iVoterGuide Shares 6 Tips on How to Contact Congress
As the 117th Congress gets into full swing, iVoterGuide wants to make sure you’re well equipped to effectively contact your Members of Congress (MOCs) to stand up for the values and principles you hold dear.
Your senators will be voting whether to confirm Biden’s cabinet nominees. Some may hold values so abhorrent to you that you will want to fight their confirmation. Since confirmations occur in the Senate—not the House—you should only call your two senators to express opposition to cabinet nominees.
H.R. 1 is the disastrous legislation being pushed by the Left under the guise of “voter access.” From disallowing voter identification laws to allowing felons to vote and giving a green light to ballot harvesting, the bill contains many elements you may wish to oppose.
H.R. 5 is the so-called “Equality Act.” Not only does it provide special status and protections for LGBTQ individuals but also specifically overrides the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Every voter will have three Members to contact. The two U.S. Senators from your state and the Representative from your district can be found by using the following links:House: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact/
To save time, many people keep a “cheat sheet” — one document with all of the names and contact information that can be easily accessed multiple times.
Tip #1: Call the Direct Number
If possible, you should learn the direct number to your representatives’ offices rather than calling the switchboard. (The “cheat sheet” mentioned above helps greatly!) When you call directly, your number is displayed on caller ID. Simply put, Members care what you think because they need your vote. Staff quickly learn area codes and are more likely to take the call when they see it’s from their district/state.
Tip #2: Identify Yourself as Being From the District
No matter how you’re contacting your Member, always start by giving your zip code so the office knows you are in the district. If you do not live in a Member’s district, it’s best to rally your friends who DO live in the district rather than calling them yourself.If you need to leave a message, don’t hesitate to do so – but don’t forget to leave your zip code. As staffers listen to messages, they will tally the “yeses” and “noes” from people in the district, and the information will be passed on the member.You can fax! Some offices still have fax machines that are rarely used. Sending a fax can be a great way to reach those offices.
Tip #3: Be Specific
Be as specific as possible about what bill/issue you’re referring to and how you want them to vote. Brief is not bad. “I’m John Smith, a constituent in zip code XXXXX, and I’m calling to ask the Congressman to please vote no on H.R.1” is perfectly fine.
In most cases, the reason you oppose or support a bill is not relevant to your Member. It’s all about the numbers. At their best, Members are trying to represent the voters in their district, but now is not the time, for example, to try to convince your Member why they should be pro-life if they aren’t. The goal is for enough calls to come in regarding specific legislation that your Member believes could affect the outcome of his next election.
Tip #4: Be Timely
Your Member’s office is fielding so many calls that they have to find a way to prioritize. Call them when a bill addressing your issue is before the body.
Tip #5: Be Nice!
Remember that you will be speaking with staff or even an unpaid intern who might not even share the views of the Member. They also may be getting hundreds or thousands of calls. Respect, civility, and even kindness go a long way. People can rise very quickly in congressional offices. The staffer you talk to today might be the Chief of Staff next time you call, and they’ll remember who was nice to them when they were first starting out. Learn names. Take every opportunity to build a relationship. Being nice is also the best marketing any cause can have! Issues and stances are fairly judged by the people who espouse them. Be a light for your values – and for God.
Tip #6: Say “Thank You”
Don’t just call when you’re upset. If a member voted how you wanted them to vote, call back to thank them. We often only use the “stick” to try to motivate our members and forget that the “carrot” goes a long way, too! Call to say “thank you;” you’ll make someone’s day.
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
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