Pray for Pastors and Serve Them as Pastor Appreciation Month Comes to a Close

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and the American Pastors Network is encouraging the faithful to pray for their church leaders—especially as the culture becomes more and more hostile toward pro-life efforts, religious liberties and biblically defined marriage.

“This month especially, as we close out Pastor Appreciation Month, believers—now more than ever—must pray for and serve our pastors and church leaders,” said PPN Executive Director Gary Dull, who is also a board member for the American Pastors Network ( , of which PPN is a state chapter. “In the face of many life-affecting challenges, pastors have one of the toughest jobs in the world, leading their congregations, serving as the salt and light in a dark world, and making their spouses and families a priority. They need and appreciate our prayers, since daily prayer for these faithful servants will help lift them up and allow them to truly fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Serving them in small ways like setting up a light breakfast for them once in a while, giving them gift certificates, or any way to encourage or lighten the load ever so slightly goes a long way, too.”

PPN is suggesting several ways Christians can show their appreciation for their pastors:

  • Pray for them daily, and let them know you are praying.
  • Write a note to let them know how greatly they are appreciated in the church and in your life.
  • Take a meal to your pastor’s family, or invite them to your home or out for a dinner together.
  • Make a donation to the Pennsylvania Pastors Network in your pastor’s name so PPN can continue to serve pastors and churches across the state organizing events and offering resources. Visit
  • Purchase a DVD copy of the “U-Turn: Roadmap for Renewal” conference for pastors and church leaders, hosted in March by PPN in Lancaster, Pa. Click here for more information on single and multiple-pack discounts.

Said one pastor who attended, “I was really blessed by the U-Turn Conference. … This was truly life-changing and transformational. I don’t remember the last time I have been so inspired to want to make a difference in the kingdom of God after attending a conference with such great impact. I was thoroughly energized to know what, how and why we should take back our country for Jesus Christ.”

The organization Serving Leaders Ministries exists to serve pastors and help them deal with the overwhelming responsibility of being a pastor and surviving the multiple attacks by the enemy throughout their tenure at a church. For more information on Serving Leaders, visit

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