With Religious Liberties at Stake, American Pastors Network Equips Christians to Stand in the Gap for Truth
As Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk jailed for her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses, regained her physical freedom last week, a new debate was opened across America about the shackles that still remain for Christians and their religious liberties.
Now more than ever before, the American Pastors Network is committed to helping Christians, pastors and churches defend their religious liberties and “stand in the gap for truth.”
“The headlines surrounding Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis are a stark reminder that the religious liberties battle in America is far from over,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “Our First Amendment rights are under fire more than ever, so the American Pastors Network is working to equip churches and pastors with the tools they need to stand boldly and united for their beliefs, convictions—and their liberties.”
APN is offering several tangible ways to help the faithful stay on top of the religious liberties debate, as well as keep the issue in front of legislators who craft laws concerning religious freedoms.
Tennessee Pastors Network ‘Stand in the Gap for Truth’ Rally
This Thursday, Sept. 17—Constitution Day—Rohrer will be a featured speaker alongside religious liberties champion Rafael Cruz, evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land, Tennessee Pastors Network (TNPN, www.tnpastors.net) president Dale Walker, Tennessee Rep. Judd Matheny and Bishop E.W. Jackson at the “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally at 11 a.m. at the Legislative Plaza, 301 6th Ave N in Nashville.
Pastors throughout Tennessee who are part of TNPN, a state chapter of APN, will partner with state legislators to host this event, which will engage Tennesseans to address the most talked-about issues of the day, such as shifting marriage and family foundations, an unworkable immigration system, weak terrorism laws, failing education, a damaging nationalized health care system, lack of religious freedom protections and the blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution.
The rally, in response to many months of judicial and political decisions that have taken away states’ rights and stripped Americans of their religious liberties, will give Tennesseans a voice and equip them to call for change. For more information on the rally, visit www.tnpastors.net.
“U-Turn: A Roadmap for Renewal—A Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders
The groundbreaking “U-Turn” conference for pastors and church leaders earlier this year has been called “transformational” and “life-changing” by pastors who said they were “inspired” and “moved” by the event. Now, plans are in the works to take the conference to Iowa on Dec. 1. Location and registration details will be announced in the coming weeks.
The initial conference in March at Lancaster Bible College in Lancaster, Pa., titled “U-Turn: A Roadmap for Renewal—A Conversation with Pastors on Society, Culture and Leadership,” equipped pastors, church leaders and laypeople to focus on how cultural trends can be strategically impacted with the truths of God’s Word.
APN and state chapters hope that future “U-Turn” events will equip pastors to leave transformed in their personal ministries, help lay people and church leaders see the need to come alongside their pastors in greater prayer and support, and enable attendees to realize a biblical conviction to more fully understand scripture, as well as their responsibility in civil government.
“I was really blessed by the U-Turn Conference,” said one pastor in attendance at the March event in Lancaster. “This was truly life-changing and transformational. I don’t remember the last time I have been so inspired to want to make a difference in the kingdom of God after attending a conference with such great impact. I was thoroughly energized to know what, how and why we should take back our country for Jesus Christ.”
Stand in the Gap Radio
APN focuses on topics such as religious liberties and other pressing issues for Christians during three radio programs that air across the country. The daily one-hour radio show, “Stand in the Gap Today,” airing on over 20 stations in America, is hosted by Rohrer, Gary Dull, APN board member and executive director and vice president of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, www.papastors.net), and Dave Kistler, president of the North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN,www.ncpastors.net), and addresses the cultural and moral issues of our time from a constitutional and biblical perspective.
The program communicates to listeners the importance of applying a biblical and constitutional worldview to every aspect of their lives, provides tools to respond to attacks against biblical truth in the culture, and encourages them in their critical responsibility, as ambassadors of Christ, to speak truth in the culture. “Stand in the Gap Today” considers current hard news topics from a biblical, pastoral point of view making it unique amongst other radio programs in the U.S., and welcomes guests, including caller comments during “Phone-In Friday.”
Additionally, “Stand in the Gap Minute” is a daily one-minute radio feature that airs on more than 40 stations, and “Stand in the Gap Weekend” is a one-hour program on Sundays that features a sermon from an APN pastor, followed by a short commentary with Rohrer and others. The weekend program airs on more than 150 stations, including the American Family Radio Network. For details about all three programs, visit www.StandintheGapRadio.com or email Mike Hamilton atmhamilton@hamiltonstrategies.com.
Online Resources for Pastors
APN also offers pastors numerous online resources that help clergy choose sermon topics and find information for other church ministries. With some free and some paid resources, topics include abortion, apologetics, creation, the culture war, economics, education, the environment, history, homosexuality, Islam and marriage, along with many others.
The American Pastors Network is the largest, national network of pastors who believe in the authority of scripture; who boldly preach the whole counsel of God with a disciplined application of a biblical worldview to public policy; who are building a permanent infrastructure of biblically faithful pastors and lay leaders; and who are mobilizing congregations to participate in the political process on a non-partisan basis. For more information up-to-date information on APN, follow the APN Facebook page or Twitter feed, @AmericanPastors. Those interested in forming a chapter in their state may contact amy@americanpastors.net.