by Dr. Gary Dull**
Originally posted on the Christian Post website HERE.
In the past few weeks, people all around the world have become familiar with coronavirus (COVID-19), which has resulted in great fear and concern by many. And just when we think we have learned all there is to know about COVID-19, a new day comes, and we find out something else that results in even greater concern. Only God knows how serious this virus is and how many people will be infected by it in the near future.
As a pastor, I have had many come to me with concerns about how COVID-19 can and should be approached. In addition, I have received numerous suggestions from various ministry, medical and governmental sources offering guidelines to adapt what eventually may bring a resolve to this tragic worldwide situation.
I thank God for those in the medical science field who are searching for a solution to COVID-19. I am also grateful for political leaders who are attempting to provide direction that will keep the general citizenry informed, calm and peaceful. But I realize that those of us who are in pastoral ministry have a great responsibility before God to provide the spiritual leadership necessary to guide America through this tragic circumstance.
Certainly, there is no lack of secular advice being given as to how to approach COVID-19. But I believe the ultimate approach should be from the biblical perspective that presents God’s way of dealing with this issue. Yes, we need to look at COVID-19 through the eyes of a biblical worldview.
One passage of Scripture to consider is Psalm 91, which teaches how God takes care of His own. Take time to read all 16 verses of this precious passage. To summarize the psalm, we are told that those who belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ dwell in the inner sanctum of the presence of God, who protects them as a mother bird cares for her young under her wings. The promise is that no evil shall befall them because God will keep them in all of their ways. Through God’s grace, love and mercy, He will “set them on high” and show them his salvation that involves the deliverance through whatever may come their way. This applies to COVID-19 and all other trials of life.
Realizing God’s promise to provide for His own as taught in Psalm 91, and then trusting God to keep His Word, as He always does, will erase the greatest of all fear, anxiety and panic in the hearts of the deeply concerned.
Experts from the site found that an overdose of Valium is accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as CNS depression. Such a phenomenon can be of different severity, starting with drowsiness and ending with coma. Also, when taking large dosages of the drug, the patient may have hypotension, confusion and respiratory depression.
So how does one get to the place of trusting God and seeing His provision? Perhaps remembering the following facts about God will help.
- God is in control. So depend upon Him to do what is right.
- God has a purpose. So watch for Him to work.
- God will provide. So trust in Him to deliver.
- God has a mission. So declare His truth abroad.
- God has a remedy. So praise Him for what He will do.
Even though there is a lot of advice being given in the world as to how to approach COVID-19, the sooner one focuses on Who God is, what God expects and how God works, and then is convinced of the fact that God causes, allows and directs all things according to His sovereign plan, the more one will experience the strength, hope, peace, comfort and confidence that only God can provide.
As Philippians 4:6,7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Yes, those who follow that comforting admonition from Scripture will surely experience all the provision of God that is needed to face COVID-19 or any other troublesome issue that will come upon us in life.
Remember the words of the old hymn written by Civilla D. Martin that says:
“Be not dismayed what-e’re be-tide, God will take care of you.
Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.
“Through days of toil when heart does fail, God will take care of you.
When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you.
“All you may need he will provide, God will take care of you.
Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you.”
**Gary G. Dull is executive director of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network, board member of the American Pastors Network and co-host of APN’s “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program. He pastors Faith Baptist Church of Altoona.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Approaching COVID-19 from a Biblical Perspective
/0 Comments/in Blog /by News Roomby Dr. Gary Dull**
Originally posted on the Christian Post website HERE.
In the past few weeks, people all around the world have become familiar with coronavirus (COVID-19), which has resulted in great fear and concern by many. And just when we think we have learned all there is to know about COVID-19, a new day comes, and we find out something else that results in even greater concern. Only God knows how serious this virus is and how many people will be infected by it in the near future.
As a pastor, I have had many come to me with concerns about how COVID-19 can and should be approached. In addition, I have received numerous suggestions from various ministry, medical and governmental sources offering guidelines to adapt what eventually may bring a resolve to this tragic worldwide situation.
I thank God for those in the medical science field who are searching for a solution to COVID-19. I am also grateful for political leaders who are attempting to provide direction that will keep the general citizenry informed, calm and peaceful. But I realize that those of us who are in pastoral ministry have a great responsibility before God to provide the spiritual leadership necessary to guide America through this tragic circumstance.
Certainly, there is no lack of secular advice being given as to how to approach COVID-19. But I believe the ultimate approach should be from the biblical perspective that presents God’s way of dealing with this issue. Yes, we need to look at COVID-19 through the eyes of a biblical worldview.
One passage of Scripture to consider is Psalm 91, which teaches how God takes care of His own. Take time to read all 16 verses of this precious passage. To summarize the psalm, we are told that those who belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ dwell in the inner sanctum of the presence of God, who protects them as a mother bird cares for her young under her wings. The promise is that no evil shall befall them because God will keep them in all of their ways. Through God’s grace, love and mercy, He will “set them on high” and show them his salvation that involves the deliverance through whatever may come their way. This applies to COVID-19 and all other trials of life.
Realizing God’s promise to provide for His own as taught in Psalm 91, and then trusting God to keep His Word, as He always does, will erase the greatest of all fear, anxiety and panic in the hearts of the deeply concerned.
Experts from the site found that an overdose of Valium is accompanied by such an unpleasant symptom as CNS depression. Such a phenomenon can be of different severity, starting with drowsiness and ending with coma. Also, when taking large dosages of the drug, the patient may have hypotension, confusion and respiratory depression.
So how does one get to the place of trusting God and seeing His provision? Perhaps remembering the following facts about God will help.
Even though there is a lot of advice being given in the world as to how to approach COVID-19, the sooner one focuses on Who God is, what God expects and how God works, and then is convinced of the fact that God causes, allows and directs all things according to His sovereign plan, the more one will experience the strength, hope, peace, comfort and confidence that only God can provide.
As Philippians 4:6,7 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Yes, those who follow that comforting admonition from Scripture will surely experience all the provision of God that is needed to face COVID-19 or any other troublesome issue that will come upon us in life.
Remember the words of the old hymn written by Civilla D. Martin that says:
“Be not dismayed what-e’re be-tide, God will take care of you.
Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.
“Through days of toil when heart does fail, God will take care of you.
When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you.
“All you may need he will provide, God will take care of you.
Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you.”
**Gary G. Dull is executive director of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network, board member of the American Pastors Network and co-host of APN’s “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program. He pastors Faith Baptist Church of Altoona.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Guidance for Churches and Religious Institutions Facing Coronavirus Restrictions on Gathering
/0 Comments/in Blog /by News RoomThe following information is reprinted by permission from First Liberty. To read and/or print the original document, please click HERE.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has motivated some state officials to impose restrictions on the gathering of large numbers of people in one place at a time, including in a house of worship. Unlike other, voluntary restrictions self-imposed by organizations such as the NCAA or the NBA, these state-mandated restrictions carry the power of law, violating them may lead to legal consequences.
Church and state have an opportunity to work together to reduce the impact of the virus on our communities while encouraging calm and preserving liberty. We offer the following guidance:
How Do Americans Feel About the Church Experience?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomGoing to church on Sunday morning with family has been part of the American culture for generations. But Sunday morning traditions are changing, along with attitudes and habits, as well as wants and needs, regarding church attendance.
For these reasons, the American Pastors Network (APN) is particularly interested in new Barna Research on “Five Trends Defining Americans’ Relationship to Churches.” Some of the trends include “church hopping,” differing opinions on the value of church, expectations about the outcomes of going to church, the importance of church on younger generations and the perception of the Church’s relevance to the community.
APN President Sam Rohrer says the drastic changes in people’s connections to their churches dramatically impact pastors.
“Nearly every pastor in America will likely report that the nation’s ‘church culture’ has shifted significantly over the past 20 years,” Rohrer said. “No longer is a deep, family connection to a local church the norm. In a society where we experience on-demand technology and up-to-the-minute communication, the wants and needs of churchgoers have changed as well. This affects pastors, not only in how they lead and preach, but in how they work to engage people to spread the message of the Gospel.
“Because of these cultural shifts,” he added, “pastors experience challenges that are new and foreign to many of them. It can be a constant struggle to ‘figure out’ what people want when they attend church. What moves them to action and what causes them to stay and be engaged?”
For decades, Barna has conducted research specifically on churches and church leaders, uncovering what they and others believe about their role in the church, as well as shedding light on their concerns and aspirations for both the local church. The most recent study on trends is part of Barna’s State of the Church 2020 project, a year-long examination of the spiritual and religious trends that define American life.
The five uncovered trends include the following:
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
How Will Millennials Raise Children in Today’s Complex Culture?
/0 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomWhat’s on the heart of America’s pastors? What are their concerns, fears, worries and aspirations for their churches?
New Barna research sheds light on these very questions, and the American Pastors Network (APN) is using the information to get a better sense of the priorities of the pastors they serve.
The research found that of all pastoral concerns, the top—at 51%—was reaching a younger audience.
APN President Sam Rohrer says this revealing response is likely due to several reasons.
“It’s not surprising that pastors are most concerned about reaching the young generation,” Rohrer said. “From a very practical standpoint, they are the future of the church. They will be making business, education and political decisions for years to come. Secondly, additional Barna research shows that the number of millennials who hold a biblical worldview is miniscule, at just 4%. Therefore, there’s an urgency to bring this young generation back into the church’s fold and to equip them with the tools needed to know their own faith and share it with others. And third, pastors have the serious task of ministering to young adults who are raising children of their own in a very complex culture. As these young families grow, a biblical worldview and sound faith is of utmost importance.”
For decades, Barna has conducted research specifically on U.S. church leaders, uncovering what they and others believe about their role in the church, as well as shedding light on their concerns and aspirations for both the local church and the church in the U.S.
The recent findings are part of Barna’s State of the Church 2020 project, which discovered the following insights when presented with a list of possible challenges facing their church today:
Is God a Capitalist?
/1 Comment/in Blog /by News RoomThis article was originally published on the Charisma News website HERE.
by Sam Rohrer
Many on both sides of the political coin have reservations about the talk of socialism creeping into the 2020 presidential election conversations.
As the topic of socialism has become more prevalent in America, the American Pastors Network (APN) has explored the hot-button issue on its popular daily radio program, Stand in the Gap Today, which airs on over 400 radio stations nationwide; many carry the show live from noon to 1 p.m. ET.
APN President Sam Rohrer says if he made the bold statement, “God is a capitalist,” how would many react? Agree or disagree? Be indifferent? Have to consider the question further?
“Or how about these questions: ‘Does the Bible teach the tenets of capitalism?’ ‘Does God hate communism and its younger sister socialism?'” Rohrer added. “These issues are confronting the American people and our entire perspective of freedom—capitalism versus socialism—moral versus evil. Many discuss these questions politically, economically and emotionally. But we should be looking at it biblically—from the pages of Scripture—as well.”
Rohrer added that there is a basic case to be made that God and the Bible support capitalism, why it is moral, albeit not the perfect economic system, and why the foundational principles of capitalism are moral and why socialism, communism and all the other forms of collectivism are evil.
“The Bernie Sanderses and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezes of the world want to be a part of a ‘mass movement,’ a movement to embrace socialism and tyrannical big government and a movement to upend capitalism,” Rohrer said. “However, the Constitution rests on the foundation of capitalism and free enterprise, so this ‘movement’ has the aim to jettison all remaining vestiges of the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our laws and view of life, the environment, the home and marriage as defined by God as Creator and giver of all rights. It is a movement to reject the reality of absolute moral truth accountability to God and to embrace government as God. It’s also the elimination of the right to private property, the hinge pin of God’s design for capitalism and the bottom-line hatred of socialists and communists. After all, it was Karl Marx himself who said in his Communist Manifesto, ‘the theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.'”
Additionally, Rohrer said, the national rejection of God in the courtroom, classroom and public square is producing consequences beyond our imagination. The rise of the popularity of socialism and tyrannical government is but one indication, with radical environmentalism another.
“But as economic systems are concerned, the contrast between socialism/communism and capitalism hinges on the matter of private property,” Rohrer said. “Our founders knew this and it is why the debate at the introduction of the Declaration of Independence was so intense, as it stated, ‘We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the ‘ownership of private property,’ which was ultimately agreed to as ‘the pursuit of happiness.’ Understanding what God says about private property should dispel any support for socialism by anyone who fears God and believes the Bible.”
Rohrer added that while God embraces the tenets from which came the economic system called capitalism, thereby making capitalism moral, it also of necessity makes socialism, communism or “-ism” immoral and, therefore, evil.
“It is no accident that socialism in any form rejects God as God, God as Creator and God as the ultimate owner of all creation,” Rohrer said. “Under communism or socialism, ‘profit’ is a dirty word when it applies to individuals operating under capitalism and free enterprise. But capitalism is not perfect, because man is sinful, and government is always trying to control the other areas of individual, family, the church and commerce. But we must remain focused on the fact that God has delegated to man—not government—the role of steward or manager over creation and the environment. It is no accident that the profit—the rewards—of proper management of that property will result in prosperity, blessing and the ability for individuals to bless their neighbors, the poor and the needy, and to provide the tithe and offerings to the church to do what the church is to do.”
Photo by Didier Weemaels on Unsplash
Five Moral Principles of Marriage for National Marriage Week
/0 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomFor Christians, says American Pastors Network President Sam Rohrer, defending marriage between one man and one woman may seem easy. Whether examined historically, physiologically, emotionally, economically or morally, biblical marriage is best.
“But the moral argument is strongest because it precedes and underpins all others,” Rohrer says.
As the nation observes National Marriage Week Feb. 7-14, APN hopes all couples—married or soon-to-be-married—will consider five moral principles of marriage that Christians must not only understand and live out but also nurture and defend in the culture.
God’s plan is best because God alone is Truth, Creator and Judge.
“Our opinion on marriage doesn’t really matter,” Rohrer says. “We have no vote, but we do have a choice. As the Source of all Authority, God’s plan for male and female, marriage, human sexuality, children and family prevails. Only He has the right to legitimately define it and to demand that we observe it.”
Biblical marriage is the cornerstone of authority in human society.
“God’s foundation for societal order is upheld first by the pillar of family authority, then civil, then church authority—all nurtured by God’s purpose and limitation for each,” notes Rohrer. “No nation can be blessed by God without strong families. No family can be strong without a strong marriage at the center. And no marriage can be strong without following God’s plan for marriage.”
This principle presumes one man and one woman, united and committed, as one flesh—before God.
“Therefore,” Roher adds, “no government possesses the authority to legally alter or redefine marriage or family. It has no more moral or jurisdictional authority to redefine marriage than to declare natural law invalid or declare immoral actions, such as theft, murder or rape, moral.”
Heterosexual infidelity, sex outside marriage, homosexuality or marriage between multiple men or woman all violate God’s order.
“No violation or variation of marriage or engagement in human sexuality, other than within the bounds of marriage between one man and one woman, is acceptable without bringing predictable consequences to individuals, communities and nations,” Rohrer says.
God declares that physical marriage between one man and one woman is holy and mirrors the spiritual relationship between Christ and the Church.
“God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ and His relationship to the church is the picture of true love and unity between God and man—and why all efforts to redefine God’s design is a direct attack on God Himself, His plan of redemption and Jesus Christ,” Rohrer concludes.
Rohrer adds that the American Pastors Network emphasizes the authority of Scripture for deciding all issues, including marriage, and urges pastors and parents to defend and live out God’s model in their pulpits and in their homes.
In this vein, APN hopes thousands will join the ministry for its national prayer movement called “52 Tuesdays,” in which the faithful from around the country will come together to pray for the moral and spiritual renewal of our nation every Tuesday leading up to Election Day 2020.
This dedicated season of prayer not only addresses the important 2020 presidential election but also other topics close to Christians’ hearts, such as marriage and family. Prayer warriors nationwide can add their name to the growing “52 Tuesdays” list here.
‘Stand in the Gap’ Television Show from American Pastors Network Now Airing on Pure Flix
/0 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomThe “Stand in the Gap” television program from the American Pastors Network, which is already reaching millions of potential viewers on several networks, is now available to about a quarter of a million additional households after debuting on the Christian entertainment streaming service Pure Flix on Feb. 1.
“Stand in the Gap TV” considers transcending complex and divisive cultural issues, seemingly difficult to navigate, from a biblical worldview perspective while bringing clarity to cultural confusion and making sense of the nonsense around us.
APN President Sam Rohrer and “Stand in the Gap TV” co-host said the new platform allows many more faith-minded families to consider cultural issues from a biblical perspective.
“The American Pastors Network is thrilled, humbled and honored that our ‘Stand in the Gap TV’ program now has the opportunity to reach so many more Christian families through Pure Flix,” Rohrer said. “Families with a biblical worldview are searching for programming that will strengthen their faith and help them to defend their beliefs on a variety of issues in our complex culture. We give God all the glory for opening doors to grow ‘Stand in the Gap’ programming through the American Pastors Network.”
The first “Stand in the Gap TV” series available on Pure Flix will be episodes in the “Crisis: Immigration” series, which began streaming Feb. 1. This series that focuses this misunderstood and emotional issue—one that is no longer political but also religious—may be found in the “Recently Added” lineup of programming or subscribers may search for “Stand in the Gap.”
Additional “Stand in the Gap TV” series to air on Pure Flix will include the following:
Besides the “Stand in the Gap TV” programming, Pure Flix will air “Stand in the Gap Minute” videos weekly on its Facebook Watch and Facebook Uplift & Serve pages. Viewers will be pointed toward the home page to watch the videos with short snippets of biblical truth on a variety of topics.
Pure Flix’s mix of family-friendly and Christian entertainment includes movies for all ages, kid’s animated titles, documentaries, inspirational and much more. All titles are delivered in the highest resolution possible with a user-friendly experience on a variety of devices. Learn more about a free trial of Pure Flix here.
Pastors and Churches Must Understand Biblical and Moral Responsibility of Safety
/0 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomIn the wake of a tragic church shooting in Texas just after Christmas that left a congregation and a community devastated, many churches are beginning the new year on a somber note when it comes to considering safety and security.
Following other sad and shocking acts of violence in churches over recent years, the American Pastors Network (APN), the largest national network dedicated to equipping pastors to be a voice for truth in the public square, took a lead in helping pastors and church leaders work through a perplexing societal problem.
“Unfortunately, church security is now a pressing matter in our nation,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “No longer can we fully count on the peaceful and serene sanctuary of the church. It’s clear that those with evil intentions, whether against the church itself or those inside, have sought to steal and kill and destroy, as we witnessed at West Freeway Church of Christ in a Fort Worth, Texas, suburb. We live in a culture where our churches must seriously think about how to keep people safe. Just as a shepherd carries a staff to guard his sheep, so must every pastor employ ways to protect his flock.”
Rohrer and other APN leaders have developed 10 recommendations for churches to consider when it comes to the important matter of church security.
Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash
American Pastors Network: Israel and U.S. Share Commonality of Political Turmoil
/0 Comments/in Release /by News RoomWhile many Americans dread the drama leading up to American presidential elections every four years, Israel is heading for its third election in less than one year.
And the American Pastors Network (APN) says the two nations currently share at least one commonality—political turmoil. APN follows news about Israel closely, especially as it relates to American politics and American Christians—and in light of the fact that Israel will be one of the most important 2020 election issues. In fact, APN focuses on Israel at least once a week on its daily “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program, which airs on about 400 stations nationwide, as well as addresses news coming out of the Middle East from a biblical and constitutional perspective.
“If we think Washington, D.C., and the American political system is in turmoil—and it is—the Israeli political system is perhaps in greater turmoil, having been unable to form a working parliament and now being forced to proceed to a third general national election in less than 12 months,” Rohrer said. “For Israel, however, this government crisis continues in the midst of imminent war with Iran and it’s coalition members. This developing situation is significant for Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and the entire Middle East. Earlier this month, the world marked the two-year anniversary of President Trump declaring the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Linked together and with other facts, Biblical prophecy is literally coming alive before our eyes.”
Since the historic move in May 2018 to dissolve the parliament when Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to form a majority government, each succeeding month has been historic, Rohrer noted. Moving into a second election in September, then still unable to form a government, the nation now moves to a third election scheduled for March 2.
“What is also troubling,” Rohrer added, “is that Israel sits at the precipice of war with Iran and its Islamic neighbors, the acting prime minister is being hounded by his political enemies and is under indictment for bribery, and there is no one at the moment who seems posed to be able to rule the nation. Understanding that Israel is even in existence because of a miracle of God Himself, many may wonder if the disfunction and concerning status of the Israeli government is unknown to God. Unfortunately, there appears to be no reason to believe that another election will produce any different results. This is a serious and significant political crisis for Israel.”
Additionally, Rohrer said, Netanyahu’s enemies have seemed to fuel the current crisis with legal challenges and allegations of bribery against him. Yet, even in the midst of this, Netanyahu has been very bold and continues to warn the world about Iran.
According to The Times of Israel, Netanyahu said on Dec. 1, that “While the Iranian regime is killing its own people, European countries rush to support that very murderous regime.”
“The enemies of Israel—led by Iran—must be taking advantage of this situation,” Rohrer said. “Another report indicated that Iran is building massive tunnels in Syria for the storage of Iranian missiles. The Pentagon is also considering sending thousands more U.S. military personnel to the Syrian/Iraqi border to fortify resistance against Iranian expansion. This continued military build-up has both geo-political and prophetical meaning.”
With ongoing headlines from Israel, Rohrer added that American Christians should remain supportive of Israel and pray for peace.
“Christians should be more engaged, more passionate and more prayerful when it comes to Israel,” he added. “We know God draws people in and calls them to be involved and that the American connection to Israel is blessed by God. Therefore, we should also link these two nations together and their impending elections in prayer. If Christians don’t have a heart for Israel, they should. If they don’t have a heart for our own country, they should.”
American Pastors Network: God Calls Churches, Pastors and People in the Pews to ‘Stand in the Gap’ for Life
/2 Comments/in Blog, Release /by News RoomWhile Christians are called to protect God-given life every minute of every day, the month of January places an important, historical significance on this biblical charge. Since Jan. 22, 1973, when the landmark Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in America, upwards of 60 million babies have lost their lives.
During Sanctity of Human Life Month in January, the American Pastors Network (APN) is reminding churches, pastors and people in the pews of their responsibility to stand up for the unborn. After all, says APN President Sam Rohrer, Scripture reminds believers that a child is developed in God’s image at the point of conception.
“While politicians often debate pro-life laws based on the point of conception, Scripture reveals God’s view of life in its earliest words,” Rohrer said in this week’s “Stand in the Gap Minute” radio series. “Genesis 1:27 notes that God created people in His image. This includes life from the point of creation—or conception. The issue is not the timing at which life is sacred, but the fact that all human life is sacred from the moment of creation. For example, how many know that a newly developing child’s heartbeat exists at just 22 days? This is before most women even know they are pregnant. We dare not turn a blind eye to those created in God’s image. Rather, God’s Word repeatedly highlights the value of human life. We are created on purpose and for His purposes.”
Rohrer went onto say that this realization takes on a new meaning when humans are aware that God participated in every moment of their creation. The Christian foundation of the pro-life movement is based on God’s view of our lives, and Psalm 139 reveals key details.
“God ‘forms’ our inward parts,” Rohrer said. “He ‘knits’ us together in the womb. Verse 16 of this Psalm notes, ‘Your eyes saw my unformed substance.’ God’s view is exceedingly more detailed than the greatest ultrasound! Because God values our lives at such an early stage and with intricate detail, we can conclude we are to care for children in the womb with a similar attitude. The preborn child deserves our highest protection and greatest devotion.
“Therefore, God’s people must not grow weary in standing for life,” he added. “We must take a clear stand for those whose lives need our help the most. Likewise in Scripture, Proverbs 31:8 commands us to ‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.’ Though the original context addresses those in poverty, the principle also applies to protecting preborn children from abortion. These children cannot speak for themselves—but we can and must! When we are afraid or doubtful that our voices don’t matter, we must reconsider. Every time we speak up, we give another child a better chance to live. Yes, God is calling us to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
Rohrer also noted that even though upwards of 60 million American children have been murdered in the security of their mother’s womb since Roe v. Wade—or one abortion every 30 seconds—some good news has emerged. Between 2011 and 2017, the number of abortions declined by 19% in the United States.
“One important factor is the number of local volunteers serving in pregnancy care centers,” Rohrer added. “Despite little change at the federal level during this time, individuals across our nation have helped mothers facing difficult pregnancy situations. It reminds me of the woman who anointed Jesus with oil. Though others mocked her, Jesus responded, ‘She did what she could.’ When you and I ‘do what we can’ to save lives, our seemingly small actions result in tremendous impact. How we live today matters, and God’s Word indicates our action is vital.”
Rohrer concluded by pointing to Jeremiah 1, where God called the prophet with the words, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”
“God has a plan for our lives,” Rohrer said. “However, the scourge of abortion continues to destroy countless lives each year before they can impact our world. Who knows how many scientists, artists, ministers and other world leaders have disappeared through legalized murder? We dare not passively watch as our nation continues to destroy those created in His image. Indecision is a decision to allow abortion to continue. Yet we can serve together to make a difference. God’s people must lead the way in saving lives. Don’t wait. Lives are counting on it.”
Photo by Chayene Rafaela on Unsplash