Supreme Court Decision And Civil Disobedience!
Tonight on FOX News’ Sean Hannity program, Pastor Robert Jeffress
(Pastor, First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX) was as animated as I’ve
ever seen him as he spoke of the path ahead for all believers in Jesus
Christ. Said Pastor Jeffress, “We will not be intimidated by the
liberal left, President Obama, or the Supreme Court of the United
States!” Pastor Jeffress’ comments came in the midst of a discussion on
what will be the future of First Amendment liberty for Christians, whose
beliefs are diametrically opposed to degenerative societal norms.
Additionally, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, when asked whether
the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage necessitates “civil
disobedience” said, “I see no other way!” In all candor, I completely
agree! As a preacher who has already made his decision, I am prepared
to practice civil disobedience and to experience the persecution and/or
incarceration for my “firmly held beliefs” relative to the topic of
The reasons for my unequivocal stance on this is two-fold. First, to
comply with the Supreme Court’s errant decision on same-sex marriage
would be completely antithetical with the Scriptures teaching on the
topic. On something as fundamentally basic as what constitutes
marriage, I MUST obey God rather than man (or any man-made
institution)! Second, I believe that disobedience to the High Court’s
damnable decision is constitutionally consistent. According to the 10th
Amendment, the powers not granted to the (federal) government by the
constitution are reserved to the states, or to the people! When the
federal government (i.e. the Court) steps out of it’s constitutionally
prescribed position of authority, that same government should EXPECT
kickback from authority on the state level! It is this precise thought
that is motivating Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stand so clearly,
powerfully and aggressively against the High Court decision! In
essence, he has said to the Supreme Court, “thanks, but no thanks!”
“We, in Texas, have both legislation and an amendment that defines
marriage for our state!” So, it is obligatory that the Texas Governor
fulfill his oath of office, to protect and defend the Texas
constitution. I pray that other state leaders will be equally committed
and forceful in their response to Friday’s decision!
So, the decision rendered on Friday is NOT the final word on this
issue! A constitutional crisis (states authority vs. federal authority)
looms on the near horizon–one that has the potential to eclipse the
divisiveness of the Civil War! May God grant us (those of us who stand
where God stands on this issue) His wisdom to know the path ahead, and
the courage to accept the consequences!
Dave Kistler
President, HOPE Ministries International
President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)
My understanding from Constitution experts, Supreme court has no authority to make laws but to interpret laws in reference to a specific case during arbitration or litigation. For this particular case, the plaintiff does not represent any of 300million American citizens but two-person only. One ruling simply can not impose or enact any law across the nation except going thru Congress.
Why many States just assume and jump in to implement this? Governor Huckabee is absolutely correct who keeps asking What law? What law that Kim Davis in violation? No specific law ever addressed but abuse of power.