As Unchurched Numbers Grow, American Pastors Network Says the ‘Remnant’ Will be Key to Change in a Time of Chaos

To close out 2014, the Barna Group released 10 facts about the unchurched in America, especially salient as their numbers grow and as fewer Americans attend church.

According to Barna, the number of unchurched people in America would make up the eighth most populous country in the world. As of 2014, the estimated number of people in the U.S. who are “churchless”—meaning they have not attended a Christian church service, other than a special event such as a wedding or a funeral, at any time during the past six months—stands at 114 million. Add to that the roughly 42 million children and teenagers who are unchurched for a total of 156 million U.S. residents who are not engaged with a Christian church.

American Pastors Network’s (APN, says while these numbers are disappointing and alarming, true change in America will happen through the “Rise of the Remnant,” or those who are left with a passion that still remains for God.

“Let’s contrast the ‘Rise of the Churchless’ with the ‘Rise of the Remnant,’” said APN President Sam Rohrer, who is also President of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, “God’s people have a crucial role in the midst of chaos, and especially among these millions of unchurched. And the American Pastors Network is committed to helping encourage and mobilize this ‘remnant,’ both by equipping and educating them and by providing resources to their pastors so that the messages from the pulpit unequivocally uphold the authority of Scripture.” 

The “remnant” is described in the Bible as “what remains of a group of people after most of that group has been destroyed or lost through dispersal brought upon by judgment or the following of apostasy.” As more and more churches water down or even flatly reject biblical truth in favor of seeking the world’s approval, this remnant will become even more apparent.

Several verses in the Bible address this “remnant,” including 2 Kings 19:31, which says, “For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors; the zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this,” and Isaiah 28:5, “In that day the Lord Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of his people.” Paul also talks about the “remnant” in Romans 11:5: “So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.”

“The whole of God’s people can focus on their important role in the midst of confusion, and as the number of churchless rises, the ‘remnant,’ armed with the power of truth, can recalibrate a culture that has jettisoned its moral compass,” Rohrer said. “This ‘remnant’ will be bold to speak the truth on how morality and God’s standards can reset broken families, organize an aimless society and secure God’s blessings on our nation.”

7 replies
  1. Pastor Brian Borger
    Pastor Brian Borger says:

    Some 10+ years ago, God spoke to us to “grow the church within the Church.” I really had no idea of what He meant at the time, but as the years have gone by, He has brought many believers together here in Titusville for both prayer and Bible Study. We often get members from 7-8 different churches and denominations gathered together to pray for the remnant church across the nation. Believers attending churches where the Word isn’t taught, come together to learn and then take that knowledge back to their home churches to share with others. The movement is growing and we actually have believers in California, Nebraska, even Kenya and India joining together in prayer and study. I would love to here more on how the Pastor’s Network is reaching the remnant.

  2. Tim holloway
    Tim holloway says:

    Every revolution was led and won by a committed remnant. The American Revolutiin was organized, led by and fought by less than 1/3 of the people. A full1/3 opposed their goal of a new nation and fought against them. Because they believed in divine providence, they were able to persevere and be victorious against incredible odds. With total commitment that refuses even the slightest compromise of Biblical truth, we will be victorious. The apostate church is our greatest enemy amd must not be appeased or given any quarter if we are to expect victory!
    To God be the Glory

    • Carolyn Oppenheimer
      Carolyn Oppenheimer says:

      You are so right. Compromise has been a tool of Satan throughout the ages to weaken the preserving of good by the true Christian Church. May we on our watch stay pure and seek God’s help daily to be the true salt and light until we meet Jesus. We have a strategic job to do here as the remnant, and we need to do our job according to the Lord’s instructions, not according to secular reasoning etc. Carolyn in Grove City

      • Ernie Zenone Sr
        Ernie Zenone Sr says:

        Divine providence makes all the difference in the world as we go through trials and afflictions! Otherwise it’s falalism and God is merely a Watchmaker who winds the clock of history and then has nothing to do with it. My parents came from Sicily and I grew up in this dark world of the ‘evil eye’ and superstition. The Bible was a feared book in my home. What mercy the Lord showed to save me and believe His Word!

  3. Ernie Zenone Sr
    Ernie Zenone Sr says:

    I agree that we have hope because of the ‘remnant’ of faithful Christians who pray ‘day and night’ that the Lord would not destroy our nation for our rejection of His Word. (Judgment begins with us, the church – 1 Peter 4:17. I also believe that a large part of the problem is that many Christians have not been DISCIPLED! I am an elder in my church, and an ex Jehovah’s Witness, and I lead members of our church in door to door sharing of the gospel. We meet so many nominal Christians who do not want to go to church, are not reading their Bible’s and are unable to ‘earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints” – Jude 3. We need BOTH faithful Pastors and faithful church members to obey that command! Amen? Also, one of my biggest disappointments since I was saved after leaving Jehovah’s Witnesses is to see how few churches have any organized evangelistic outreach! We are the TRUE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES. So we need also to be a witnessing body of believers. There is a great harvest out there with many nominal Christians! You can read about my testimony at FREE MINDS.

    • Ernie Zenone Sr.
      Ernie Zenone Sr. says:

      Hi Pastor Waters:
      I began an evangelistic outreach at my church in 2010. We go door to door and also in public areas such as a train station near our church. I began with ‘practice sessions’ at our church, where I had one member act as a homeowner and I would demonstrate how to witness. The practice sessions are designed to help those who have never witnessed in an ongoing outreach. The first issue with most is: fear! So I also spent a lot of time trying to help church members to look to the Holy Spirit as the One who will bless you, even with the simplest words!
      Our usual method door to door is to have one who is experienced with a new or inexperienced member. We pray before going out and also as we go door to door, especially after we witness to someone. I’ve seen many instances of members who just want to go along with me and feel inadequate suddenly share in the witness at a door! Then I’d say: “See what you just did? Who helped you to do this? The Holy Sprit!” So, much comes from just going out and seeing members coming out of their shell as they watch me witness. As a former Jehovah’s Witness, I did this for 24 years, going from door to door!
      My first suggestion is to have a prayer meeting with those who would like to learn. Prayer is the foundation! Then have practice sessions.
      My presentation if going door to door is to first introduce us as members of our church. We also wear T Shirts with the question: “ARE YOU GOOD ENOUGH TO GO TO HEAVEN?” and beneath Romans 3:10 quoted beneath on the front. I suggest this so that people will not confuse us with JW’s who go door to door so often. On the back of our T shirt is the name of our church, address, phone and web site! So, some kind of T shirt that would indicate that you are not JW’s helps. So after introducing ourselves I will ask them: “If you were to die today, what would you say to God if He asked you, “Why should I let you into my heaven?”, what would you say?” (Or a variation of this) Most people say they are good enough for various reasons. Then I ask: “Would you like to read God’s answer to this question?” And then show them and read Romans 3:10 We have tracts “ARE YOU GOOD ENOUGH TO GO TO HEAVEN?” that I designed that are brief. There about 3 questions on it, and Scripture quotes under each question. I have found so many Bible tracts are too wordy. “Brevity is the soul of wit’!
      I can send more information, but, first I want to know if this is helpful for you. Please let me know. Also, and I know you know this brother: PRAY! I pray that the Lord would give a PASSION to my church members to witness. I will pray for our Lord’s blessing on your efforts that your church, along with so many others, would be a WITNESSING church!


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