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Know God, Serve God and Seek God in the New Year

 Just a few days into the New Year, many Americans are trying to keep the resolutions they made as the clock struck midnight in the waning minutes of 2014.

Studies show that many of those resolutions will fall by the wayside in less than a month. In fact, according to a University of Scranton “Journal of Clinical Psychology” study conducted last New Year’s Day, of the 45 percent who make New Year’s resolutions, just three-quarters will keep them for a week. One month after the start of the year, about two-thirds will abandon those goals, and six months down the road, less than half will maintain those commitments.

But one resolution that’s worth keeping is the straightforward advice David gave to his son, Solomon, in the Old Testament so many years ago. The simple, three-step lesson is still applicable today. 

American Pastors Network (APN, President Sam Rohrer talked about the resolution-worthy lesson of David in a recent APN daily “Stand in the Gap” radio feature, heard on more than 40 stations around the country. This month, the American Family Radio Network will begin airing the one-hour APN program, “Stand in the Gap Weekend,” bringing APN’s radio presence to more than 180 stations. 

“With Christmas behind us, we now anticipate a New Year,” said Rohrer, who is also President of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, “This is a great time to look back and then plan ahead. The most simple yet powerful recipe for success and assurance of God’s blessing in the New Year is King David’s advice to his son, Solomon.” 

In 1 Chronicles 28:9, Rohrer continued, King David told his son to know God, serve God and seek God. Rohrer added that, especially as the New Year approaches, APN encourages pastors to teach God’s plan for blessing and prosperity contained in the simple principle of obedience to God’s word. 

David encouraged Solomon to “know God,” not just in his head, but personally. He also taught his son to “serve God,” not half-heartedly, but with all his heart and mind. Finally, David told Solomon to “seek God” every day for wisdom, strength and favor.

“When we think of the sometimes self-centered, materialistic resolutions we make,” Rohrer said, “this one will not only bring us closer to God, but permeate every other area of our lives. That’s a resolution worth keeping all year long.”

Christmas is More than a Baby and a Tree

Even Christmas trees make news in December.

For example, one town in Pennsylvania has embraced its “Charlie Brown” tree, and residents have come together to show that even the lowliest of conditions can turn into something special.

Reading, Pa., has decided to keep its “ugly” official city Christmas tree after residents at first balked at the 50-foot Norway spruce with its bare spots and asymmetrical branches. At the outset, the Berks County community wanted to trade in the tree for a more fitting specimen. After all, Pennsylvania is one of the largest producers of Christmas trees in the nation. Even the White House Christmas tree this year came from the Keystone State.

But rather than strive for a “perfect” tree, the city decided to give the tree a little love, just as the characters in the classic holiday special “A Charlie Brown Christmas” did. Workers wrapped the base of the tree in a blue blanket, and this past weekend, city residents gathered together to give the tree some love and some decorations.

It’s a lesson that not everything is perfect at Christmas—and it’s not all about the tree—or even a baby.

The Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, reminds all of us that Christmas is not about trees or gifts or even a baby in a manger.

“The prophet Isaiah said, ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, but He is much more,” said Sam Rohrer, President of PPN and the American Pastors Network (APN, “Look beyond the baby in the manger this Christmas; look beyond the tree. As Isaiah said, ‘Upon this baby’s shoulder is laid the government that shall last forever, for this baby is also the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. He’s the King of Kings who will one day rule with a rod of iron.

“While the world entertains the babe in the manger and focuses on the lighted tree, it rejects Jesus Christ as King,” Rohrer continued. “As a baby, He comes in love and offers salvation for all who believe, but for those who don’t, He’ll sit as the Great Judge in all His justice. We must be ready to meet Him at the stable but worship and obey Him like the King He is.”

American Pastors Network: At Christmas, We Can All Be Sons and Daughters of God

As the calendar pages fall away in December, children can hardly contain their excitement for Christmas—sometimes counting down the days until it’s time for presents, sweet treats and special time with family. Even adults get in on the waiting game, as we anticipate giving our loved ones special gifts we’ve picked out just for them and seeing family members perhaps from far away.

But remember who played the greatest waiting game of all, reminds the American Pastors Network (APN,—Mary and Joseph.

“With Christmas just a few days away, the anticipation builds for all of us,” said APN President Sam Rohrer during a recent “Stand in the Gap” radio broadcast. “It was even more so for Mary and Joseph. Can you imagine being told by an angel not to be afraid, even though your baby’s name would be Emanuel, or ‘God with us,’ because the baby’s father was God the Holy Spirit?

“Marvel at this amazing miracle,” continued Rohrer, also President of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, “God, the Creator of human life, becomes the Father to His Son, Jesus, the Son of God, who came to die so that if we believe in Him, we can also become a son of God. Just think—God in the flesh dies for our sins so we can became a son to God, His Father—now our Father—but brothers and joint heirs with Jesus Himself. Rejoice in the amazing fact that it is possible to become a son of God. Are you? You can be.”

Rohrer added that Christmas is a wonderful reminder of the gift Christ gave to all of us through the offering of His salvation. It’s a timeless gift, but one that is so much more meaningful at Christmas

Anti-Christian Bullseye on Nativity Scenes Meets Its Match

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is at it again, attempting to force two American towns to remove their nativity scenes from near government buildings. But Jay, Fla. and Brookville, Ind. have no intention of removing the real meaning of Christmas from public display.

 Instead, the City of Jay declared the nativity scene as surplus property, which was then acquired by the Santa Rosa County Ministerial Association. It now stands at a busy corner at the town’s main stop light—ironic, say nativity supporters, because many more people will see it there.

 Brookville is going a step further and ignoring FFRF’s letters and instead rallying around its nativity. The town even planned a candlelight walk for this past Saturday as a show of support.

 American Pastors Network (APN, says FFRF’s actions are a direct attack not simply on religion but on religious liberty in America.

“Anyone who actually takes time to study our nation’s history and read the writings of our founders—not the interpretations of those writings written two hundred years later—knows that religious liberty and the acknowledgement of Almighty God as the source of that liberty are the bulwark of our nation,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “Threats like these against towns that want to display nativities are a blatant attack on our God-given and constitutionally protected freedoms.”

 “Groups like FFRF base their arguments on the sound bite of ‘separation of church and state,’ but again, history proves these arguments wrong, as Thomas Jefferson’s famous ‘wall’ was in response to the sincere concerns of the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut that religious freedom might be considered a favor granted by government rather than an inalienable right given by God. FFRF would do well to remember that Jefferson himself attended congressionally approved church services held in the U.S. Capitol building itself—the seat of American government. The truth remains that public displays of the nativity scene on government property in no way violate the Constitution. FFRF’s attempts to stifle religious liberty, however, do.”

In 2012, FFRF also targeted a nativity scene in the town of Century, about 25 miles from Jay. In Century, the nativity was also purchased by a church, placed on donated property and illuminated with donated electricity.

Rumblings about Israel Sanctions Prompt Demands for Answers

Politicians, supporters of Israel and the faithful in general are expressing deep concern amid reports that President Barack Obama and his administration are considering sanctions against Israel for new construction in the West Bank.

American Pastors Network (APN, says any U.S. sanctions against Israel would be dangerous on many levels.

“We simply cannot ignore the biblical significance of standing with God’s chosen people in Israel,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “What America does in relationship to the support of Israel is the difference between experiencing God’s blessing or God’s judgment on our nation.”  

“Additionally, from a pure policy perspective, any suggestion of sanctions against Israel is an inexcusable and grave misstep in the United States’ relationship with Israel, who has long been our strongest ally in the Middle East and who continues to be the only truly democratic nation in that region and the only nation in the Middle East that allows true religious freedom.”

Dozens of Members of Congress came out in strong opposition to possible sanctions, with at least 48 Members signing onto a letter demanding the President clarify his actions and intentions.

According to a story on, the Obama administration has repeatedly said it disapproves of Israel’s decision to build new homes in east Jerusalem and that this construction undermines the peace process. On Friday, White House officials refused to confirm or deny reports, albeit ambiguous and from anonymous sources, that they are considering sanctions against Israel.

The Times of Israel reprinted a portion of a letter to the President from 48 U.S. Representatives, led by Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina.

“Recent reports suggest that your administration has held classified meetings over the past several weeks to discuss the possibility of imposing sanctions against Israel for its decision to construct homes in East Jerusalem,” the letter read. “Israel is one of our strongest allies, and the mere notion that the administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome.”

Over the weekend, the Rev. Dave Kistler, president of the North Carolina Pastors Network, a state chapter of APN, and president and HOPE Ministries International, wrote about the possible sanctions and the global significance.

“Without doubt, the last three days have been ones of incredible activity on the part of the forces of evil,” Kistler said, referring to further reports of ISIS violence. “As well, in a stunning move, the United States may be seriously considering sanctions against our best ally in the world—Israel—for continuing to build settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. The absolute tragedy is that this proposed move would announce the severing of the final thread that is keeping America from the pit of God’s undiluted judgment—our unequivocal support for God’s chosen people.”

Kistler added that many in the evangelical community are adopting an ambivalent attitude, if not outright animosity, toward Israel, based on an errant belief in “Replacement Theology,” or the teaching that the Christian church has replaced Israel regarding the plan, purpose and promises of God. This doctrine, he says, is all too pervasive within the Christian church. In fact, Genesis 12 is just as applicable today as when it was written: “I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those that curse thee.”

“These developments underscore the desperate need for God’s preachers to stand boldly and proclaim clearly the undiluted word of God,” Kistler said. “Now is the time for God’s men and women to ‘cry aloud, spare not and lift up (their) voice like a trumpet’ in unearthing sin and declaring the whole counsel of God. Anything less will never facilitate revival. And anything less is disobedience to the great God who has called us to be His spokesmen.”

The One Must-Have Gift

American Pastors Network: Remember the Real Message
of Christmas Amid the Hustle and Bustle

 Still in the early weeks of December, the hustle and bustle of Christmastime has already begun. Baking and shopping, parties and family gatherings, even some snow shoveling and windshield scraping. 

But the American Pastors Network (APN, reminds Christians everywhere to remember that in the mist of all the activity and shopping, there is truly only one must-have gift. 

“Christmastime brings with it a sense of joy and celebration. But let us not forget the greatest gift ever given, Jesus Christ,” said Sam Rohrer, President of APN. “As James 1:17 reminds us, ‘Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.’ Our culture has become so overrun with the need to ‘give the perfect gift,’ but the truth is that the most perfect gift, Jesus, has already been given to us. As we are in the midst of Advent – of this waiting season – this is a wonderful message for all of us to remember, the Good News of Jesus Christ.”

Rohrer recently urged Christians to approach Christmas with God’s view in mind in the daily American Pastors Network one-minute “Stand in the Gap” radio feature, titled “Christmas Starts with Redemption.”

“What does Christmas mean to you?” asked Rohrer. “At creation, when God created man and gave him life, he planned to give him even more—a Redeemer. You see, the Christmas gift promised at creation was a demonstration of the love and mercy of God to a fallen and sinful race. ‘For God so loved that world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ Because He loves us, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Creator, lowered Himself to become like the created—wholly God yet wholly man. Christmas should be all about the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.”


December 2014 Pulpit Champion-Rev. Todd Johnson

The American Pastors Network announces it’s Pulpit Champion for the month of December, 2014, Rev. Todd Johnson.

Johnson is Senior Pastor of the First Immanuel Baptist Church in North Philadelphia and a member of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network Leadership Council. He is also the host and producer of LaSalle University’s community talk show “Bridging the Gap” and has served as Chaplain of the Philadelphia Black Republican Council.


“Todd Johnson is an exceptional leader in the Philadelphia area and beyond,” said Sam Rohrer, President of APN and the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, “He is unequivocally committed to the authority of Scripture, uncompromisingly dedicated to serving his congregation and unafraid to teach the full Word of God as it pertains to every realm—including spiritual, cultural, and social. APN is pleased to name Todd Johnson as our December Pulpit Champion.” 


According to APN, Johnson has demonstrated a desire to promote the mission, vision and purpose of the American Pastors Network, which is to affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues, examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in our political process on a non-partisan basis.


APN recently asked Rev. Johnson why he believes it’s important for pastors to speak out on issues affecting the culture. Johnson replied, “I think pastors should speak out to the issues of the day because people need to hear from God’s Word and God’s people concerning the soul of the matter, which is, ‘What does the Bible say?’”


Johnson noted that his life verse is Luke 4:18: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free (NIV).”


Rev. Johnson graduated from Frankford High School in Philadelphia and Geneva College in western Pennsylvania, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Urban Ministry. Johnson also studied at Reformed Theological Seminary and has an extensive background as a stand-up comic after graduating from Cabaret School of Comedy. He is the former President of BANA and a Belfield Area Neighborhood Association Member of the Lehigh Wrestling Club. 

Thank you, Rev. Todd Johnson, for being our Pulpit Champion of the month!

American Pastors Network Calls for Return to Biblical Constraint in Upholding Justice

PHILADELPHIA—Soon after the city of Ferguson, Mo., announced that police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted on homicide charges for the death of Michael Brown, lawlessness erupted on the streets.

In the hours and days after the announcement, protestors—some of whom turned violent—burned locally owned businesses and police cruisers, despite the pleas of local pastors, the NAACP and Brown’s family to keep the protests peaceful. By Wednesday, about 45 had been arrested and countless buildings burned to the ground.

Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network (APN,, says the problem is one of lawlessness masquerading as justice, both in Ferguson and around the country.

“From the very highest levels of government to the streets of Ferguson, we are witnessing the practical repudiation of the rule of law, moral law and constitutional civil law under the false pretense of justice,” Rohrer said. “Our nation, in this ‘Holy Experiment’ of self-government as envisioned by William Penn, was possible, he said, only if the citizens submitted themselves to the 10 Commandments of God. This developing love affair with lawlessness not only threatens our very republic but also will be judged by God Himself. It must be repudiated by all who fear God and love freedom, from the White House to the row house.”

Rohrer adds that any consideration for truth and biblical justice regarding current events—in Ferguson or in the White House and other situations—is conspicuously missing.

“Unless our citizens and leaders direct their energies to the good of others and submit themselves to God’s moral law, lawlessness will continue. If the interest is to preserve our freedom, then duty and responsibility, not license, must be embraced and demonstrated. Where there is no fear of God, there can be no freedom.”

Todd Johnson, a member of the APN leadership council and the pastor of First Immanuel Baptist Church in North Philadelphia, echoed these thoughts.

“When a law is broken, the way to fix it is not to riot or destroy property but to demonstrate peaceably,” Johnson said. “Lawlessness never leads to justice, only to anarchy.” 


The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Public Community Foundation registered nationwide).

Pennsylvania Pastors Network is a state chapter affiliate of the American Pastors Network.


To interview Sam Rohrer, President of American Pastors Network andPennsylvania Pastors Network, contact Deborah Hamilton, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.


American Pastors Network: Thankfulness— A Command, Not a Suggestion

 APN Demonstrates How to Be Thankful in all Things 

 PHILADELPHIA—It may be difficult to be thankful in a world full of sin and strife, but American Pastors Network (APN, is reminding Christians this Thanksgiving season that thanking God daily is much more than something we should do—it’s something we must do.

 “Later this week, we’ll celebrate Thanksgiving Day,” said APN President Sam Rohrer in one of APN’s recent “Stand in the Gap” radio features, “but giving thanks to God every day is important for many reasons. First, it’s a command. In I Thessalonians 5:18, we’re told to give thanks in everything, for this is God’s will. Giving thanks in all circumstances in the life of a Christian is sometimes hard to do. In sickness, in disease, in poverty and persecution? Yes! 

“Job was a man who lost his children and his possessions, and even his wife told him to curse God and die, but Job did what God commands us to do,” Rohrer continued. “He praised God in the midst of the most horrible of circumstances. You see, God’s strength is most evident and his power most awesome when we’re weak and in greatest need. If you trust in the Lord and thank Him for all things, your light will shine bright. This is God’s will.”


The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Public Community Foundation registered nationwide).

Pennsylvania Pastors Network is a state chapter affiliate of the American Pastors Network.

American Pastors Network Marks Year of Growth and Impact

PHILADELPHIA—More than a year after its formation, American Pastors Network (APN, is looking back at the issues that touched Americans and how APN has responded—in word and in deed—and looking ahead to increasing its impact on the culture, nationwide and beyond. 

“As we reflect on nearly 14 months since our inception, American Pastors Network has taken the lead on many pressing cultural and societal issues from a Biblical and constitutional perspective,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “From protecting the sanctity of marriage here in America to helping our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine, APN is committed to fulfilling our mission of encouraging, equipping and educating pastors and church members, urging them to ‘Stand in the Gap for Truth.’ At the same time, APN will continually strive to provide Bible-based and constitutionally consistent insight on matters that affect all of us every day.

 “Our ‘Ministers Together’ program bridges the gap between ‘Church and State’ and rebuilds the biblical worldview perspective as ordained by God.  It is a prime example of how we are working to bring together pastors, who uniquely possess the command to ‘Preach the Word’ (II Tim. 4:2), and those in elected office, who are not just ‘politicians’ but who occupy an equally ordained position as ‘Ministers of God,’ with the clear job description of servants of God and God’s servants to the people (Rom 13:4).” 

APN’s first official move as a new organization in September 2013 was hosting a press conference regarding the forum on “Politics, Religion, And LGBT Equality” in North Carolina, organized by gay activist and business/furniture mogul Mitchell Gold. The event, which included CNN news personality Wolf Blitzer as the moderator and two liberal North Carolina pastors, aimed to tell the public that attitudes in the Christian church are becoming more favorable toward the LGTB community. APN’s press conference countered this claim with biblical truths and explained what God’s word says about marriage and human sexuality.  

Then in February, APN supported 100 pastors in Michigan who were standing for marriage protection in their state. And APN helped lead the effort in Pennsylvania to urge Gov. Tom Corbett to defend his state’s Defense of Marriage Act. Throughout the remainder of the year, APN commented extensively on issues such as the dangers of Islam and Sharia Law, abortion, religious liberties—including the Hobby Lobby ruling—and pastors’ freedom of speech rights. Issues in states from Indiana to Arizona and Idaho to Florida are the focus of the American Pastors Network as they continue to expand state networks across the U.S. 

APN also supported or participated in several pastor-focused events in 2014, including the “Washington—Man of Prayer” webcast event and National Day of Prayer in May; the Washington, D.C., March for Marriage in June; as well as October’s nationwide Pulpit Freedom Sunday initiative and the recent “I Stand Sunday” event, which supported the subpoenaed pastors in Houston. 

In 2014, APN also grew its radio program, “Stand in the Gap,” with both short daily features and a one-hour weekend program. By mid-summer, APN debuted its newest program, “Stand in the Gap—Freedom Focus,” a one-hour daily program consisting of national and international news analysis. APN radio programming now airs on more than 40 stations. 

“These efforts represent just the beginning of APN’s work to encourage pastors to speak Biblical Truth with a united voice into the family, the church and civil government,” Rohrer continued. “We are looking forward to continuing to build state chapters across the nation, with the goal of establishing 50 state chapters representing 100,000 pastors and 10 million Americans by mid-July 2016.”   

Taking the biblical principles of constitutional government beyond our nation’s borders, APN also has taken an active role in rebuilding the country of Ukraine—politically, culturally and spiritually. In June, APN was invited to host a leadership summit aimed at teaching pastors and elected officials about constitutional and biblical principles. Future summits focusing on education and the Constitution are in the works. 

As a result of the summit, Rohrer reported that Ukrainian governmental and pastoral leaders composed a 14-point resolution for President Petro Poroshenko, urging the nation to move forward and incorporate the principles presented at the summit into government reform and a new Ukrainian Constitution. In response, Poroshenko formed a Spiritual Restoration Committee.

To communicate its commitment to Ukraine, APN unveiled its special “Ukraine Initiative: Out of the Ashes | Freedom Reborn” web site at The web site is a centralized place for Ukraine updates and ongoing projects.


The American Pastors Network is a Ministry Program Affiliate of Capstone Legacy Foundation (a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Public Community Foundation registered nationwide).

Pennsylvania Pastors Network is a state chapter affiliate of the American Pastors Network.



To interview Sam Rohrer, President of American Pastors Network and Pennsylvania Pastors Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.