Israel Continues to Be One of President Trump’s Most Critical Election Issues for 2020
Israel last week announced that the nation would ban two American Congresswomen from visiting because of their anti-Semitic stances—then reversed the decision, stating Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was approved for a “humanitarian” visit. Friday afternoon, however, reported Fox News, Tlaib confirmed she would not be visiting her grandmother in Israel after all, citing “oppressive conditions.” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is still banned from visiting.
The American Pastors Network (APN) follows news about Israel closely, especially as it relates to American politics and American Christians—and in light of the fact that Israel will be one of the most important 2020 election issues. In fact, APN focuses on Israel at least once a week on its daily “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program, which airs on about 400 stations nationwide, as well as addresses news coming out of the Middle East from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
To one of these recent programs, APN President Sam Rohrer welcomed former Minnesota U.S. Representative and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, with whom Rohrer attended the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast earlier this summer; Bachmann also co-chairs the event. On “Stand in the Gap Today,” Bachmann made bold statements about President Donald Trump and his ongoing commitment to Israel, stating “never before” has she seen a “more pro-Israel president.”
In many respects, Rohrer agrees, stating that President Trump has indeed kept his promise to Christians that he would advocate for Israel on behalf of America.
“Over the past several years, presidential actions have been overwhelmingly supportive of Israel, which should be important to all Christians,” Rohrer said. “Those who support Israel will be put onto a path of blessing—to that, the Bible is clear. Those who bless Israel, God will bless, and those who curse Israel, God will curse. And in these end days, there will be a sifting to either sheep nations or goat nations. That distinction will be led by those nations’ leaders and how they relate to the principle of God’s plan for Israel. Few would deny that this president has taken strong positions in relation to Israel.”
But to whom should this presidential commitment to Israel be meaningful?
“People who are Remnant Christians and believe that Israel is a nation blessed by God will be on board with this administration’s actions and commitments,” Rohrer said. “Certainly, President Trump’s moves and counter-moves concerning the Holy Land do not matter to those who think God is done with Israel, and his support for Israel upsets the Islamists among us.
“But undeniably, all of this brings into context that there is a prevailing, sovereign God who is at work,” Rohrer added. “He is not out of the picture. And many Christians should get Him back into the picture. The fact is that God’s plan for Israel supersedes and is bigger than the U.S. It’s from the beginning of time and directly reflects what God says in the Bible.”
Photo by Joe Pregadio on Unsplash
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