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How Should We Treat Immigrants?

American Pastors Network President, Sam Rohrer, recently sent a letter to Gov. Tom Wolf, urging him to  to reconsider his position to welcome potentially unvetted Syrian refugees to the Commonwealth.

Below is a copy of his letter:

Nov. 24, 2015

Dear Governor Wolf,

The matter of the resettling of Syrian ‘refugees’ is unfortunately not just controversial due to the economic impact of the resettling of these individuals but it goes to the very heart of the safety of our citizenry in not just Pennsylvania but our entire nation. As Governor of Pennsylvania, you assumed the duty to uphold the laws of this Commonwealth and to provide moral leadership in times of uncertainty and public angst. A primary responsibility you possess is to protect the lives, property, and safety of the citizens of this Commonwealth. Yet, your recent comments about wanting to bring in Syrian refugees seems to cast aside this primary duty and notably places you among a shrinking minority of Governors who are willing to ignore the inherent threat these ‘refugees’ and potential ‘embedded jihadists’ pose.

I am writing to you from two perspectives. One is that of a former 18 year Member of the PA General Assembly and a former candidate for the office you now occupy. I understand both the challenges of leading as well as the lawful duty to our Constitution. But, I also understand the moral duty to God as I write to you as a preacher and the President of the American Pastors Network– the nation’s largest network of pastors and currently also serving as President of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network – representing pastors from over 30 different denominations.

From these two perspectives, I urge you to immediately rescind your decision to accept and place any Syrian ‘refugee’ or any ‘refugee’ in Pennsylvania who embraces the Muslim ideology regardless of the nation from which they hail unless they will affirm in writing their commitment to our Constitution, and forswear Sharia law. With that statement, I know that you immediately might raise the question of ‘religious discrimination’ or denying our historic humanitarian disposition. But this would not be true. I pose these questions as reasons to you for your consideration and the justification for denying acceptance into the Commonwealth of PA.

  • If (since) the protection of the Citizens of the Commonwealth is one of your highest duties, how does bringing in Syrian Muslim ‘refugees’ augment or strengthen the security of our citizens?
  • Since even the FBI, and leading Congressmen, and this last week the leader of the NYC Syrian community all confirm that it is literally ‘impossible’ or ‘laughable’ for anyone to suggest that anyone can legitimately vet these ‘refugees’ since there is literally no database in Syria and many other nations, there is an overwhelming likelihood that jihadists are among the mix. In light of this, how is the Wolfe administration personally assuring the Members of the Legislature and the citizens that you are not inviting in ‘Islamic embedded jihadists’ under the guise of ‘refugees’ to Pennsylvania?
  • Since you have taken an oath to support the Constitution and to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of PA, what law or Constitutional mandate are you claiming to justify risking property and life of PA citizens?
  • How are you responding to numerous communications from Members of the House and Senate urging you to rescind your intent to place potential ‘embedded jihadists’ within our Commonwealth?
  • How do you justify the significant economic cost to the taxpayer associated with the placement and acceptance of each person you permit in? What is the number you are using as the immediate and projected costs for each person who you would place and who would receive tax-payer paid benefits?
  • What is your driving motivation to risk life and property of PA citizens in these critical days when we are at war with an Islamic ideology that has sworn to destroy not only our nation but the state of Israel? Is there a compelling Constitutional duty? Is there a statutory duty? Is there a Higher Moral law you believe to be following? Is there an economic motivation? Is there is a political motivation?

From every legitimate vantage point, I do not believe there to be a single legitimate motivation to risk life and property by inviting in people who cannot be sufficiently vetted, whose ideology is Islamic and whose commitment is to Sharia law – a mutually exclusive system of law to our Constitution. In addition, regardless as to Sunni, Shia, or Sophi, Islamic sects all are committed by their obligation to the teachings of the Koran to exclusive worship of Allah, world domination, and the ultimate re-creation of a world caliphate, and who at this current time are waging jihad against the US, Israel and the West.

In our Commonwealth – religious freedom is historically and constitutionally rich. Yet, there is no compelling moral, Biblical or historical justification for inviting in those who hold to an exclusive view of their religion and in the name of their religion wage jihad and mandated to cause death and destruction. Since the Biblical, Constitutional, and established purpose of government as outlined by William Penn himself in 1682 is to praise those who do well and enact justice against those violate the law or cause harm to life or property, we believe that your decision to place unvetted and potential ‘embedded jihadists’ poses a legitimate ‘risk’ and should be immediately rescinded.

While I and our pastors pray for you and all other in positions of authority, we pray that God will grant you the wisdom to do that which is right and good. I am ready to speak with you or to provide further insights and assistance personally to more fully understand this matter or other matters of public policy that come before you in your office.

In the Defense of Truth and Freedom, 

Sam Rohrer,President & CEO

American Pastors Network

To read an article previously written (published on July 22, 2014)  titled, “The Sixth Mark of Judgment: Abuse of Immigrants” please click HERE.

To watch a video interview with Sam Rohrer and Perry Atkinson on DOVE TV discussing this issue, please click HERE.

To read a speech recently delivered by Sam Rohrer on the steps of the State Capitol building in Harrisburg on the Refugee Crisis, click HERE.

As Terror Creeps In, What is the Church’s Role?

Over the weekend, the world mourned violent and deadly attacks in Paris. Now, strikes and raids in the Middle East continue, and those ravaged by war are seeking safety. But the most controversial question remains: “Where should they go?”

In addition to that pressing question, the American Pastors Network is also asking: “How should we pray?” and “What is the Church’s Role?”

APN President Sam Rohrer and Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, Executive Director Gary Dull talked about these disturbing headlines this week on the daily one-hour “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program.

“In these extremely trying times, when the rest of the world is considering policy, religious tests, how to handle refugees and their children, and other pressing matters, we must first and foremost consider prayer and turning to God for guidance,” Rohrer said. “The Lord’s way is the only way in all things, especially when so much turmoil and strife plague our world daily. What should be the focus of our prayers? What is the role and focus for pastors? These are questions we must fervently ask.”

The American Pastors Network gives answers on the daily “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program.  On the show this week, the hosts mentioned The Presidential Prayer Team, the largest prayer movement for the nation with 5.2 million members established in September 2001, which recently issued a Prayer Alert calling for prayer about:

  • God’s protection over America and freedom from fear of imminent ISIS actions in the United States.
  • Law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the U.S to apprehend ISIS operatives on American soil.
  • That Americans would take the ISIS threat seriously.
  • The decision to bring Syrian refugees into the U.S. and the vetting process.

This week, presidential hopeful Ted Cruz introduced legislation that would allow Congress to bar the 10,000 Syrian refugees that may be crossing the U.S. border before the end of the year, according to the Washington Post. Likewise, according to the Prayer Alert, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) is calling for a temporary stop to Syrian refugees from coming into the country. is also reporting that Speaker Paul Ryan says the House may vote this week on a bill to pause the refugee influx.

In Pennsylvania, the home of PPN, Gov. Tom Wolf has stated that he will not prevent Syrian refugees from entering the state.

“It is a serious matter that Gov. Wolf is welcoming Syrian refugees into our state with open arms,” Dull said. “Yes, as Christians, we are to clothe, feed and care for the poor and the lost, as Jesus commanded. But when it comes to allowing potentially dangerous people with possible evil intentions into our own home, we must think, act and react in a manner that is safest for our nation. Many other governors have already said their states will not be opening their doors to refugees because there is simply no way to know who truly needs asylum and who is evil. There is too much at risk.”

‘Arrogant’ Congressional Letter Urges Ukraine Parliament to Include LGBT Agenda into New Constitution

Forty members of Congress have signed what the American Pastors Network  says is a “despicable” letter to Ukraine Parliament leaders, urging them to include same-sex protections into Ukraine’s new constitution.

“We write today to urge you to ensure that as legal and constitutional reforms advance in Ukraine, the principles of equality and non-discrimination in human rights and state protection become firmly entrenched in Ukrainian law,” the letter began. “We support the enjoyment of constitutionally protected rights of all Ukrainian citizens without discrimination.” (Read the full text of the letter on the APN website.)

The letter goes on to say that the 40 members of Congress who signed the letter “applaud the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of ‘gender, race, skin color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion’ … However, the draft does not explicitly ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  This is a prime opportunity to send a message that violence and discrimination against LGBTI people is not acceptable.”

APN President Sam Rohrer says the letter confirms earlier reports by the Obama administration and supportive members of Congress, as they have repeatedly elevated the LGBT agenda as a matter of premier foreign policy. This recurring effort to leverage other sovereign nations to embrace the LGBT agenda as equal to fundamental God-given natural rights is arrogant and misdirected, Rohrer said.

The letter also brings up serious questions, Rohrer added, including: 1) Do these Congressional members and this Administration even care how other nations are viewing the U.S. when it attempts to leverage policies that are not biblical and have significant consequences?; and 2) Do they even care what God thinks of the U.S. urging the acceptance of the LGBT agenda by an entire country and will He stand idly by?

“This arrogant and audacious letter sent to leaders in the Ukraine from 40 members of the American Congress is a sad commentary on how far our own leaders have fallen from the biblical and constitutional tenets on which this country was founded,” Rohrer said. “This is especially damaging at a time when Ukraine leaders and pastors are desperately trying to rebuild a nation based on the principles of biblical truth and natural law that undergird the American Constitution. Activists who are trying to push the LGBT agenda not only violate their constitutional oath, which does not recognize such concepts, but also inappropriately intrude into the cultural positions held by most other nations against such recognition. This latest effort to infringe on the efforts of Ukraine to fashion a constitution on the ideals that once made America great is not only objectionable but immoral.”

Rohrer, along with pastor Dale Armstrong, APN’s International Directorwho has helped orchestrate APN’s on-the-ground involvement in the Ukraine over the past year, has been working with Ukraine leaders and pastors for many months, fulfilling a request to help them become reenergized in their mission and zeal to bring biblical and constitutional government to Ukraine.

Late last week, Rohrer returned from another trip to Ukraine, where he continued to meet with pastors, leaders and key political figures on the essential elements regarding the formulation of a new constitution.

APN was first invited to a June 2014 International Leadership Summit in Ukraine by Bishop Valery Reshetinsky, who also serves as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council that represents 20 different evangelical denominations. During the initial summit with more than 100 in attendance, Ukrainian pastoral and elected leaders learned about the principles that made America great. Also attending that summit were key government officials from the executive and legislative branches, including top advisers and heads of government agencies and departments. Since those initial events, Rohrer and other APNleaders have been invited back to Ukraine multiple times.

“For years, the people of Ukraine have struggled with government instability, economic setbacks and personal crises,” said Armstrong. “Yet, amid that strife, are men and women who understand that the only way to establish a truly free and prosperous nation is by building a nation based on the foundation of God’s Word and His eternal truth. It has been both eye-opening and sobering to see that even as many in America reject this truth, Ukrainians are making sacrifices in pursuit of it.”

Rohrer continued that Ukrainian leaders have repeatedly confirmed their desire to establish a righteous government free of corruption and bribery, and one that would recognize and protect the basic and inalienable rights granted by God.

To read the entire text of the letter to Volodymyr Gruysman, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, or the parliament of Ukraine, as well as the 40 members of Congress who signed the letter, visit APN’s web site.


American Pastors Network: 6 Reasons Pastors Struggle with Preaching to Impact the Culture

Addressing difficult cultural issues from the pulpit can be daunting for pastors. But bringing these matters to congregations is more important than ever. “One of the goals of the American Pastors Network is to continually encourage pastors to be effective ‘salt and light’ in this dark world and preach the ‘whole counsel of God’. There is no greater calling for a ‘Minister of God’ and no greater responsibility to God’s people.”-Sam Rohrer, APN President

Why do pastors shy away from addressing such pressing matters like same-sex marriage, politics, homosexuality, abortion, adultery, pornography and other hot-button issues?

Here’s six reasons:

  1. Fear of controversy or pushback from those in the pews if biblical principles are applied to the issues of the day.
  2. Negative theological training regarding talking about impacting the culture or discussion of anything regarding civil government or politics.
  3. Unjustified fear of losing their 501(c)(3) status.
  4. Being unaware of the historical role of pastors in the history of America.
  5. Believing that the primary purpose for preaching is limited to “preaching the Gospel” rather than training and “making disciples.”
  6. Having more of a fear of man rather than a fear of God.

Research has shown that pastors are purposefully skirting some controversial topics when preparing their messages for the pulpit, but churches and pastors must address these issues, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

Last summer, George Barna, founder of the Barna Group, shared research that found that a vast majority of theologically conservative pastors believe the Bible speaks to societal issues, but fewer than 10 percent of these pastors are teaching people what the Bible says on these topics.

The research, conducted through the American Culture and Faith Institute, asked pastors across the country about their beliefs regarding the relevancy of Scripture to societal, moral and political issues, and the content of their sermons in light of their beliefs. Barna stated that many pastors are afraid to get involved in political issues because of the controversy it might create. And, he added, “Controversy keeps people from being in the seats, controversy keeps people from giving money, from attending programs.”


Ukraine Letter from Congress

His Excellency Volodymyr Gruysman
Chairman, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
01008 Kyiv-8, 5 Hreshevskoho Street
Dear Chairman Gruysman,

We write today to urge you to ensure that as legal and constitutional reforms advance in Ukraine, the principles of equality and non-discrimination in human rights and state protection become firmly entrenched in Ukrainian law.  We support the enjoyment of constitutionally protected rights of all Ukrainian citizens without discrimination. We applaud the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of “gender, race, skincolor, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, belonging to indigenous peoples and national minority, material standing, residence, disability, age or other grounds” in Article 42 of the draft of the new Constitution.  However, the draft does not explicitly ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  This is a prime opportunity to send a message that violence and discrimination against LGBTI people is not acceptable.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people in Ukraine endure regular discrimination and violence for which there is rarely accountability.  The most recent example was the June 2015 Kyiv Equality March, which was marred by violent attacks in which nearly two dozen police officers and participants were injured.  This attack was clearly targeted at LGBTI people and those who support and promote their rights.

The Ukrainian government has a “compelling positive obligation” to protect all citizens, including the LGBTI community, from discrimination and violence, as is established by the European Convention on Human Rights and numerous other international human rights treaties to which Ukraine is a party.  The spate of several anti-LGBTI attacks in Ukraine underscore the need for a comprehensive anti-discrimination provision in the Constitution that explicitly protects everyone.
We respectfully call on you and your colleagues in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to include non-discrimination provisions that ensure sexual orientation and gender identity as specific and enumerated grounds for protection in the new Constitution.  It would expand protections under the law for all Ukrainian citizens, based on the premise that all human beings have dignity and merit equal access to justice.
As a country, we have evolved over time on questions of fairness and equality and increasingly see those principles as critical to economic growth, sound policy and relations between people.  It is a long-term task to eliminate inequalities, which we continue to pursue.  We ask that the Ukrainian Rada join us in this pursuit, in the interest of the Ukrainian people and of our strengthened bilateral relationship.
David Circilline
Mark Takano
Raul M. Grijalva
Alan Lowenthal
Jared Polis
Jim McDermott
Mark DeSaulnier
Keith Ellison
Dina Titus
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Jackie Speier
James P. McGovern
Patrick Murphy
Eliot L. Engel
Sheila Jackson Lee
Nadia M. Velazquez
Elizabeth H. Esty
Marcy Kaptur
Mike Quigley
Kyrsten Simema
James R. Langevin
Charles B. Rangel
Zoe Lofgren
Bill Pascrell, Jr.
Mark Pocan
Judy Chu
Chelsie Pingree
Bill Foster
Steve Cohen
Katherine M. Clark
Bobby L. Rush
William R. Keating
Adam B. Schiff
Michael E. Capuano
Jan Schakowsky
Sean Patrick Maloney
Theodore E. Deutch
Jarrold Nadler
Michael M. Honda
Dan Kildee

American Pastors Network: What Citizens Need to Know About the ‘UN-Fairness Act’

The American Pastors Network is educating Pennsylvanians, and the faithful around the nation, about a dangerous proposed bill that will strip the freedoms of those with religious convictions.

The Pennsylvania Family Council (PFC) has been alerting residents about the proposed “Fairness Act,” an amendment of the state’s current Human Relations Act, which is before the Pennsylvania General Assembly. The Fairness Act would create a special status in Pennsylvania law based on a person’s “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” Therefore, PFC reports, SB974 and HB1510 would unfairly punish good people and ministries for holding to traditional beliefs on human sexuality and marriage.

“Laws like this are directed threats to the church, Christian schools, ministries and those who hold professional licenses,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “It’s now up to churches and pastors to help educate Pennsylvanians about how this law will affect them directly. Make no mistake—freedoms will be restricted. And as Christians, we must all stand now and take action to ensure that these harmful bills are not passed.”

Added PFC in its communications, “While many supporters of this legislation are well intentioned and claim it will increase tolerance and limit discrimination, the experience in other states with such a law has proven the opposite. It increases intolerance and discriminates against people of faith.” PFC also provided the following points regarding the law:

  • Such a law would force Christian schools and ministries to hire employees that are opposed to church teaching on sexuality, marriage and gender.
  • Such a law would force religious adoption and foster care agencies to either violate their beliefs and place children in homes with same-sex couples or go out of business.
  • Such a law would persecute and prosecute bakers, photographers and wedding-business owners who only serve weddings that include a man and a woman. In states with similar laws, such people have faced ruinous fines, government-ordered retraining and the closing of their businesses.
  • Such a law would empower lawyers to bring costly lawsuits against those (ministries, businesses) who choose to live by their belief that tells them marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
  • Such a law would create confusion and concerns regarding privacy in public restrooms, dressing rooms and school locker rooms requiring access to people of the opposite sex who self-identify differently.

“Pennsylvanians are fair, and Pennsylvania is already a tolerant state,” PFC reports. “Forcing people to violate their religious beliefs is not the way to make a better Pennsylvania.” PFC also encouraged Pennsylvanians to “stand for true tolerance” and oppose Senate Bill 974 and House Bill 1510 by sending an online message to state lawmakers.

“Those concerned with any sort of religious liberties protection in Pennsylvania should contact state legislators to let them know that the Fairness Act is anything but fair,” Rohrer added. “Our lawmakers must be educated about how strongly Pennsylvanians feel about this extremely unfair law, and take action to stop the further stripping of constitutionally given religious rights in our country.”

With Religious Liberties at Stake, American Pastors Network Equips Christians to Stand in the Gap for Truth

As Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, regained her physical freedom last week, a new debate was opened across America about the shackles that still remain for Christians and their religious liberties.

Now more than ever before, the American Pastors Network is committed to helping Christians, pastors and churches defend their religious liberties and “stand in the gap for truth.”

“The headlines surrounding Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis are a stark reminder that the religious liberties battle in America is far from over,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “Our First Amendment rights are under fire more than ever, so the American Pastors Network is working to equip churches and pastors with the tools they need to stand boldly and united for their beliefs, convictions—and their liberties.”

APN is offering several tangible ways to help the faithful stay on top of the religious liberties debate, as well as keep the issue in front of legislators who craft laws concerning religious freedoms.

Tennessee Pastors Network ‘Stand in the Gap for Truth’ Rally

This Thursday, Sept. 17—Constitution Day—Rohrer will be a featured speaker alongside religious liberties champion Rafael Cruz, evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land, Tennessee Pastors Network (TNPN, president Dale Walker, Tennessee Rep. Judd Matheny and Bishop E.W. Jackson at the “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally at 11 a.m. at the Legislative Plaza, 301 6th Ave N in Nashville.

Pastors throughout Tennessee who are part of TNPN, a state chapter of APN, will partner with state legislators to host this event, which will engage Tennesseans to address the most talked-about issues of the day, such as shifting marriage and family foundations, an unworkable immigration system, weak terrorism laws, failing education, a damaging nationalized health care system, lack of religious freedom protections and the blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution.

The rally, in response to many months of judicial and political decisions that have taken away states’ rights and stripped Americans of their religious liberties, will give Tennesseans a voice and equip them to call for change. For more information on the rally, visit

“U-Turn: A Roadmap for Renewal—A Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders

The groundbreaking “U-Turn” conference for pastors and church leaders earlier this year has been called “transformational” and “life-changing” by pastors who said they were “inspired” and “moved” by the event. Now, plans are in the works to take the conference to Iowa on Dec. 1. Location and registration details will be announced in the coming weeks.

The initial conference in March at Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, Pa., titled “U-Turn: A Roadmap for Renewal—A Conversation with Pastors on Society, Culture and Leadership,” equipped pastors, church leaders and laypeople to focus on how cultural trends can be strategically impacted with the truths of God’s Word.

APN and state chapters hope that future “U-Turn” events will equip pastors to leave transformed in their personal ministries, help lay people and church leaders see the need to come alongside their pastors in greater prayer and support, and enable attendees to realize a biblical conviction to more fully understand scripture, as well as their responsibility in civil government.

“I was really blessed by the U-Turn Conference,” said one pastor in attendance at the March event in Lancaster. “This was truly life-changing and transformational. I don’t remember the last time I have been so inspired to want to make a difference in the kingdom of God after attending a conference with such great impact. I was thoroughly energized to know what, how and why we should take back our country for Jesus Christ.”

Stand in the Gap Radio

APN focuses on topics such as religious liberties and other pressing issues for Christians during three radio programs that air across the country. The daily one-hour radio show, “Stand in the Gap Today,” airing on over 20 stations in America, is hosted by Rohrer, Gary Dull, APN board member and executive director and vice president of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN,, and Dave Kistler, president of the North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN,, and addresses the cultural and moral issues of our time from a constitutional and biblical perspective.

The program communicates to listeners the importance of applying a biblical and constitutional worldview to every aspect of their lives, provides tools to respond to attacks against biblical truth in the culture, and encourages them in their critical responsibility, as ambassadors of Christ, to speak truth in the culture. “Stand in the Gap Today” considers current hard news topics from a biblical, pastoral point of view making it unique amongst other radio programs in the U.S., and welcomes guests, including caller comments during “Phone-In Friday.”

Additionally, “Stand in the Gap Minute” is a daily one-minute radio feature that airs on more than 40 stations, and “Stand in the Gap Weekend” is a one-hour program on Sundays that features a sermon from an APN pastor, followed by a short commentary with Rohrer and others. The weekend program airs on more than 150 stations, including the American Family Radio Network. For details about all three programs, visit or email Mike Hamilton

Online Resources for Pastors

APN also offers pastors numerous online resources that help clergy choose sermon topics and find information for other church ministries. With some free and some paid resources, topics include abortion, apologetics, creation, the culture war, economics, education, the environment, history, homosexuality, Islam and marriage, along with many others.

The American Pastors Network is the largest, national network of pastors who believe in the authority of scripture; who boldly preach the whole counsel of God with a disciplined application of a biblical worldview to public policy; who are building a permanent infrastructure of biblically faithful pastors and lay leaders; and who are mobilizing congregations to participate in the political process on a non-partisan basis. For more information up-to-date information on APN, follow the APN Facebook page or Twitter feed, @AmericanPastors. Those interested in forming a chapter in their state may contact

Kim Davis Is Standing for the Rights of All

As religious liberties champion, Kim Davis, was released from a Kentucky jail yesterday, American Pastors Network  leaders say the fight for religious freedom is not over, and that Davis’ stance is for the benefit of all—not just one.

“This First Amendment battle for Kim Davis is about much more than her position as a county clerk in Kentucky,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “What she is doing is for every American, not related only to her, but she is fighting a cause for all of us.”

Rohrer added that appreciation should be shown for presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, who stood at a rally yesterday in defense of Davis, as well as for the religious freedoms of every American.

“Today I was proud to stand with Kim Davis as she was released from Jail. Kim Davis should have never been locked-up for being a Christian and for following her conscience and the law,” Huckabee said in a statement yesterday afternoon. “I am appalled at our government’s willingness to accommodate the religious beliefs of all religions, but Christianity. Kim Davis sitting behind bars in an orange jumpsuit for six days leaves no doubt about the criminalization of Christianity in America. I refuse to sit silently as our Constitution is torched and the courts violate our fundamental rights. We did not fight a revolution against the tyranny of one unelected monarch so we could surrender our freedoms and abandon our Constitution to be tyranny of five unaccountable, unelected lawyers.”

“The intent of some is to disqualify the presence of Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz as grandstanding,” Rohrer added, “but the truth is that these two have championed religious freedom for their entire careers, and Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, has been a longtime defender of these liberties.

“There are crucial state sovereignty issues at stake,” he continued. “This is a matter of moral truth, and what does the First Amendment apply to if not to the fight of Kim Davis?”

Rohrer will be a speaker alongside Rafael Cruz at the “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally in Nashville, Tenn., on Sept. 17, hosted by the Tennessee Pastors Network, a chapter of APN. For more on the upcoming rally, visit


American Pastors Network: Planned Parenthood Using Clergy to Justify Evil Deeds

The American Pastors Network (APN) is calling out Planned Parenthood for using clergy to help justify the recent deplorable actions under the guise of protecting “women’s health.”

Over the past several weeks, a letter to the editor from three Pennsylvania “faith leaders” has appeared in Lancaster Online, the newspaper for Lancaster County; the Allentown Morning Call; and, the online presence of the Philadelphia Daily News and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The letter—penned by a rabbi from Allentown, a retired King of Prussia preacher who is involved with Planned Parenthood, and a Lancaster pastor who is a “racial justice trainer” for YWCA Lancaster, according to a June 2015 Lancaster Online story—opened with:

“As faith leaders from across Pennsylvania, we are proud to publicly support Planned Parenthood and the essential care they provide. As providers of pastoral service in our houses of worship and faith communities, we trust Planned Parenthood to offer quality reproductive health care and educational programming, and we know that its mission and work is consistent with the teachings of our various faiths.”

“Concerted efforts through letters and other newspaper placements like these are evidence of the deep deception of Planned Parenthood to attempt to gain ‘moral’ justification for their evil deeds,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “Those who are committed to the Lord’s work should have absolutely no ties to anything as barbaric as the behind-the-scenes inner workings of Planned Parenthood. Even out in the open, Planned Parenthood reported performing 327,653 abortions in one year (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, according to the Washington Times).”

APN member pastor Jamie Mitchell of Lancaster brought the story to the attention of APN leaders after he read the letter from the pastors and was distressed that any faithful leaders in his state would publicly declare their support for Planned Parenthood, especially in the wake of the scandal in which nine undercover videos thus far have pointed to the possible harvest and sale of the body parts of aborted babies.

“The American Pastors Network—and all Ministers of God—are in a position to defend true pastors and the truth,” Rohrer said. “Pastor Mitchell stood for truth by digging for the facts, and all pastors must, likewise, ‘stand in the gap for truth,’ ensuring that they too are defending life in their churches and empowering their congregations to do the same. Any ‘clergy’ member who would defend the actions of Planned Parenthood is frighteningly far from what God’s Word says about life and being created in His image.

“For all the hatred and denial of moral truth, even the evil seek ‘moral justification’ for their evil deeds,” Rohrer continued. “As Romans 1 and other passages say, the evil, while they deny the power of God, they carry within themselves the innate knowledge of right and wrong. They hate the truth, but they still like to claim truth. Planned Parenthood, much like the homosexual and same-sex marriage activist community, progresses through the stages of seeking acknowledgment, to acceptance to moral parity, to forced involvement.”

The letter from the pastors went on, “This is just the latest political attack on women’s health—and a clearly cynical and coordinated effort designed to undermine this essential health care provider. The group behind this attack has coordinated 10 separate similar campaigns like this over the last eight years. The group’s real agenda is becoming clearer every day—it wants to ban abortion and to defund Planned Parenthood.”

Added Rohrer, “The goals of those committed to life are no secret. We do want to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood. That mission is clear. And every faithful person who believes that Psalm 139:13 is true, that ‘you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb,’ (NIV) should stand for life rather than be ‘proud to publicly support’ the nation’s largest abortion provider.”

On Monday, Rohrer talked with Mitchell about this topic on APN’s daily one-hour radio program, “Stand in the Gap Today,” co-hosted by Gary Dull, APN board member and executive director and vice president of PPN, and Dave Kistler, president of the North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN, Listen to the program here. “Stand in the Gap Today” can be heard on stations in Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas, via satellite and streamed lived online at

American Pastors Network Serves Ukraine by Providing Ongoing Biblical and Constitutional Assistance

Sam Rohrer, president of the American Pastors Network, recently returned from a week long trip to Ukraine, where APN representatives continued fulfilling a request to help Ukrainian leaders and pastors become re-energized in their mission and zeal to bring biblical and constitutional government to Ukraine.

Rohrer traveled with Col. John Eidsmoe, a frequent lecturer and debater at colleges, universities, churches and civic groups. Also a constitutional attorney, Eidsmoe has successfully litigated court cases involving First Amendment rights and religious freedom. Joining them was Pastor Dale Armstrong, International Director for APN, who has orchestrated APN’s on-the-ground involvement in the Ukraine over the past year.

During the trip, the APN team met with members of the media, constitutional lawyers, members of Parliament and key political figures on the essential elements regarding the writing of a new constitution. APN also planned an essay contest for high school seniors and college students, in an effort to help them understand the biblical principles behind the U.S. Constitution.

“The ongoing work in Ukraine and the doors that have been opened have been nothing short of miraculous,” Rohrer said, “and we give God all the glory for these tremendous opportunities. This relationship is also strong because these Ukraine leaders understand that America became a great nation because our country was built on a biblical foundation, and they want that foundation for their own nation. During our many interactions with Ukrainian pastors and leaders, APN has presented the biblical principles of authority, government, law, jurisdiction, ethics, integrity, and what it means to have a righteous government. These principles refer heavily to the American experience, to the view of our founders, and to the principles that drove the writing of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.”

For the past year, APN has partnered with Ukrainian leaders, after first being invited last June to an International Leadership Summit by Bishop Valery Reshetinsky, who also serves as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council that represents 20 different evangelical denominations. During the initial summit with more than 100 in attendance, Ukrainian pastoral and elected leaders learned about the principles that made America great. Also attending that summit were approximately 15 key government officials from the executive and legislative branches, including top advisers and heads of government agencies and departments. Since those initial events, Rohrer and other APN leaders have been invited back to Ukraine multiple times.

“For years, the people of Ukraine have struggled with government instability, economic setbacks and personal crises,” added Armstrong. “Yet, amid that strife, are men and women who understand that the only way to establish a truly free and prosperous nation is by building a nation based on the foundation of God’s Word and His eternal truth. It has been both eye-opening and sobering to see that even as many in America reject this truth, Ukrainians are making sacrifices in pursuit of it.”

Rohrer continued that Ukrainian leaders have repeatedly confirmed their desire to establish a righteous government free of corruption and bribery, and one that would recognize and protect the basic and inalienable rights granted by God.