The Time to Repent Is Now: God is Sending a Message Over These 40 Days; Is the Church Paying Attention?

The time period of 40 days has great significance in the Bible, figuring into the lives of Jesus, Jonah and Hosea, among others.

The world is in the middle of an important 40-day period of its own, says American Pastors Network President Sam Rohrer, who hopes America, the church, pastors and believers are listening to the message God is sending.

“This week, through October 1, is the National Week of Repentance, and these 40 days between the eclipse watched by much of North America and September 30 have great significance,” Rohrer said. “These 40 days are a time for prayer, especially in the wake of many natural disasters and unrest. Periods like these were also common in the Bible, where God gave his people warnings and implored them to repent.

“So we must ask, ‘What should be happening in our country?’” Rohrer continued. “‘How should the American people be responding?’ We can tie these important questions to everything we see happening in our world—from hurricanes to earthquakes. God is indeed trying to get our attention. And everything fits within the context of taking heed of this warning, repenting and getting right with God. The American Pastors Network’s urgent message is: ‘Wake up, Church!’ Do we understand? Are we hearing and is it leading to repentance?”

Rohrer added that pastors especially should be encouraging their people to listen to God’s message, ask “What are you saying, God?” and get on their knees to repent.

“The verse 2 Chronicles 7:14—‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land’ (NIV)—was used widely during the presidential election of 2016,” Rohrer said. “But now, many have forgotten. The post-election message was that our nation had a short period of time—a small window of opportunity—to steer the ship right. What will the church do in that window? Go back to sleep or further engage? These past few weeks have been a very tangible wake-up call. We must look up and understand, and know that what happens in this country hinges on the people of God. Are they hearing, are they watching and are they responding?”

If you dislike Ambien, you’re wrong. Let me explain.

Ambien is an easy drug to misuse; I’ll give you that. But if you are willing and able to experiment with the dosage, change your diet, and adjust your sleep schedule, then you will sleep better than ever.

People who can’t do those things don’t deserve good sleep. If you can’t handle a pharmaceutical like this, then go back to McDonald’s and make me a burger, because you won’t get anywhere in life.

Rohrer and his fellow hosts of APN’s radio ministry, “Stand in the Gap Today,” which airs on 425 stations nationwide, have been addressing these timely headlines and their tie to biblical times.

“In Isaiah Chapter 5, the prophet Isaiah proclaimed judgment on the Jerusalem of his day,” Rohrer said on a recent “Stand in the Gap” program. “Could his words be the final words of judgment on America of our day? His message was one of final judgment. No more warnings. No more time. God said, I’ll destroy your nation because you’ve rejected my commands and despised My holy name. Therefore, My fearsome anger will come against you and no nation will stand against Me. In that day, Israel deserved God’s judgment. We in America should look in the mirror and consider our sins in light of Israel then: materialism; apathy; ignorance; moral relativism; addictions of all types; bribery and corruption; rampant dishonesty. Is not God clearly warning our nation?”

Glorifying God in the Tragedy and the Triumph

 A rare eclipse across the U.S., two major hurricanes in Texas and Florida, a pair of deadly earthquakes in Mexico, a terrorist attack in London, wildfires in the West, and violence and unrest in St. Louis.

What kind of message is being sent to the world—and how are Christians responding?

The daily radio ministry of American Pastors Network, “Stand in the Gap Today,” which airs on 425 stations nationwide, recently addressed these world events and asked if God is trying to get the world’s attention.

“America and the world have seen much tragedy and turmoil over the past several weeks,” said APN President Sam Rohrer, “and while it would be easy to become downtrodden and defeated, we know that, ultimately God is in control and He will work through His people for good. Jesus never promised that the life of the believer would be easy or without strife. In fact, exactly the opposite is true. When we have faith in Christ, sometimes we are tested—by our circumstances, by our fellow man and even by natural disasters. But our challenge as Christians is to glorify God in the triumph and the tragedy, and to be His hands and feet as we work for good in this world.”

Listen to the program “God Will Be Glorified” here.

Along with other Christian leaders, Rohrer also offered a prayer for those weathering the storms through Charisma News.

“As a Christian,” Rohrer said, “I am ultimately praying that ‘God’s will be done’ through these storms. As Jesus Himself prayed while in the garden just prior to His crucifixion, ‘Lord let this pass, but if not, may Your will be done.’ In the face of all circumstances of life, be they blessings or judgment, the believer’s prayers must follow this same model. The reason is that because God is Sovereign, and because He controls the weather—either by causing or permitting events to occur—we must look to determining His reason. In the case of our nation where we have rejected the God of heaven, proclaimed His truth to be void and proclaimed evil to be good in so many ways, it should not be hard for us to look to the God of heaven and ask of Him how we as a nation should respond.”

Faith Leaders of America Sign Letter to White House, Hill Leadership Encouraging Wisdom on Immigration and Citizenship Issues

As Sessions Announces That Trump Administration Will Officially Rescind DACA, Faith Groups UrgeThat Citizens and Legal Migration Are Prioritized

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced this week that the Trump administration would officially rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, delaying adjudication for six months, effectively allowing Congress to craft its own immigration legislation, according to CBS News.

While urging lawmakers to act carefully and swiftly, Sessions called the current program an unconstitutional overreach of executive authority that has caused many legal concerns.

The multi-faith group Faith Leaders for America ( authored a letter to President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, encouraging them to take on recent challenges of immigration biblically and wisely. A copy of the letter was also sent to General Sessions.

“God loves all people, but when opinion and political correctness rule in both public office and in the pulpit, confusion and bondage results,” said Hon. Samuel Rohrer, former Pennsylvania state representative, pastor and president of the American Pastors Network. “When biblical truth is accurately and boldly preached, and Constitutional oaths are honored, civil liberty and God’s blessing remains.”

Other signers to the letter include David Barton, WallBuilders; Paul Blair, Reclaiming America for Christ; Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (U.S. Army, Ret.), Family Research Council; Mark Christian, Global Faith Institute; Maria Espinoza, The Remembrance Project; E.W. Jackson, Exodus Faith Ministries; Jerry Johnson, National Religious Broadcasters; Kelly Kullberg, American Association of Evangelicals; Rick Scarborough, Vision America Action; and Aubrey Shines, International Communion of Evangelical Churches.

The letter reads, in part:

“While loving mercy, who will also stand for justice to those citizens who cannot find a job due to cheaper foreign labor? Who will speak of the real cost of illegal immigration to our states? And while many non-citizens are good neighbors, who will stand for justice for Americans victimized by people here illegally who do not uphold our values and laws? And who will prevent more needless crime and death?

“The Church is called to serve all people, and our government leaders are elected to defend and uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. Though there are tragic stories on every side of illegal migration, for our elected officials, responsibility to oaths must prevail. Law and order sustain stability and peace. A nation of wise rule grows strong enough to sustain care for the vulnerable in our midst.

“While some faith groups use selective Bible words for open borders and amnesty, we consider the whole counsel of Scripture. We find that the Bible does not teach open borders, but wise welcome. We are to welcome the lawful foreigner, who, like a convert, comes as a blessing. …

“In Scripture, we learn that God placed us each in a family, a land, an epic story of creation, the fall and redemption. The Bible envisions a world of beautiful and unique nations, not a stateless ‘open society’ run by global oligarchs. Each of us is called to be a blessing where God has placed us in the world. In policy decisions ahead, while treating undocumented people kindly, we ask that you would first and foremost honor often forgotten American citizens whose families have served our nation for many generations, and the patient people who have applied lawfully to come here and to become citizens of the United States. These lives also matter. These people also dream.”

Pastor Rohrer continued, “Those in the pulpit play a vital role by applying the whole counsel of God to issues and encouraging government officials to fulfill their God-given and constitutional duties.”

Faith Leaders for America is a dedicated group of clergy and spiritual leaders from various faith communities who share a common commitment to freedom — freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution—along with a firm commitment to address the imminent threats to those freedoms.

George Barna: The Day Christians Changed America

On Thursday, Sept. 7th, author and social science researcher, George Barna, joined the Stand in the Gap Today program to talk about his new book: The Day Christians Changed America-How Conservative Christians put Trump in the White House and Redirected America’s Future.

To listen to the program please click HERE.

To purchase the book, please click HERE.

To visit the American Culture and Faith Institute website, please click HERE.

Tension in America | Are Identity Politics to Blame?

American Pastors Network President Sam Rohrer and Social Science Researcher George Barna Ask If Christians Are Guilty As Well

PHILADELPHIA—Few would deny that tension across America abounds. Is it because of “identity politics,” and are Christians guilty too?

American Pastors Network  President, Sam Rohrer, recently talked with renowned social science researcher, George Barna, on APN’s daily radio ministry “Stand in the Gap Today,” which airs on 425 stations nationwide.

Barna pointed to new research from the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI), where he serves as executive director, which defines “identity politics” as the practice of organizing a distinct social or political constituency around a cause, a sense of threatened existence, the perceived loss of opportunities or influence, or a set of ideals.

A number of movements, Barna noted, have emerged to challenge society’s prevailing traditions, beliefs, customs, and laws based on claims of discrimination related to race, sexuality, ethnicity, economics, and spirituality. The new national surveyfrom the Institute looked at peoples’ perceptions of various population groups and discovered numerous areas in which prevailing beliefs about our population are wrong or questionable—and could result in violent or conflict situations.

Rohrer and Barna discussed whether Christians could also be guilty of these inaccurate perceptions.

“Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for Americans, and Christians too, to find themselves forming an opinion about certain social movements or people based on how influential they think they may be,” Rohrer said. “Have we ever supported an effort or agenda because of the ‘bigness’ of the cause and that we wanted to be on the ‘winning side?’ Many of us have also formed negative opinions about groups of people because of what we’ve heard or read. When we do this, we fall victim to the dangerous phenomena known as ‘identity politics,’ and there’s no place for it in today church, especially as America continues to become more divisive.”

Past sociological studies, the research found, have shown that negative feelings toward a people group are sometimes founded on a sense of feeling threatened by that group. One common reason for that perception of threat is the size of the group in question. Overall, the survey found that most Americans hold a favorable view of the 11 groups listed, with the exception of Scientologists. Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Evangelical Christians, Muslims and Mormons were also included.

View the full research here and listen to the program about the research and identity politics here.

Lifezette: Monumental Test of Faith: A Christian Rationale for Preserving History

by Sam Rohrer | Updated 01 Sep 2017 at 9:38 AM

Little has been said about the causes building up to the tragic events of Charlottesville or about whether this national breach can be repaired. I believe unity will not be restored until we seek God’s answer for our troubled nation.

Truly, the light once emanating brightly from this “shining city on a hill” is flickering and at risk of being snuffed out — unless America awakens now.

The division among our people is reaching a fevered pitch, having moved to jeopardizing our future by purging the reminders of our past. Some say we should ask ourselves the question: “Where do we draw the line? If you can take down one monument, then what is to stop the removal of everything from the past?” Others are trying to make the case for why certain monuments should be removed while others should stay. The first is a logical question. The second won’t be agreed upon.

Our national memorials were erected because of their importance in our history — not because they represent perfect people or only the best of times. Our culture is too divided now to hearken back to the individual merits of each monument. Nearly everyone refuses to defend their historical value, lest he be identified as “racist,” “supremacist” or worse. Because of the complacency and silence from both the church and civic leaders, God’s people will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge of His truth (Hosea 4:6). This silence is deafening and is quickly propelling the enemies of freedom toward victory.

It is interesting to note, however, that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is encouraging the destruction of national monuments. They are joined by Marxists who have continually tried to revise our history by surgically removing all references to God, Jesus Christ, and our Judeo-Christian heritage. Truly, America hangs in the balance. The unbridled purging of our past could be destroying our future!

Why have monuments suddenly become the focus of attention? Shouldn’t we ask ourselves why we even have memorials? Shouldn’t we pause for a moment and ask what God says about them? What must Christian citizens do so that this mindless destruction is stopped? What have we as Christians done to prepare our culture for such a dangerous time? Shouldn’t we all take a deep breath and ask God for His guidance at this time?

Shouldn’t we all take a deep breath and ask God for His guidance?

A quick study of scripture shows God’s support of memorials. Joshua 4:21 says that memorials, even a pile of stones, are for the purpose of reminding — bringing to memory — some important occasion. God said they are to cause our children and grandchildren yet unborn to ask, “Why is this here?” and “What does it mean?”

God-fearing parents and grandparents should use those opportunities to remind children of who God is, what He has done, and about His relationship to the people at that time.

Memorials, erected by the support of the people or culture from a given point in time, should remain. To attack a legitimately erected memorial is to attack our forefathers’ judgment and to say that we know now what is more worthy than they did. To deface or destroy an erected monument is not only a civil crime — it is a detestable act of arrogance.

Even tombstones — personal memorials — should remind us of the shortness of life and eternity. Each stone is carefully placed as a sacred remembrance of the courage or service of a mother, father, or perhaps of a fallen war hero. In other cases, tombstones of wicked people remind us of the depravity of man and the results of rejecting God as Creator, Judge and Redeemer of mankind.

When we look at national memorials — whether for Christopher Columbus, George Washington, or Gen. Robert E. Lee — should we not reflect on their relationship to God, the role they played in this nation’s “holy experiment,” and how they dealt with various challenges of society in their day? Doesn’t every memorial hold a powerful teaching moment for every person?

Let’s use the present focus on national monuments as a time to recognize how the sinfulness of mankind always produces a tension among human beings. Now is the ideal time to proclaim that in Jesus Christ — the Redeemer of mankind — all people, regardless of color, nationality, or station in life, can find their intrinsic value before God. This is the time to teach that no human has any singular claim to truth, but that all truth is found in God. Now is the time that Christians should show the world that unity is only achieved at the foot of the cross — when we believe Jesus Christ alone is the way, the truth and the life. When we agree with God, peace, healing and unity will be the result.

Who must lead the way back to God? It is the church — but will the church arise? When the U.S. Supreme Court unlawfully ruled in favor of murdering the unborn, where was the church? When the Supreme Court ordered the removal of the Ten Commandments from the schoolroom wall, where was the church? When the Supreme Court spat in the face of God and ruled that His design for human sexuality was wrong, where was the church? When God’s role in our nation has been continually rejected, where is the church? When the ungodly attack memorials around the country, where is the American church?

Can we not see how the enemies of truth have come in under the walls as in the days of Belshazzar, and how in a moment our nation will fall from its pinnacle of greatness?

Wake up, American church! Stand up, pastors in the pulpits!

Sam Rohrer is president of the American Pastors Network, a national network of pastors with constitutional and biblical teachings that discusses today’s pressing issues. He was a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for 18 years and is co-host of the daily “Stand in the Gap Today” national radio program on 425 stations.

To read this article originally published on the Lifezette website, please click HERE.

The Price of Silence

Under cover of darkness and nothing more than the result of succumbing to political correctness, the President of famed Duke University in Durham removed a statue of General Robert E. Lee from the front of its chapel.

In all honesty, and much to the chagrin of my many friends in the state of NC, I have been a sizable Duke basketball fan for years. After having read an outstanding piece by Coach “K” a number of years ago (an article in which he boldly stated, “I am not a basketball coach. I am a developer of young men. When I find a better avenue than basketball for accomplishing that task, that’s what I’ll do.”), I became an even more faithful fan.  However, after Friday’s statue removal travesty, I am questioning my loyalty.

What is so disturbing about the Duke decision, as well as all other removal decisions across the nation, is that it is all being done based on flawed thinking. First, it is being done based on political correctness. Honestly, the longer I breathe air, the more perturbed I become toward this heinous motivation. In an effort to be “kinder,” “gentler,” and more socially acceptable, we are throwing away the very history of our nation. Acknowledgment of one’s history is not equal to approval of the same. For heaven’s sake, where is this all going to stop? What’s next that will be offered on the altar of political correctness?

Second, most of the reasons being offered for removing General Lee from our national memory are based on incorrect history or outright lies. Ronald Reagan stated it best. “It’s not that my friends on the other side of the aisle are ignorant. It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” Well, there is a boatload of “history” being purported that SIMPLY ISN’T SO! To call General Lee a racist is incorrect, insulting, and just plain stupid! He was nothing of the sort. Additionally, the attempt to connect the multiplicity of Confederate statues across the land to their erector’s racist motivations is, well, a brazen stretch to say the least. In fact, it’s almost unforgivable in its stupidity. Yet, this is what is being peddled on unsuspecting and ignorant minds.

Lastly, and most troubling, is the fact that ALL of this is being promoted by individuals/groups with very nefarious designs on America and her future. From George Soros, and his stated hatred for America, to progressive organizations bent on eliminating America’s connection to God, sinister elements abound who will stop at nothing less than destroying America and her Judeo-Christian heritage.

I don’t know about you, but I agree with Todd Starnes (FOX News contributor and friend of our ministries) when he says, “Enough is enough.” It’s time we stand up and say, “You will not malign, demonize, and threaten good people–present and past. Whether it’s the reverse racist Southern Poverty Law Center, or a very misguided state Senator (who ought to be in jail for threatening the President), we will not remain silent while good men are destroyed.

There’s no way to say it other than this. The things that have been stated about General Robert E. Lee (and others of the Confederate generals) are nothing less than the most egregious form of character assassination. The difficulty is this. Lee, Jackson, Stewart, and their companions are not here to defend themselves. So, we, who know the truth, must do so!

Most of all, we must not sit idly by while our history is taken from us by deceptive, diabolical, demonic individuals who hide behind racist accusations, using that to cover their true intent. So, now is the time to arm ourselves with the truth, stand up, and speak with clarity. Acknowledging our history is NOT a direct or tacit endorsement of it’s negative aspects. Respect for imperfect, but great and godly, men is NOT wrong. Recognition of self-less sacrifice in behalf of a cause is not evil. What IS wrong is to allow our nation to be stolen from us by those who care nothing for it, or the one’s they claim they wish to protect.

One final thought is in order. Is the current generation so morally and mentally weak that they cannot deal with the presence of a differing opinion? Are they so fragile that any and all references to that which is, or may border on being, negative must be removed? If so, then God help us if/when they face REAL hardship. If one cannot take an exam because they’re so emotional destabilized over an election result that they are unable to do so, then “Katy bar the door” as a real crisis emerges.

As parents, pastors, politicians, and common people, we MUST again return to that which made us great, saw us through the deepest divide in our nation’s history (the Civil War), and has been the cause of unprecedented blessing as a people–the Bible. Only in its pages can we find the requisite wisdom and moral fortitude for an uncertain future. Only in its pages can we find the One who is the Source of all the above. His matchless name is Jesus Christ–the One Who birthed and has blessed America!

“America, America, God shed His grace on thee
And crowned thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea.”

Dave Kistler
President, HOPE Ministries International/HOPE To The Hill
President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)
Co-host, Stand In The Gap Radio

American Pastors Network: Election in Kenya Impacted by Local Pastors, Biblical Voting

APN Volunteers and Partner Pastors Instrumental in Mobilizing Christians to Vote for New President Uhuru Kenyatta; Although Hand of God on Election, Christians and Pastors in Kenya Need Prayer

Last week’s election in Kenya proved to be a statement on the power that Christian voters can have on the outcome of the direction of their nation.

Uhuru Kenyatta was elected the President of Kenya after garnering more than 8.1 million votes (approximately 54 percent). After Kenyatta, who campaigned on Christian beliefs, beat his opponent, former Kenya Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, violence and protests broke out in Kenya, with Odinga’s supporters claiming the results were “hacked,” according to several news reports.

The American Pastors Network  has been watching the Kenya election closely because many voting issues greatly impact pastors, churches and Christians in the African nation.

APN President Sam Rohrer said the American Pastors Network provided encouragement to members of the Kenyan Pastors Network leading up to the election, praying for them and helping them to mobilize Christian voters.

“Leading up to this election and still today,” Rohrer said, “the freedom of Kenyans, Kenyan pastors and the ability to freely preach the Gospel is currently under threat. Had Uhuru Kenyatta not been elected, Islamic, pro-abortion, pro-LGBT and anti-Christian policies would have advanced. Our Kenyan brothers and sisters, and especially our fellow pastors, asked for fervent prayers before and during the election—that the right man would be elected, that the opposition would concede and that violence would not erupt as in other elections. We continue to pray for these matters, as the coming days and weeks will be crucial for Kenya to be able to move forward under a man of God and other leaders who desire to model the country after the founding documents of the United States of America.”

Rohrer added that a U.S.-based APN volunteer who was on the ground in Kenya helped to create and execute several initiatives to encourage values-based voting last week. Kenyatta, feeling the effects of these efforts, led a public prayer before the election, thanking Christians and pastors for their commitment and stating that he would give God the glory if victorious, according to reports from the APN volunteer.

“Pastors there are praying in faith that God will raise them up as a nation to be the leader to all of Africa, that the relationship with the U.S. can be strengthened and that God would enable APN to assist in the final establishment of a Kenyan Pastors Network in order to train leaders and teach pastors the biblical principles needed in both church and government,” Rohrer added. “The involvement of APN in Kenya is similar to work we’ve been blessed and honored to do in Ukraine, where pastors and government leaders are yearning to bring biblical and American constitutional principles to the country.”

Rohrer also noted that this election marked the first time in Kenyan history that Christians encouraged other Christians to vote. In fact, the Christian impact was so strong in the days before the election that a well-known liberal leftist poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign of the opposition to counter the efforts of local pastors and Christians.

Gary Dull, executive director of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN,, has traveled to Kenya and said the election there has serious ramifications, both in Africa and worldwide.

“There has been a movement among government officials in Kenya to vet pastors concerning their ability to lead churches and preach to their congregations,” Dull said. “In fact, a bill has been authored in this regard. Many pastors in Kenya believe this proposed law is an effort to reduce the preaching of the Gospel in that nation, which may result in a larger influence of Islam throughout the country. It is crucial that believers in America pray for our fellow believers in Kenya during this time when the freedom of religion is being threatened in that great African nation.”

Dull added that prayers are also crucial for the ongoing post-election unrest in Kenya and for the safety of Christian missionaries there.

Open Doors USA estimates that about 82 percent of Kenyans are Christian, but that Islamic oppression remains very high. Kenya is No. 18 on the World Watch List, a tool to track and measure persecution around the world.

Charlottesville Incident Demands Answers to Crucial Questions about Unity in America

“The deplorable circumstances in Charlottesville should indeed get the attention of all Americans. Yet, in the midst of this event, for which both sides share blame, these questions must not be overlooked: What has happened in America to produce such increasing hostilities and anger among our people? And can unity be achieved just by our leaders demanding it?

In reality, we didn’t get to this place by accident nor overnight. The rejection of moral truth, healing and transformative power of redemption and forgiveness available only through Jesus Christ is where it started. The coarsening of society is assured where life in the womb is cavalierly discarded, where God’s plan for the family and human sexuality is jettisoned, where a ‘selfless others focus’ is replaced with a ‘selfish only focus,’ and where duty is replaced with ‘rights.’ Such it is today.

Is unity again achievable? The answer is yes. But, for some, even this statement may be dividing—yet it is nonetheless the truth. Unity is not the goal but a by-product. Unity never demands full agreement in all things by all people. Yet what unity does demand is an agreement on a common body of truth. In the United States, that common body of truth was found in the Judeo-Christian scriptures, where there is God who created life and then ‘endowed certain unalienable rights’ to the people, who ‘under God’ agree with God that He is perfect; that mankind is sinful and not naturally good.

But that redemption and healing through faith in Jesus Christ alone can transform the mind and the heart, and heal families, communities and the nation. No one race, no one color, no one nationality has a claim to this truth. Yet, true equality, true justice and true unity can, in fact, result when people from all walks of life agree with God on these truths.

Any nation or people who believes these things can experience peace, security and unity. Our nation once did—not ever perfect, of course—but overwhelmingly embraced this view, and God blessed it as no nation ever before it. We will now, in this time of increasing need, either look to God and agree with Him and do what He says and regain the freedom we so love, or we will look to ourselves, to government or to some man or woman and descend into the abyss of slavery and totalitarianism. There is no other choice.”

-Sam Rohrer, President

American Pastors Network

To interview Sam Rohrer, contact Beth Harrison at 610.584.1096, x104,, or Deborah Hamilton, 610.584.1096, x102.

To read an article from Lifezette containing more information and quotes from this statement, please click HERE.

How Can Christians Be Salt and Light When They Don’t Believe The Basics of the Bible?

What does it mean to be “born again”? Do Christians truly understand this concept?

According to research from the American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI), many Americans call themselves “born again,” but fewer than 30 percent provided answers that would support that claim. And if so many think they are born again, why aren’t these Christians impacting the culture, asks the American Pastors Network.

“If a majority of Americans think they are born-again Christians, one has to wonder where the cultural disconnect is, as the moral fiber of our nation continues to erode,” said APN President Sam Rohrer, who is host of the APN radio ministry, “Stand in the Gap Today.”

This summer, “Stand in the Gap Today” hosts have discussed these findings on two separate programs with George Barna, renowned social science researcher and head of ACFI.

In pondering life after death, the ACFI research found that just 30 percent of those surveyed say they are born again with the reasoning that “after I die I know I will go to Heaven because I have confessed my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior.” Another quarter say they don’t know what will happen when they die.

“Some shocking findings of this survey indicate that many—75 percent—believe that mankind is not made up of sinners and that man is basically good,” Rohrer said. “Just barely more than half believe that Jesus lived a sinless life, and 42 percent believe that Satan is not real, but more a symbol of evil. Based on these findings, how healthy can we say the American church really is? How can salt be salt and light be light when we don’t believe those things?”

(To listen to the “Stand in the Gap Today” programs on this topic here and here.)

“According to these numbers and what we know from history, in real life, many, if not most of those who say they’re Christians are really not Christ-followers,” Rohrer said on the program. “We’ve also heard, for example, that up to 80 percent of Congress is Christian, but I look at that number with some skepticism. Just like there are Republicans In Name Only—RINO—there are also many Christians ‘in name only.’”

Rohrer also pointed to Matthew 7:22-23, where Jesus said, “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?’ And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (KJV).

“There is perhaps no more clear example than these words of Christ Himself to perhaps describe these survey findings, which are evidence of what some Christians believe about themselves and what is actually real and true.”