Giving Thanks to the Author of Liberty!
From the 1621 harvest feast, shared by the Plymouth Pilgrims…

Thanksgiving Resources from WallBuilders
-The information below is taken from a newsletter sent out by…

Dr. Ben Carson on Making Choices in this Election
Dr. Ben Carson appeared on Stand in the Gap Today radio program…

George Barna, “Don’t Complain!”
Recently, George Barna, founder and President of American…

Be an Informed Voter! Get Your Voter Guide HERE!
The American Family Association has published the 2016 Voter…

Michele Bachmann on Advice to 3rd Party or No Voters
Michele Bachmann, recent guest on Stand in the Gap Today,…

Is Persecution Good for the Church?
By Edgar Feghaly, Missionary to the Middle East

Anything But Inconsequential
Sometime between Saturday evening and early Sunday morning, the…

As Candidates Struggle with Integrity Issues, American Pastors Network Offers ‘Voter Integrity Checklist’ to Take to Polls
It’s no secret that both presidential candidates have struggled…
READ the “State of the Church Report 2024: “Reclaiming Lost Things – Taking Back What the Church Has Given Up” by Dr. Jamie Mitchell
/2 Comments/in Blog /by News RoomState of the Church Report 2024
-Excerpt from “State of the Church Report 2024”.
…If we in the evangelical church would step back and be honest, the world and our spiritual enemies have
overtaken us in the past number of years and have taken much that we hold dear. Statistics on young people
leaving the church is shocking and sobering. Standing in the world has been greatly diminished. We have little
to no authority to speak, because we have handed over the authority that was given to us through God’s Word
through our sloppy handling of the Scriptures and our cowardice to boldly proclaim its truth.
Marriage is not sacred and we divorce each other at the same rate as the unbelieving unions. And all of this has occurred while
leaders and members alike have been pursuing partnerships with the world and alliances in hopes of finding
favor from the enemies who want to destroy us. Instead of confronting them with their need for a Savior, we look
to find relevance and acceptance from them. We open our membership to those living in ungodly partnerships,
practicing same sex relationships, opting for abortion without shame and plunging in all kinds of vices without
fear of losing our witness. We want the world to validate our message and ministry, instead of embracing our
validation from the Lord God, even if that is an offense to the watching world.
In the end, we return to our camps with neither acceptance from the world and discover the church burning and in rubble and our most precious possessions carted off by the opposition. We are living in a day of lost things…