Pennsylvania is Near the Top of the List for Sanctuary Cities & Counties

The state of Pennsylvania has one of the highest number of sanctuary cities and counties in the country—fourth on the list, in fact—behind only Oregon, California and Washington, according to a list from the Center for Immigration Studies.

APN President, Sam Rohrer, frequently discusses issues of immigration and refugees on the popular daily radio program, “Stand in the Gap Today.”

A “sanctuary” city that protects illegal immigrants who may be committing crimes does not equate to the church “sanctuary,” where those who take refuge can find peace.

Rohrer says immigration and the policies surrounding sanctuary cities, including the possibility that these cities could be cut off from federal funding, should be issues that are important to pastors and churches.

1 reply
  1. George Mast
    George Mast says:

    Why Sanctuary Cities ? This is not very good for the general public, example exceptions like not needing a driver license, and no auto insurance is overlooked, and allowed to prevail, by police? WHY? Additionally, no medical review is conducted so our communities are plagued with sicknesses that were near eliminated now are on the massive growth list of diseases? WHY? The rules are not being accounted for, English is a second language in many areas. WHY? The Rental Residential Properties are being destroyed by groups of people that cram multiples of people in trying to take more economy than the RESIDENCE can handle. WHY?


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