Are God and Allah the Same?
A major religious question, even in evangelical circles, has been: “Do we all worship the same God?—Are God and Allah the same?”
The American Pastors Network, through its popular weekly television program, recently addressed this question, as APN President Sam Rohrer and Dr. Mark Christian, president and founder of Global Faith Institute, delved into the increasing claim that Christians and Muslims worship the same God.
Mark Christian is a former Muslim from Cairo, Egypt, who served as an Imam from the age of 12. He left Islam at the age of 25 after researching the life of Muhammad and the teachings of the Quran. Christian then became convinced that his Muslim faith was a lie. He wandered spiritually for the next 10 years, ultimately discovering that Jesus Christ was the answer he was seeking.
“The God of the Bible and Allah cannot be the same according to the Bible and the Quran,” Rohrer said. “Jesus is the ‘begotten’ Son of God, while the Quran states that Jesus can NOT be God. The recent claims and comments by some evangelical pastors point to an overall misconception about God and Allah. This increasingly common statement coming from many religious leaders and even some pastors who claim to be evangelicals is that ‘God and Allah are the same,’ that ‘Christians and Muslims worship the same deity’ or ‘Christians, Jews and Muslims all worship the God of Abraham.’ But do the three main faith groups really worship the same god? And does it make a difference? The implications and consequences of not properly understanding this claim are enormous, ranging from national security concerns to eternal consequences relating to God, heaven and hell.
“Dr. Mark Christian has firsthand information into why Allah and God are not the same, and he has seen up close the Islamic strategy to make inroads into the Christian community on this matter of ‘same God,’” Rohrer continued. “The most basic reason why the God of the Bible and Allah cannot be the same is because, according to the Bible, Jesus is the Son of God and, according to Islam, Jesus is but a prophet and not God. The effort to blur this line, even among pastors, is not only damaging but Christian leaders who advance this thought, and believers who agree, are committing heresy.”
Watch the full program with Rohrer, “Stand in the Gap Today” co-host Isaac Crockett and Christian here.
Jews don’t believe that Jesus was the messiah either, but it’s accepted that their God of the OT was the same God as the NT – they just believe that he had no Son. So why does asserting that Mulsims don’t believe that Jesus was the Son of God all of the sudden make it a different than the Jewish story that they worship the same God?