As ‘Je Suis, Charlie’ Messages Span Globe, APN Says Islam Grows More Dangerous
Last week’s violent terrorist attacks in France that took the lives of 17 have sparked messages of unity and gatherings of support and made headlines around the globe. World leaders and entertainers alike communicated messages of “Je Suis Charlie” in support of the satirical newspaper that was attacked, as well as rallied in massive groups worldwide.
American Pastors Network (APN, President Sam Rohrer said on a recent radio program that the dangers of Islam are growing every day, and the only way to counter them is with a moral and biblical worldview.
“These terrorists attempted to make a moral statement by avenging the honor of their prophet,” said Rohrer, who is also President of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, “This is a fight we’ve been involved in since the beginning of time. As a nation, we’ve fought wars over ideological differences where there were individuals who believed the moral position under which they viewed life was worth killing other people for. Islam is in that same category. They attempt to hold a moral position and claim it to be the basis for their actions.”
Rohrer recently sat down with Gary Dull, APN board member and Executive Director and Vice President of the PPN, and David Kistler, President of the North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN, ), a chapter of APN, to talk about headlines surrounding Islam on “Freedom Focus,” a radio program from the Faith and Freedom Institute committed to encouraging Americans to return to the values of our founders as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and the Bible.
“We should ask ourselves,” Rohrer added, “do we believe here in America that the position that undergirds our view of what is right and what is wrong, what is evil and what is righteous, is a moral issue? I think not. We’ve been backed into a corner where what we believe is a political consideration, not a moral consideration.
“Acts like this are in every way evil and fly in the face of justice,” he continued. “If you do not believe this evil is a morally challenged position, you can’t refute it properly; you can’t lead in opposition against this type of evil. We’re coming to a point where we must ask ourselves, ‘What do we believe? What is our moral position on how we view life and justice?’ It must be rooted in the Bible, in what Christ said and what God Himself established as justice. That is what is literally under attack by Islam. They are attacking God, and they are attacking God’s view of justice and right and wrong.”
Dull agreed that many American leaders would not call these acts morally evil, but instead politically evil. Rohrer added that it comes down to the fundamental worldview a person holds.
“Once, we were a Judeo-Christian-based nation,” Rohrer said. “Our justice is based on it, and our laws are based on it. Those who reject that fall into a secular postmodern worldview that says there is no God and no absolute right or wrong. And that is our problem in political leadership today. Leaders are not morally grounded in the view that there is right and there is wrong; there is righteousness and there is evil. And the inability to grasp this will mean we will not be able to counter the rising forces of evil that seek to destroy and eliminate everything we’ve come to know and enjoy in this nation, and frankly, in the Western world.”
Dear Mr. Roher,
First off, I want to sincerely thank you for fighting the hard fight. You are a blessing to the silent majority. It saddens me that 1,000.000 people did not gather in NYC in solidarity after 9-11. Why is it so difficult to get people to stand up for their rights in a public setting so as to effect change?
This is very timely and provides some biblical clarification and logic to the horror of radical Islam. It should be read aloud by parents to their children. It should be read in every church in the land. Possibly the uneducated and confused believers would receive a clearer picture and allow them to decide how they should take a role in change.