rohrer said. “And when The Washington Post or a Diane Feinstein sits on an accusation by one person alone, from a long time ago, it makes it even worse. Worse yet, our lawmakers and leaders do not recognize that one witness could be a false fitness; when play along with it, they are part of the dismantling of our justice system, and they would be as a part of what this verse says: ‘They are a part of an evil that must be purged.’
“This is a serious matter because our entire justice system hangs upon it,” Rohrer added. “It’s been attempted before, but now, I’m afraid, it’s being attempted with abandon. It’s dreadfully perilous for our system of justice. Senators who are clamoring for a single witness to be heard without demanding other witnesses come forward as well are violating important processes that already exist within the law. We’re in dangerous times when such things are even allowed to occur.”
Listen to an audio clip of this important discussion on “Stand in the Gap Today” here.
Photo by Claire Anderson on Unsplash
I greatly appreciate APN. I have been a tailspin of depression and anger at the evangelical Christian community for the past year as there have been no counter rallies and church communities fighting back against the onslaught of evil by the Democrat party, the media and the radical leftist who perpetrating violence on conservatives. I have confronted long time friends who lecture me that the their churches aren’t meant for politics but the gospel. I have severed many friendships over this lack of concern for what is happening. Thank you for calling out the ambivalence of pastors and congregations To stand in the gap. Bryan Davis, Rockford, Illinois