The Iranian – North Korean Collusion

Is the word “collusion” an accurate way to describe the North Korean and Iranian relationship as they both desire to destroy the United States? Would the collusion of Iran and N. Korea lead to the United States attacking both simultaneously? What is the significance of other Arab nations aligning to help Israel?

NYC terrorist attack a catalyst for greater clampdown of Islamic activity?

Might the terrorist attack in NYC be a catalyst for a greater clampdown on Islamic activity in America? Perhaps some good could rise from this incident?

Does the Trump Administration understand what’s occurring with Islam?

Does the Trump Administration understand what’s occurring with Islam? Will CAIR and other such organizations be labeled as terrorists?

Peaceful Muslims in professional sports?

Looking back to Mohammed Ali, Kareem Abdul Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor) are examples of peaceful Muslims in professional sports.  Some will say that Muslim athletes have posed NO PROBLEM for our safety in America, are they right?

Islamic theology’s desire to enslave minorities, children, woman, etc.

What makes Islamic theology desire to enslave minorities, children, woman, etc.?

National anthem protests happening because of athletes Islamic beliefs?

Are athletes leading the national anthem protesting doing so because of their Islamic belief system?

9/29/17 – Islam: The NFL, National Anthem, and more. . .

Islam: The NFL, National Anthem, and more. . . We are joined by IQ al Rassooli (Iraqi now living in exile; author). Topics discussed include: Is there more to kneeling during the National Anthem than just protest? Are those leading these national anthem protesting doing so because of their Islamic belief system? Who is “Islamic Relief”? The Trump Administration and North Korea.

Iran & North Korea working together to attack America?

Are Iran and North Korea working together to bring an attack against America?

America & Europe losing “The War on Terror”

Why is America and Europe losing the “War on Terror”?

“The War on Terror” – Who’s winning? The U.S. or the Islamic terrorists?

Since 9/11 of 2001 when the Islamic terrorists attacked our nation and Pres. Bush launched his “war on terror”, IQ al Rassooli (Iraqi now living in exile; author) is asked. To this very day, who has gained more ground and achieved more of their goals in this war? The U.S. or the Islamic terrorists?