American Pastors Network: Many Will be Shocked at What God’s Word Says About Immigration and Borders
Borders and immigration are the top issues across the country right now, and Americans are viewing the headlines from moral, political, constitutional, humanitarian, financial and defensive perspectives.
The American Pastors Network (APN), however, says the answers to these hot-button issues are found in God’s unchanging Word—the Bible.
APN President Sam Rohrer has shared insight about the biblical guidance available on border security and immigration on the APN daily 60-second radio feature, “Stand in the Gap Minute,” heard on hundreds of stations nationwide. Rohrer and his radio co-hosts also frequently explore immigration and how it relates to both the Bible and the Constitution on the daily, live, one-hour radio program, “Stand in the Gap Today.”
“Immigration and border control issues dominate our news and divide our nation, but God is not divided nor is He confused on this or any issue—and we should not be either,” Rohrer says. “In fact, there are clear, biblical principles on why no one should be confused about God’s position on immigration and borders.”
In Acts 17:26, for example, Paul says that God established nations and borders. Daniel 2 says God raises up leaders and nations, and He puts them down.
“Without borders there’s no order, no law, no justice,” Rohrer adds. “Without borders, God’s promise to bless the nation whose God is the Lord could never occur. God’s plan of redemption revolves around nations. In time, God will judge all nations who reject Him. Is it any wonder that the coming antichrist and globalists demand open borders?”
If borders or walls are immoral—as even some religious leaders contend—then Nehemiah was wrong. And even more so, God Himself is wrong, because heaven has walls and gates, and Jesus says that whoever circumvents one gate and climbs in another way is a thief and robber.
“Borders are essential to nations,” Rohrer says. “In fact, the definition of nation includes a common language, a common view of God and common borders. God’s blessings and judgment are bestowed on individuals and nations. Therefore, borders and border control are essential to protect a nation’s citizens and should rise to the highest of concerns for those in civil authority.”
Additionally, the immigration controversy is not only political but moral. The Scripture passage most used to justify open borders and weak immigration policies is Leviticus 19:34, Rohrer says, where God commanded Israel to welcome the stranger or sojourner as one who’s native born.
“By itself,” Rohrer asserts, “this verse sounds compelling and unconditional, but it’s not. The Hebrew word for stranger in this text is ‘ger,’ and it means the immigrant wanting to assimilate—to embrace the God of Israel and their laws. King Solomon in II Chronicles 6:32 repeated this: ‘If a sojourner comes to the land ‘because of our God’ and prays in the temple … then welcome them in.’ To be welcome, immigrants must submit not rebel, fear God and not fight for atheism or Allah.”
The government has a unique duty to God and to the citizen—one might even call it a moral duty. Different from the Church’s duty to care for the sick and reach out to those who don’t yet know the God of heaven, government’s duty according to Romans 13 is to enact justice, enforce the law and protect the citizen.
“This is why God provided civil government with the sword of justice,” Rohrer says. “This is, in part, why we are to pray for those in authority—that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives and because they are accountable to God. God’s Word does hold all the answers about borders, immigration and much more, we just need to read God’s instruction for our lives and our nation, take them to heart and follow them.”
Additionally, Rohrer was featured in a commentary for Charisma News, which asked: “What Is the Truth Concerning Americans’ Wants and Needs for Immigration and Secure Borders?”
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